
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办





America is the largest economy in the world, followed closely by China.

描述如今全球经济现状,就是下滑低迷状态,距离复苏还有好几年时间。The world economy is in recession and it will last some years before it can recover.

中国经济的快速发展,为社会积累大量财富,也为国家赚取大量的外汇(foreign exchange),这些都非常有利于一个国家的发展,和人民生活水平的提高。

The vigorous economy in China helps to accumulate a great deal of social fortune, and earns large amount of foreign exchange, which will facilitate the rise of people’s living standards and the development of a whole country. (which在此处引导非限制性定语从句,代前面整个句子,很多学生定语从句中限制性从句用的很熟,但是对于非限制性的却很陌生)


China has accelerated its development at 8% per year, in recent quarters, however, the pace has been slowed down, which indicates China has shifted it top priority from pursuing development speed to sound growth.


If the economy develops soundly, more job opportunities will be created; if not, unemployment rate will rise. And the unemployed population accumulated annually will trigger a chaos eventually.

GDP每下降一个点, 社会就失去800万个就业岗位. 这个后果是像中国这样人口大国难以承受的.

As the GDP decreased by 1 percentage, we will lose 8 million jobs, which cannot be easily afforded by a country like China with such a large population.


Dear 题干人物,

My name is 落款人物, who is one of 题干中的人物关系. On behalf of 代表组织, I am writing the letter in purpose of inviting you to join 题干中的活动.

You are welcome to题干中的活动which will start at 时刻, on 月日, 年, in 地点, and this will be followed by 后续活动. 题干中的活动 will hold a lot of wonderful surprises for you, so make sure you join us then. If anything that I can do for you is needed, please feel free to contact me at any time. I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours,





欢迎你们参加将会在月日, 年,时刻,在地点进行的这个题干中的活动,题干中的活动之后,将会有后续活动。这个题干中的活动将会准备很多美妙的惊喜,所以你们一定要加入我们。如果任何需要我为你们做的事情,请随时联系我。我已经准备好了与你们就这个问题更多的细节进行讨论。





Two million international tourists visit New Zealand each year: that's one tourist for every two locals. Attracted by the country's natural beauty, they also find a thriving urban culture, and a society very much in touch with global trends. When we show our country to visitors, we are reminded of just how spectacular New Zealand is. Snow-capped mountains, golden beaches, shining lakes and ancient rainforests: it

really is just like the postcards. Because of our sparse population, it is always possible to find a peaceful spot to be alone with nature. One of the most popular holiday activities is camping: staying in tents or simple huts in the forest, or near a beach or river. Away from the noise and bustle of the city you can enjoy outdoor activities like fishing, walking and swimming.

每年有大约200万的国际旅游者到新西兰观光:每两个新西兰人就要接待一个旅游者。被新西兰自然美景吸引的观光游客还发现新西兰拥有日益繁荣的都市文化,也是一个紧随国际潮流的国家。当我们把新西兰展现给观光者时,我们也感受到它是如此的壮丽迷人。白雪皑皑的山脉、金色绵绵的沙滩、波光粼粼的湖泊,还有那古老的亚热带雨林:一切真的就像明信片一般美丽。我们人口稀少,因此要想找一个与大自然独处的宁静之地永远不成问题。在新西兰,最受欢迎的度假活动之一是野外露营:住在林间、海滨、河边的帐篷里或简单的小木屋里,远离城市的喧嚣和忙碌,你可以尽情享受各种室外活动,例如钓鱼、散步和游泳等。 6.九寨沟

Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.


Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.




there are many television programs in Taiwan today, from TV aeries, quiz shows, soap operas, movies to cartoons. Of all the programs, I like to watch cartoons the best, like Cartoon network, Disney and many others. I like to watch cartoons because they are funny and very interesting, especially when I am sad, tired or bored. I also like cartoon characters. they are so cute and vivid. We must use our imagination when we watch cartoons. Because they are often exaggerated, so you need to have a sense of humor


Hi, Susan,


We’re throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming’s birthday. I hope you can come and join us if it is convenient to you. The party will take place on Friday evening from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Students’ Club. During the party, we’ll sing “Happy Birthday” to him with the candle on. I am sure Xiaoming will be very happy and moved. After that, we’ll cut the birthday cake prepared for him in advance and share it together. What’s more, we decide to play some games afterwards. By the way, don’t forget to prepare a little gift when you come. I am sure we’ll enjoy ourselves together.


We are looking forward to your coming.




Li Hua



Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight days of ag

Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight days of age. They are taught to enter the cage through a trap and to exercise above and around the loft(鸽棚) , and gradually they are taken away for short distances in willow baskets and released. They are then expected to find their way home in the shortest possible time.

In their training flights or in actual races, the birds are taken to prearranged distant points and released to find their way back to their own lofts. Once the birds are liberated, their owners, who are standing by at the home lofts, anxiously watch the sky for the return of their entries. Since time is of the essence, the speed with which the birds can be induced to enter the loft trap may make the difference between gaining a win or a second place.

The head of a homing pigeon is comparatively small, but its brain is one quarter larger than that of the ordinary pigeon. The homing pigeon is very intelligent and will persevere to the point of stubbornness; some have been known to fly a hundred miles off course to avoid a storm.

Some homing pigeon experts claim that this bird is gifted with a form of built-in radar that helps it find its own loft after hours of flight, for hidden under the head feathers are two very sensitive ears, while the sharp, prominent eyes can see great distances in daytime.


1. It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to...

例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.

2. Only in this way/only when/only through..., will/can we...

例句:It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.

3. As long as..., we will be able to.../the problems is bound to...

例句:As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses, all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.

4. In the course of time/In a long run/In the long term, sth. is more likely/bound/sure to...

例句:In a long run, the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.

5. In a word, there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that...in time to come.

例句:In a word, there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.

6. Anything/anyone that/who...will have to...

例句:Anyone who has a strong bias against China will have to threat her with increased respect.

7. It is high time that...

例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.

8. We should do our best in eliminating...

例句:We should do our best in eliminating air pollution.

9. The problem is not...; the problem is...

例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it; the problem is that we hate to do such nasty things.

10.In order to..., we must...

例句:In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.

11.All the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that...

例句:All the above evidence goes to show that the birth of computer has benefited our life greatly.

12.No surprising/ It is apparent that the task of...demands/requires/deserves

attention/consideration. immediate/serious/considerable

例句:It is, therefore, apparent that the task of fighting against corruption requires considerable consideration now.

13.We can come to the conclusion that...

例句:We can come to the conclusion that living on campus is the best way of learning independence, and of understanding other people and society at large.

14.We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future... 例句:We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future, no child is forced out of school because of poverty.

15.My suggestion is that...; otherwise...

例句:My suggestion is that effective measures should be taken to check population growth; otherwise, the potential consequences are unimaginable.

16.As for me, I have always been taking care to... So, I...

例句:As for me, I have always been taking care to choose a goal and a right path before doing anything important. Then I will work hard and perseveringly. So, I have made some achievements and I will do better.

17.So I believe a...tomorrow...will be achieved through efforts of every person.

例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be achieved through efforts of every person.

18.Therefore, we should not only...but...as well.

例句:Therefore, we should not only realize that competition and cooperation, like two sides of the coin, have to go hand in hand, but fix more attention on how to make full use of cooperation as well.

19.In short, ...are the major problems to be solved to...

例句:In short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to increase grain production.

20.Who is to say that...?


Who is to say that our scientists may not provide a better theory?













he picture . What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture.

The discernable unhealthinediscloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s . One the one hand, . On the other hand, . As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us.

The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to . To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.

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