
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办



1. 春天还没来得及完全展现自己的美丽,却被一股倒春寒给打压了。

2. 我们原以为春季的气息已经填满了空气,却没有料到倒春寒如此霸道,一举将它击败。

3. 温暖的春风被狂风所代替,花朵刚刚蓓蕾又被冷气给冻住了。

4. 倒春寒是个不速之客,给我们本应享受的春天留下了一丝忧伤。

5. 那些无助的花儿和树木,被倒春寒困在了冰冷的漆黑夜空下。

6. 在这个本应是绿野葱茏,美丽绝伦的季节,我们却被倒春寒给惊讶到了。

7. 春天是期待,是惊喜,可是有了倒春寒,一切都默认了。

8. 这个不期而遇的倒春寒,让一切都变得无望起来了。

9. 早春的小草还正努力地向上生长,却被狂风暴雨所所扰乱了。

10. 春天是生机盎然的季节,但是倒春寒在这里变成了情感的绝望和泪水。

11. 风、雨、冷在春天里搞了一出大破坏,所有的希望和信赖都被冰冻了。

12. 舒适的气氛在春天里十分重要,但是倒春寒引发的冷卻,却打破了所有的舒适。

13. 倒春寒是一种比喻,用它来表现春天过于清新的形象会更适合。

14. 人群在倒春寒中看上去更小,没有阳光,没有颜色,只有冷光和沉重。

15. 我们本应该记录这个春天,它那漂亮的时刻和美好的光芒,但却被倒春寒给翻了一倍。

16. 一个刚刚绽放的花朵似乎被吓了一跳,试图逃离倒春寒的覆盖。

17. She had to bundle up to go outside to do even the smallest errand in the cold, raw air. (她必须穿得很厚才敢去外面办个小事,因为空气实在是太冷太刺骨了。)

18. The return of arctic air, also known as the springtime polar vortex, is causing meteorologists to scramble for their coats, too. (北极气流的回归,也被称为春季极地涡旋,导致气象学家也不得不赶紧穿上衣服。)

19. She looked out the window at the grey sky and felt a sense of disappointment that spring had been so adamantly delayed. (她望着灰色的天空,感到很失望,春天被如此坚定地拖延了。)

20. Despite the fact that the trees were just beginning to bud, they were coated in layer upon layer of wet, heavy snow. (尽管树木刚刚开始发芽,但它们被厚厚的湿雪所覆盖。)

21. The cold gusts of wind were a constant reminder that winter wasn't quite done with us yet. (寒冷的阵风不断提醒我们,冬天还没有真正离开我们。)

22. The daffodils looked so out of place, bravely poking through the snow and ice that had blanketed the ground. (水仙花看起来很不协调,它们勇敢地从覆盖地面的雪与冰里伸出头来。)

23. She would have been content to curl up inside with a good book, but the chill outside made her feel cooped up and restless. (她本想在室内舒舒服服地看本好书,但外面寒意不断让她感到不自在和焦躁。)

24. Every time there was a glimmer of hope for warm weather, the temperature would plummet back down to bone-chilling lows. (每次出现温暖天气的希望时,温度就会回落到让人感到刺骨的低点。)

25. The only thing to be heard outside was the sound of freezing rain tapping on the windows and pavement. (外面唯一听得见的声音就是冰雨落在窗户和人行道上的敲击声。)

26. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck and wondered if this cold spell was ever going to end. (她把围巾绕在脖子上,想知道这阵冷空气究竟是不是永远都不会结束。)

27. The cherry blossoms had been eagerly anticipated, but the sudden snowstorm made them droop and wither away. (樱花一直被期待着,但突然的暴雪让它们枯萎了下来。)

28. It felt like Mother Nature was playing a cruel joke by withholding spring and delivering a bitter cold instead. (感觉上就像自然界在玩一个残忍的游戏,不给我们春天而是给我们剩下了一丝惨烈的寒冷。)

29. The flower in her hair wilted before the end of the day, unable to withstand the extreme temperature changes. (她头上的花在当天结束之前已经凋零了,无法承受剧烈的温度变化。)

30. The only activity you could really do outside was to build a snowman or go sledding; all other attempts at recreation were met with discomfort and shivers. (唯一能够在外面进行的活动,就是堆雪人或去滑雪;其他任何娱乐都会给人带来不适和颤栗。)

31. The ice-cold wind stole the breath from her lungs and numbed her fingers and toes within minutes. (冰凉的风让她的肺突然失去了呼吸,几分钟内她的手指和脚趾就麻木了。)

32. She thought this kind of chill was only reserved for deep winter, not the time when the earth was supposed to come alive again. (她原本以为这种寒冷只能在深冬时节存在,而不是在大地本应复苏的春天出现。)

33. The slushy roads and icy sidewalks made it dangerous to venture outside, even if you were bundled up in your warmest clothing. (泥泞不堪的道路和冰冷的人行道,不管你穿了多暖和,都让外出变得非常危险。)

34. Despite the fact that it was technically spring, the oppressive chill made it feel like the season never really arrived. (尽管从日历上讲,这已经是春天,但压抑的寒意让你觉得这个季节实际上从未真正到来。)

35. She shivered violently in her thin jacket, wondering why Mother Nature had decided to toy with her like this. (她穿着单薄的夹克,瑟瑟发抖,她不明白为什么自然界要这样玩弄她。)

36. The only animals she saw outside were the hardy squirrels and birds, who seemed to have adapted to the harsh conditions with ease. (她在外面看到的唯一动物就是那些适应了恶劣环境的坚韧松鼠和鸟儿。)

37. Normally excited to see the arrival of spring, she found herself feeling a sense of dread instead. (通常她对春天的到来充满期待,但现在她感到一种恐惧的情绪。)

38. The landscape was barren and lifeless, with no hints of greenery or growth to be seen. (这片景色是荒芜的和没有生命的,看不到任何绿色的迹象或生长的迹象。)

39. She hugged her knees tightly to her chest, trying to summon up some warmth and find comfort in her own body heat. (她紧紧地抱住膝盖,试图调动一些热量,找到自己体温的安慰。)

40. The flowers that most people associate with spring were nowhere to be found, replaced instead by heartier, cold-resistant blooms. (大多数人想到春天就会想到花,但化替代,是那些更具适应寒冷能力的花儿。)

41. She was beginning to wonder if the warm weather she'd been promised was just a figment of her imagination. (她开始怀疑温暖的天气仅仅是她想象出来的事。)WWW.djz525.com

42. The chill made her feel like she was being smothered by a giant block of ice, and she longed for the feeling of the sun on her skin. (这份冷意让她感觉自己像是被一块巨大的冰块所压迫着,她渴望感受阳光照在肌肤上的感觉。)

43. She feared that the delay of spring would eventually lead to a shortened summer, leaving her with even less time to enjoy the warmer months. (她担心春天的拖延会导致夏天被缩短,让她有更少的时间去享受温暖的季节。)

44. The trees looked like they were weeping from the weight of the ice that clung to their branches. (树木看起来好像正在因为挂在枝条上的冰的重量而哭泣。)

45. She dug out her thickest socks and layered on every warm piece of clothing she could find, but still felt like she was freezing from the inside out. (她找出她最厚的袜子,穿上所有能找到的暖和衣服,但仍然感觉好像从内部开始就冻僵了。)

46. The ice that coated the sidewalks and roads made her feel like she was walking on a frozen lake, rather than a busy city street. (覆盖在人行道和道路上的冰,让她感觉自己是在一个冰冻的湖上走路,而不是在繁忙的城市街道上。)

47. She rubbed her hands together frantically, hoping to generate enough heat to keep her fingers from going numb. (她疯狂地搓手,希望产生足够的热量,让她的手指不会麻木。)

48. The idea of sunbathing or swimming in the near future seemed like a distant dream, thanks to the unrelenting cold. (因为寒冷的不间断,泡日光浴和游泳的想法似乎成为了一个遥远的梦想。)

49. She wrapped herself in a blanket and tried to ignore the sounds of the wind and sleet battering against the windows. (她裹着毛毯,试图忽略被风和雨打击的窗户带来的声音。)

50. The air was so cold that it was almost tangible, making it hard to take a full breath without feeling like your lungs would freeze up. (空气是如此寒冷以至于它几乎是有形的,让人难以深吸一口气,害怕肺会被冻住。)

51. The phrase "spring fever" had never felt like more of a joke than it did now. (如果说以前“春病”的说法已经是开玩笑的话,那么现在还是更为荒唐的。)

52. She felt like she was in a real-life version of Frozen, with no enchanted powers to help her withstand the cold. (她觉得自己好像置身于冰雪奇缘中的世界,没有任何神奇的能力帮助她承受这么寒冷。)

53. The only plants that seemed to be surviving the cold were those that were hardy enough to tough out any amount of fluctuating weather. (仅有那些能够经受住任何样的变化性天气的坚韧植物,才似乎能在寒冷中生存下来。)

54. The cold had a way of seeping into everything, making even the warmest clothing feel like a thin, inadequate barrier. (寒冷有一种融入一切的方式,让即使是最暖和的衣服,也感觉像薄弱不足以支撑的隔离物。)

55. She sighed wistfully as she looked at pictures of beaches and bright, sunny skies, knowing that it would be months before she could enjoy those luxuries again. (她遗憾地叹息着,看着海滩和明亮晴朗的天空的图片,知道要过好几个月的时间,她才能再享受那些豪华享受。)

56. The only reason to venture outside was to stock up on supplies and huddle back indoors, where at least the heat was working properly. (唯一外面走动的理由就是买些补给,然后又缩回室内,在那里至少还能保温正常工作。)

57. She looked up at the sky, as if begging the sun to return and banish the cold forever. (她仰望着天空,仿佛在恳求太阳归来并永远驱散寒冷。)


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