
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办





Bob: Hi,John, are you free? Are you willing to have a cup of drink with me now?


John: Yeah, it sounds you are angry now,what is the matter?


Bob: Don't mention it, I quarrelled with my father just now.And I really want to give him a good lesson.


John: Why? He is your father.


Bob: I know,but he is going too far,he flicked my mother a blow on her face.


John: Although he was wrong to do that,Do you know why he did that?


Bob: I don’t know,moreover ,I don’t care about that.


John: I think you’ve been misled, at any rate ,you should make it clear.


Bob: Maybe you are right,I will cope with it.


John: Good luck to you.










Hello, everyone, I’m Liu Dongdong. I’m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I.

My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news.

My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life.

I’ m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him.






I love English我喜欢英语

Good morning everyone,

may I have your attention,please? I am very happy to be here. My name is .I'm .My topic is I love English.

As everyone knows,English is very important today.If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.

But for myself , I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it.When I speak English,I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

I love English,it gives me a colorful dream. I hope I can travel around the world one day.

I am sure that my dream will come true one day!

Thank you!


Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation. 大家好,我是Severn Suzuki,我代表儿童环境组织来此演讲。

We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference:VanessaSuttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future. 我们是一个十三四岁的小群体,我们想改变些什么:Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg和我。我们自己挣钱支持我们来到这里,旅行5000英里只为告诉你们成年人,你们必须改变你们的生活方式。今天我来到这里,我背后没有任何经纪人,我们为我们的未来而战。

Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come. 失去未来不像落选选举或者股市浮动那么简单,我来到这里是为了将来所有的世代而演讲。

I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. 我演讲是为了世界所有忍受饥饿的儿童,而他们的哭泣却无人听见。

I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard. 我为这个行星上无数正在垂死的动物而演讲,因为它们几乎已经无处容身了。

I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don't know what chemicals are in it. 我现在害怕晒太阳,因为臭氧层出现了空洞。我现在害怕呼吸空气,因为我不知道那里有多少化学物质。

I used to go fishing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day -- vanishing forever. 以前和我爸爸经常在vancouver钓鱼,但在近几年却发现鱼的身上到处是癌细胞。我们每天都会听说有的动物和植物绝种,那是永远消失的事情。

In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterfilies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see. 我一生的梦想就是能看到成群的野生动物,茂盛的丛林和大片的雨林中到处是鸟类和蝴蝶在飞舞。但是现在我想知道我们这些小孩是否还能再看到它们?

Did you have to worry about these little things when you were my age? 在您那个年代,您曾经担心过我们现在担心的事吗?

All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions. I'm only a child and I don't have all the solutions, but I want you to realise, neither do you! 所有这一切就发生在我们眼前,然而我们还是一直向大自然无度索取我们所需要的。我仅仅是个孩子,我不知道该怎么办。但我们这些孩子——这个星球的未来需要让您认识到,您不能说没办法!

You don't know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don't know how to bring salmon back up a dead stream. You don't know how to bring back an anim

al now extinct.And you can't bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix it, please stop breaking it! 您不知道怎么去修补大气的臭氧空洞,您也不知道怎么去从死亡的河流中拯救鱼类,您更不知道如何把灭绝的动物复苏,您也不能把沙漠中从前完整的森林带回来。如果您不知道如何拯救,那么请您停止破坏吧!

Here, you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organisers, reporters or poiticians - but really you are mothers and fathers, brothers and sister, aunts and uncles - and all of you are somebody's child. 在这里,您可能是您政府商业人士的代表、组织者、记者或政客。但您们也是父亲和母亲、兄弟和姐妹、阿姨和叔叔,你们都会或多或少的为了下一代而活着。

I'm only a child yet I know we are all part of a family, five billion strong, in fact, 30 million species strong and we all share the same air, water and soil -- borders and governments will never change that. 我只是一个小孩,但我知道我们都是一个大家庭的成员,超过60亿人的大家庭,以及超过三千万物种的大家庭,政府和国界永远都无法改变这个事实。

I'm only a child yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal. 我身为小孩都知道,我们在地球的母亲怀中都是孩子。我们应该为了相同的目的进行相同的行动!

In my anger, I am not blind, and in my fear, I am not afraid to tell the world how I feel. 然而事实却让我很愤怒,但我也很清醒,我虽然害怕,但我敢于告诉世界我真实的感受。

In my country, we make so much waste, we buy and throw away, buy and throw away, and yet northern countries will not share with the needy. Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to lose some of our wealth, afraid to share. 在我的祖国,我们制造了如此之多的垃圾,我们购买商品,我们随之丢弃,买来,再丢弃。然而有些国家,有些人,却不会分享给那些真正需要的人们,甚至他们拥有的远远超过自身需要的时候。他们害怕分享,害怕失去自己的财富。

In Canada, we live the privileged life, with plenty of food, water and shelter—we have watches, bicycles, computers and television sets. 在加拿大,他们过着特权般的生活,他们有很多食物、房子和水。他们拥有很多手表,汽车,各种电器和奢侈品。

Two days ago here in Brazil, we were shocked when we spent some time with some children living on the streets. And this is what one child told us: "I wish I was rich and if I were, I would give all the street children food, clothes, medicine, shelter and love and affection." 在巴西,我被2天前见到的情景震惊了,那时我和当地的小孩在玩耍,其中一个小孩说:“我希望我能富裕起来,然后我会给这个街道所有的小孩饭吃,给他们衣服穿,医疗,住房和爱”。

If a child on the street who has nothing, is willing to share, why are we who have everyting still so greedy? 如果一个孩子在自己一无所有的时候都能愿意分享,为什么拥有一切的大人


I can't stop thinking that these children are my age, that it makes a tremendous difference where you are born, that I could be one of those children living in the Favellas of Rio; I could be a child starving in Somalia; a victim of war in the Middle East or a beggar in India. 我永远不能忘记这些和我同龄的孩子,当你出生的时候,他和我们真的很不相同,我也许生活在贫民窟,也可能是终日饿着肚子的.小孩,也可能是中东战争的牺牲品,或者印度的小乞丐。

I'm only a child yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be! 我只是一个小孩,然而我知道,要是把花在战争上的钱,用在找寻环境问题答案上来,或用在结束贫穷并找到解决的方案上来,这个星球将是个多么美好的地方啊!

At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us to behave in the world. You teach us: not to fight with others, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share - not be greedy. 在学校,甚至在幼稚园,你们大人教我们如何处世,你们告诉我们不要打架,要尊重对方。找出答案,解决矛盾。去分享,而不是贪婪。

Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do? 你们大人为什么去做与你们教导孩子相反的事情呢?

Do not forget why you're attending these conferences, who you're doing this for -- we are your own children. You are deciding what kind of world we will grow up in. Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying "everyting's going to be alright" , "we're doing the best we can" and "it's not the end of the world". 不要忘记你们为何而来到这里开会,你们为谁做事情?我们是你们的下一代,你们正在决定我们将要在一个什么样的环境中成长,父母需要能够宽慰孩子们,告诉他们“一切都没问题,那不是世界末日,我们正在尽其所能的改变”。

But I don't think you can say that to us anymore. Are we even on your list of priorities? My father always says "You are what you do, not what you say." 但我不能再相信这样的话了,孩子们还是你们的优选名单吗?我爸爸总是说:“听其言,观其行,是认识一个人最好的方法”。

Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown ups say you love us. I challenge you, please make your actions reflect your words. Thank you for listening. 然而,你们所做的事让我在夜晚哭泣,你们成年人说你们爱我们,我不会再相信了,因为只有行动和语言的合一,才是找回信任和未来的唯一方法!谢谢!



"Shua Shua"


The performance today to now for half an hour, every little friends present serious look at performance, discipline, each one of you kids are the best! Give yourself a round of applause, the net program will play, a dynamic "Shua Shua" gave everyone, welcome large classes of children!



1. abc corporation. may i help you?


这句话算是制式的讲法.一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字"abc corporation",然后再说, "may i help you?"或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说"how can i help you?" (我该怎么帮你?),因为这样的问法表示我‘该'怎么帮你,而非我‘需不需要'帮你?但基本上"may i help you?"跟"how can i help you?"都很常见就是了.

不过如果是机器接的电话,则听到的多半是这样, "thanks for calling abc corporation, if you know your party's last name or extention, press 1. if you want to recieve information or publication, press 2. if you want to talk to the operator, press pound sign or remain on the line." (感谢你打电话到abc来,如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码,请按1,如果是想要本公司的简介或出版品,请按2,如果是要找总机,请按#,或是请别挂断.

2. and you are?


如果人家打电话来是要找你的上司, "may i talk to your manager?" (我能不能跟你们经理讲话?)这时你总不能糊里糊涂地就把电话拿给经理说,说不定人家是打电话来跟你经理勒索一百万的呢!所以通常我们一定要先确定打电话来的是谁.最客气的问法是, "whom i am speaking with?"或是"whom am i talking to?" (我正在跟谁讲话呢?)但是人家一听是像我这种小毛头打电话找他们经理,他们就会用比较口语的说法, "and you are?" (你是?)如果人家这样问我,我就可以答, "this is benlin."

像是"and you are?"这么口语的.英文书上大概学不到,但这却是老美天天在用的句子,只怕你学了之后还不敢用.其实真的不用怕.越简单的句子老美越听得懂.而且事实上"and you are?"这句话还有许多适用的场合,例如在公司的接待处(reception).来访的客人如果说, "i'm looking for mr. wolf." (我要找伍夫先生)接待小姐就可以反问他, "and you are?" (你是?)所以像这种简单又好用的句子大家一定要记起来喔!

3. i'll put her on the phone. just a second.


put someone on the phone这个片语就是说请某人听电话.例如你打电话找你女朋友,结果女朋友的同事接了电话,就开始跟你东扯西扯,问你们昨天是不是吵架了啊?什么时候要结婚啦,这时如果你实在不想跟她讲了,就可以说, "could you please just put her on the phone?" (你能不能请她来听电话啊?)反过来如果今天是你接到了电话,结果要找的是别人,你就可以说, "ok. i'll put her on the phone. just a second." (好,我会请她听电话,请稍等一下。)

上面讲的put someone on the phone,指的多半是只有一只电话时,但如果像公司里有许多分机,则用‘转接' transfer或是redirect.会比较恰当。例如同样的情况你可以说,"i'm transferring your call."或是"i'm redirecting your call." (我帮你转接到分机给她。)如果是接线生转接的话,他们有时就只简单地说,"one moment, please."或是, "ok. i'll put you through."

4. would you mind holding for one minute?


在美国如果有机会打电话给客户服务(customer service)部门,如果没意外的话都会听到以下的电话录音, "all of our representitives are currently busy serving their customers. your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes" (我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听你的电话),然后十分钟过去了, "please continue to hold, your call is very important to us." (请继续等候,你的来电对我们非常重要)。所以大家要知道,老美基本上对这种无止境的等待是深恶痛绝的,所以要记得,如果人家打电话来,千万不要因为听不懂就说, "hold on",然后就跑去求救兵,这对打电话来的人是十分不礼貌的。如果万不得已一定要请他稍候,我们要客气一点地说,"would you mind holding for one minute?"所以记得要给对方一个明确的时间,例如one second或是five minites不要让对方无止境地等下去。但是如果一分钟到了你还没忙完,则最好再说一次,"sorry, i am still on the phone. could you hold for another minute?" (对不起,我还在讲电话,能不能再请你稍候一分钟。)

5. he's out for lunch. would you like to try again an hour later?


受到中文的影响,许多人要讲某人‘出去'吃午餐了常会说成, "he went out for lunch."其实这个went是多余的,通常老美只讲be out for something就行了。如果要再简化一点,单说, "he is on lunch."或是"he is on (lunch) break." (他正在休息时间。)这样子也可以。

如果别人要找的人不在,通常我们有二种选择,第一种是请别人晚点再打来,除了像例句用try again/ call again之外,我们也可以用call back/ try back这样的讲法。例如你可以建议别人,"why don't you call back in 30 minutes?" (你何不30分钟后再打来呢?)第二种选择就是请对方留言,客气一点的讲法是,"may i take your message?"或是"would you like to leave a message?" (你想留言吗?)

arriving at a new job新人报到篇

key terms

1. get in——to arrive到达

2. commute——a regular journey to and from your place of work上下班

3. on board——as part of the team or organization加入

4. nerve-wracking——to make someone feel nervous or anxious令人不安的

5. small talk——light, informal conversation on non-controversial topics (people make small talk in order to be polite in social situations)闲聊

6. hit the ground running——to start a new endeavor at full speed, without wasting time立即展开行动

7. brief——to give essential information to someone简短说明

katharine arrives at her new office and introduces herself to her colleagues.

receptionist: hi there, may i help you?

katharine: yes, hi. i’m katharine brown, the new research assistant. i was told to ask for jacob smith when i got in.

receptionist: ah, of course. i’m barbara. it’s nice to meet you. jacob’s not available just yet, but he asked me to hand you over to ann while you wait for him. she’s in the conference room around the corner.

katharine: ok, thank you.

she walks to the conference room.

katharine: hi, i’m katharine. are you ann?

ann: yes, nice to meet you.

katharine: pleasure to meet you.

ann: did you have any trouble getting here?

katharine: oh, no; actually, it’s a very easy commute.

sample sentences

a. introducing yourself

1. james brady, nice to meet you.

2. i’m sara cooper. it’s a pleasure to meet you.

3. i’m your newest analyst, brian sandhurst.

4. my name’s leslie cooper; i believe i’m supposed to be meeting with aaron cantor to get started.

b. making small talk

5. welcome to the of?ce! we’re glad to have you on board.

6. don’t worry, the ?rst day is always a little nerve-wracking.

7. the weather looked beautiful on my way in. is it still nice out?

8. is this your ? rst time in our of?ce?

c. talking about yourself

9. i’m from seoul originally, but i’ve been living in the usa for the last four years.

10. i just graduated from business school and i’m really excited to be able to put my skills to work.

11. i’ve been working in sales for a number of years.

d. introducing someone to his or her work

12. we’re hoping you can hit the ground running, as we’ve got a lot to do here.

13. your supervisor will brief you on our current status.

14. for now, we would like you to focus on learning our customer service policies.







you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and youwill show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of yourlife. you will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. after all,you are thebest, and you deserve the best!

as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best thingsin the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. youmust do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take theactions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. i know you must doit, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out:

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!








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