
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




2、Music, the soul of mankind, only know the music of the people know how to live.

3、The characteristics can be fully demonstrated by those musical forms, such as the music that is played in Wa Zi Gou Lan(the place where dramas and operas play), tea shop and pot. 市民音乐以世俗化、平民化的独特个性在各个社会阶层的音乐活动中得到繁荣发展,瓦子勾栏音乐、茶坊酒肆音乐、节庆音乐活动等音乐形式可以充分地说明这些特点。

4、Children dance to music until the musics tops. 孩子们随着音乐跳舞,直到音乐停止。


6、The true meaning of art is to make people happy, to inspire and strength.


8、This song sounds melodious and sweet, pure and beautiful.


10、music: What's your favorite kind of music? song/music:描述一个童年时候你喜欢的音乐或者一首歌。 在早期教育里教孩子音乐对孩子有什么好处?


12、So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music 因此,学过两年音乐的孩子,他们的非文字记忆比没学过音乐的孩子要强得多,而继续学习音乐孩子的记忆会随之提高。

13、The child has a bent for music. 这孩子爱好音乐;这孩子有音乐天赋。


15、How wonderful the music symbols, sounds very simple, but after listening to soothing music, a riot of colours present natural melody brightly coloured, delicate, like a child's weird.

16、Music is a mirror of the soul, and is merciless mirror.


18、And it's more electronic music, showcasing different electronic music. 会有很多的电子音乐,展示不同的电子音乐。

19、in school, there are music lessons where students can take the chance to perform their talents

20、Music should have mistakes in it. 电子乐成为一种音乐真是个错误。


22、she said it was not that surprising that children studying music improved in musical listening skills more than children not studying music. 她说,毫无疑问学习过音乐的孩子在听音乐技巧上比没学过的孩子强。

23、The music of Le Tigre combines the loud, hostile guitar of punk music with electronic drums, piano and other aggressive sounds. 老虎乐队的音乐将朋克音乐中喧嚣狂暴的吉他和电子鼓、钢琴以及其他强劲的音乐元素有机地融合在一起。


25、The whale music everywhere, hear music in danger, just broke through the Arctic ice; cows infected in the music, to produce more milk; the grass will become more green in musicinfluencing; even the terminally ill patients will feel good to hear the music of many. If there were no music, there would not have had such a scene.



28、But it was his collaboration with music engineer David Cockerell that helped revolutionise electronic music. 他与电子音乐师大卫·考克柔的合作帮助电子音乐实现了大变革。


30、At the end of the language is where the music comes in.

31、Canon is the charm of flattery, let people feel comfortable, but also ease the pressure. Because of its melody, people feel very rational, but rational at the same time, there is a kind of emotional impulse. In good mood, bad mood, they can listen to the canon, whenever it can make people calm!


33、Much of the music today involves church music, also referred to as spirituals or gospel music. 今天他们的音乐掺入了许多教堂音乐,教堂音乐也被称作心灵音乐或福音音乐。 。


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