
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办











六年级英语下册课件 篇1

Lesson 30

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一)1. Four skills: ninth, September, October, November, December.

2. Three skills: September is the ninth month of the year.

3. Let's make.


4. Let's read and chant.

(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To teach the Ss how to say the ninth month to last month of the year.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. Words: ninth, September, October, November, December.

2. Sentence: September is the ninth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Communication Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Reading and writing.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:





六.Lesson type:

New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’)


2. Review the song: Wish You a Merry Christmas.

2. Presentation (20 ’)

1)Go over the words: 1~8月的拼写.

2)教师提问:How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt eight.They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August.Today we are going to learn the last four months of the year.

3)展示教学卡片:This is the ninth month of the year.It's September.领学生读单词,然后读句子:September is the ninth month of the year.


5)Play games:

1. T: Now,close your books and your eyes.Can you remember their names? Just try!让学生自由说月份名称。



6)教师准备放录音:Don't worry.Let's listen to the tapes.Listen carefully and try to remember the names of the last four months of the year.

7)Listen to the tape and repeat.

8)Just write.

3. Practice (10 ’)


2)Let's read and chant.

4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.



八. Blackboard design:

九. Back counting:


一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一) Fun story

以有趣的故事形式,通过Mimi, Micky的故事,综合再现本单元的核心学习内容,让学生在新的语境中再次强化所学内容,让学生体会到语言学习的乐趣,提高学习自信心,促成语言知识向言语技能的转化。

(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

3. To develop Ss’ ability of communication.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. The ability of Ss’ speaking and reading.

2. Ss can use them in the daily life.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:


2.准备Mimi, Micky两个动物的头饰。

六.Lesson type:复习课/巩固课

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (10’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about this unit.

2. Presentation (10 ’)


What month is this?提醒学生根据图画的背景来猜。如果有学生猜对,教师就及时表扬,同时把遮挡的小纸片拿下来。It's .... You are a clever boy / girl! How do you know it?让学生说出理由。

2)猜测完时间后,教师接着问学生:What is Mimi doing in this picture? What is Micky doing in this picture?每幅小图都问同样的问题,最后引导学生得出结论:Mimi likes reading. She reads many books. Micky likes playing. He never reads books.

3)教师准备放录音:There is an interesting story about Mimi and Micky.Do you want to know it? Let's listen!放录音让学生听。


5)Listen to the tape and repeat.

3. Practice (15 ’)


2)Play games.




4. Assessment

1.在分角色扮演Fun story时,适时给予奖励。

2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.


5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.



八. Blackboard design:

九. Back counting:

Uint 6 Winter is the white season.

六年级英语下册课件 篇2

Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一)1. Four skills: month, January, February, March, April.

2. Three skills: January is the first month of the year.

3. Let's make and talk.

制作相册。要求用以下句式进行交流:It’s January. She is skating. In March, the children plant trees.

4. Let's read and chant.

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To teach the Ss how to say the first month to fourth month of the year.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. Words: month, January, February, March, April.

2. Sentence: January is the first month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Communication Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Reading and writing.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:




七.Teaching Steps:

2)Review the words : January, February, March, April.

1)教师提问学生的生日:Whose birthday is in January / February / March/ April? 让生日在1~4月的学生到前边逐个介绍自己的生日,例如:Hi! I'm _.My birthday is in January.让下面的学生注意听,尽力记住每个人的生日月份(不能用笔记录)。然后学生按任意顺序站成一排,让下面的学生凭记忆说出他们的生日。从第一个开始,教师说This is .... Start! 学生开始抢答,答对者得一分。看看谁的瞬间记忆好。

2)把数量相等的1~4月的英语单词分别写在纸条上,然后学生抽签得到自己的月份,按照月份分成小组,以月份名称为组名,如January Group;各小组讨论在自己的月份里有哪些节日,学校有哪些活动,周围的人会进行哪些活动。用英语记下来,不会的可以用图画表示。最后向全班介绍展示讨论结果。

3)Just write.

1)教师请学生分成小组完成学生用书第50页的制作讨论活动。鼓励学生联想以前学过的句型来交流,例:Who is this? Where is he / she? Do you like ... ?

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book.


八. Blackboard design:

Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出5—8月。

(二)May is the fifth month of the year.

June is the sixth month of the year.

July is the seventh month of the year.

August is the eighth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:





七.Teaching Steps:

2)Review the words and sentences about January, February, March, April.


2)Talk about mouth. 请学生说出有关5~8月的相关信息,比如节日等,引导学生探究学习,并给予学生及时的鼓励。

3)Look, listen and read by themselves.


2.T:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.

4)Listen to the tape again and repeat.


1)Ask and answer. Practise in pairs.

Which is the fifth month of the year?

What holiday is in May?

Which is the sixth month of the year?

What holiday is in June?

Which is the seventh month of the year?

What holiday is in July?

Which is the eighth month of the year?

What holiday is in August?

2)Play a game.

猜月份游戏。学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上5—8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。


1. 小组讨论完毕,每组派一个同学上讲台总结汇报自己小组最喜欢的月份和节日,教师适当给予奖励。

2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book. ww w.Xk b1.c oM


八. Blackboard design:

Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一)1. Four skills: May, June, July, August, year.

2. Three skills: May is the fifth month of the year.

3. Let's draw and talk.

分组绘画。要求用以下句式进行交流: When is it? It’s in March. The children are performing.

4. Let's read and chant.

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To teach the Ss how to say the fifth month to eighth month of the year.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. Words: May, June, July, August, year.

2. Sentence: May is the fifth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Communication Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Reading and drawing.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:

1. 准备硬纸片;数量相等的5~8月的小纸条,按照学生人数准备每人一套。

2. 准备图画纸和彩笔。

3. 学生准备几张照片,是有5~8月日期的或是能反映出时间的。

4. 准备教师卡片和录音磁带。

七.Teaching Steps:

伴着Months of the Year这首歌曲,分小组作采访汇报:我们小组最喜欢的月份。

1)Ask and answer.

T: How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt four.They are January, February, March, and we are going to learn four new month names.Do you want to know them? Look!

2)T show the card:This is the fifth month of the year.It's May.领学生读单词,然后读句子:May is the fifth month of the year.


4)Play a game:出示5—8月的第一个英语字母,让学生猜是哪一个月份;老师说中文时,让学生说出英语,老师说英语时,让学生说中文,反复练习几次。

5)教师准备放录音:Don't worry.Let's listen to the tape.Listen carefully and try to remember the names of the months.

6)Listen to the tape and repeat.

7)Just write.


组织学生分组完成课本第53页的活动。可以分成May Group, June Group等。小组讨论自己月份的常见活动,然后用图画表现出来。最后小组成员一起编对话,展示给大家。

2)Let's read and chant.

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book.


八. Blackboard design:

六年级英语下册课件 篇3







































六年级英语下册课件 篇4

Lesson 9 The doctor’s advice 美食固然诱人,但有的人贪食,也有的人厌食。怎么样合理饮食,我们来看看医生的建议。通过这一课的学习,使学生懂得怎样健康饮食。学习句型:  The doctor gave them some advice. He can eat /drink...  He can’t eat/drink...掌握单词和短语:worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 本课我们要接触到动词的过去时态,要学生初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。学习字母 u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。 教学目的 : 1.会说会用这些句子:  The doctor gave them some advice.  He can  drink milk every day.  He can’t eat many sweets. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:    worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 3. 初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。 4.了解字母u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。 课前准备: 1.教师准备一张健康饮食的饮食计划 。 2.准备worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 的单词卡片和图片。 3.准备一个瘦子和一个健康小伙子两个手偶。 4. 录音机及录音带; 教学过程: 1. 热身(Warming up) 老师用一个瘦子和其朋友这两个手偶对话引出本课话题: ( A:一个朋友  B:一个瘦子) A:You look thin and weak. What’s the matter?   B:Nothing serious.I just don’t feel like to eat. A:Why?   B:I don’t feel hungry. A:You’d better go to the doctor’s. The doctor can give you some advice.   B:OK. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)  1)Jack is thin and weak.His mother is worried.    thin and weak又瘦又弱。  thin瘦的,和fat 为反义词。weak弱的,和 strong为反义词。   这两个形容词要用其反义词对比学习。   老师找出班上一个又高又胖的同学,指示他的身高,对着他/她说: You are tall. You look tall.   然后让全班同学一起说   Xx is tall. He/She looks tall.   指示他的胖胖的身体,对着他/她说: You are fat. You look  fat.   然后让全班同学一起说   Xx is  fat. He/She looks  fat. 老师找出班上 又瘦又矮的同学,只是这他的瘦瘦的身体,对着他说: You are thin. You look thin. 然后让全班同学一起说   Xx is thin. He/She looks thin.    指示着他的矮个,对着他说: You are  short. You look  short.   然后让全班同学一起说   Xx is short. He/She looks short.   老师展示一位虚弱的病人的图片,虚弱的老人的图片,让学生理解单词weak的意思。   老师再画一胖一瘦一对兄妹,哥哥又高又胖,妹妹又矮又瘦。老师引导学生一起描述他们:   Billy is fat but his sister is thin. Billy is tall but his sister is short. Billy is strong but  his sister is weak. 2) His mother is worried. be/feel worried 担心,忧愁 be worried about 为 …担忧。  比如:Don’t be worried about me .I can make it.别为我担心,我能搞定。 Mum is worried about his health.妈妈为他的身体担心。 3)They went to the doctor’s. went-go去。 went是 go的过去式。让学生初步了解过去时态:英语中要陈述过去的事情时,动词要用其过去式,称之为动词的过去时态。而经常性的行为才用一般现在时态。 如:I go to school  every day. I went to school yesterday. 我每天去学校是日常行为,用一般现在时态。而我昨天去学校就是过去的行为,用一般过去时态。 Mother often goes to the greengrocer’s. She went there this morning.她今早去菜市场已经是过去的事了,就要用一般过去时态。 the doctor’s 医院,诊所。 the hospital or the clinic    go to the doctor’s 去看病。 这是一种用名词所有格形式表示某人的家、店、诊所等现象。  如:my uncle’s 我叔叔家 Mir Smith’s 斯密斯先生家/的店 The barbar’s 理发店 说说句子,让学生理解、运用: I don’t feel well today. I’m going to the doctor’s.我今天感到难受,我打算去看医生。 4)The doctor gave them some advice.    gave-give 给。 gave 是 give 的过去式。  Dad gave me a birthday gift that day.It was lovely. And my uncle gave me a nice gift ,too. advice 不可数名词,建议的意思。注意这个单词的重音在第二个音节。第二个音节为重读开音节,i读长音/  /。字母组合ce读/  /。 give sb.some advice给某人一些建议。  follow one’s advice听从某人的建议。 I’ll give you some advice on the game. Would you follow it?我给你一些玩这个游戏的建议,你愿不愿意照着玩? 5) He can’t eat too many sweats. He can’t eat hot food. Then he will be healthy.  sweat形容词,甜得。名词,糖果。   hot热的,辣的。 hot food 辛辣食物。如:Sichuan food is very hot.  health名词,身体,健康。 heath-y形容词,健康的。 healthy life, healthy food 3. 巩固活动:   小组活动:把学生分成4-6人的小组,每组选一个同学当医生,其他同学一个一个去看医生。医生要视他们个人的`身体情况给他们一些饮食方面的建议。老师可以预先规定一些必用的句型和词汇,要求学生在活动中尽量多用。小组活动完之后,可以每组选一对同学在班上表演。  建议运用的句型和词汇:   thin and weak  fat and strong   be worried   go to the doctor’s   give sb. Good advice You can eat/drink…. You can’t eat/drink…. 4.听录音学习对话: Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)Why is Mrs King worried ?    ( Because her son is thin and weak..) 2)Where did they go? (They went to the doctor’s. )  3)Did the doctor give them any advice?  (Yes,he did.) 5.语音学习: 复习字母u在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中读 /  /的现象,如:bus  cup  duck  u在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音 /  /,如:  puple  student  excuse 读读下面的单词: tube  use  huge stupid   Lesson 10 Would you like to go outside with me?   如果你想建议别人干什么,你怎么说呢? 如果别人很客气的建议你干什么,你又怎么答复呢?学习句型:Would you like to go outside with me? That’s a good idea.I’d like to,but I must do the house work.学会这些词语:parents drawer string find go outside 教学目的 : 1.会说会用这些句子: Would you like to go outside with me? That’s a good idea. I’d like to,but I must do the house work. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:   parents drawer string find go outside 课前准备: 1.根据课文内容,教师准备一个课件。课件中的对话内容如下面句型词汇中所建议。 2:准备parents drawer string find go outside的单词卡片。 3.准备一些户外运动的图片  如:游泳,放风筝,踢足球,打乒乓,跳绳,打篮球,打排球,划船,爬山等。再准备一些活动类图片和一些空白卡片。   4. 准备俩个手偶,一个是妈妈,一个是女儿。 教学过程: 2. 热身(Warming up)   老师用手偶进行对话介绍本课主要内容。B是妈妈, A是女儿。  A:It’s sunny today.Mum,would you like to go outside and  play with me?   B:I’d like to,but I must do the housework now. A:Would you like to talk with me?   B:That’s a good idea. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)  播放课件,熟悉课文主要内容。   (Today is Saturday.It’s sunny and windy.Tom doesn’t need to go to school.He gets up early.He wants to go outside to play with his parents.)放着这段录音,画面上的汤姆早上起来,看看日历是星期六,再看看外面的天气,先跑过去找妈妈:   Tom:Mum,I want to fly a kite.I need some string.   Mum:It’s in the string.Can you find it?   Tom:Yes. Can you go outside and play with me?   Mum:I’d like to,but I must do the house work.  汤姆再跑去找爸爸。 Tom:Dad,Would you like to fly a kite with me? Dad:That’s a good idea.   Tom:Mum,please join us.We can help you do the housework.   Mum:That’s great.  1)  go outside 出去。 outside表示位置的副词,在外面,与 inside相反 可以这样用: go/play outside be outside come/go inside  be inside I’m waiting for you outside.我在外面等你.  Look outside the window.朝窗外看。  2)parent父或母的任意一方 parents父母双方 I live with my parents in the new flat. Mir Smith often comes back to see his old parents in the village. Alice went to England with her parents. 3)Where can I find a string? It’s in the drawer.  find 动词,找到,注重于找的结果。 look for 寻找,注重于找的过程。 比如:I look for my pen in my bag,but can’t find it. The students find some new words in the text. You can find the grass under the tree. The old man can’t find his cat. 4) string线 注意/s/ 后面的清辅音/tr/ 要发生浊化现象,读成相对的浊辅音/  /.字母组合ing读/  / 。 a long/short string

六年级英语下册课件 篇5

How tall are you?

Period 1 Section A Let’s learn Do a survey and report P5

教师寄语:(I study English , I’m happy.)

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。

2.能认读句型:How tall are you ? I’m 1.61meters.You’re older than me..

Important &difficult points(重难点)


难点是;How tall are you ? I’m 1.61meters.You’re shorter than me..的理解和运用。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)


1.young______2.old______3. tall______4.short______

5. long______6. thin______ 7. how many______8. how old______

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1.请两个孩子到讲台上T:How old are you?

S1: I’m 11years old. T: You are young. (板书young)

S2: I’m 12 years old. T: You are young, too.

T: Who is younger? S1: I’m younger(板书younger)

T: Who is older? S2: I’m older.(板书old_older)

T: Yes, S1 is younger than S2. S2 is older than S1.

T: Say I’m tall.(做手势) S1: I’m tall. S2: I’m tall,too (板书tall)

T: Who is taller? Who is shorter? Ss:S1 is taller , S2 is shorter.

老师再拿两把长短不一的直尺教会longer, shorter,than.


Eg: one meter, two meters, 1.61 meters, 4.76meters

3.T:How tall are you? S:I’m … T: Help the students to answer :I’m …meters. T:Say A is taller than B. B is shorter than A.


5. Let’s learn page 5. 听录音,仿读单词和对话

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1.领读Let’s learn 中的句子。并纠正读音。

2.T:How tall is Zhang Peng? S:He is 1.61 meters.

T:Who is older Zhang Peng or John? S: Zhang Peng.

T: Zhang Peng is taller and older than John.


plete :Do a survey and report.(学生反复操练)


Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)

一、.读单词,选图片。(多 选)

A. younger B. taller C. shorter D. older E. longer

1._____ 2. _____ 3. _____



young _____ short ______ tall ________ old ______

long______ nice _______ fine________

2.meter(复数)______ foot (复数)______mouse (复数)______

三、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。

( ) 1. 我有1.61米高可以说:

A.I am 1.61 meters. B. I am 1.61 meter .

( ) 2. 你比我大,可以说:

A. You are old than me. B. You are older than me.

( ) 3. 你比我矮,可以说:

A. You are shorter than me. B. You are short than me.

四、 找出Ⅱ栏中与Ⅰ栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。

( ) 1. How are you? A.I have fifteen..

( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. I’m 15 years old.

( ) 3. How old are you ? C. I’m fine.

( ) 4. How many books do you have? D. I’m 1.49 meters.


Step 5.安排当堂作业

1.课后默写younger, older, taller, shorter, longer, thinner than ,meter

2.课后背诵p5 Let’s learn

板书标题 Unit 1How tall are you?

Let’s learn Do a survey and report p5

板书内容设计:younger older taller

shorter longer

How tall are you ?

I’m 1.61meters.

You’re older than me.


Period 2 Section A Let’s try Let’s talk P4


1、能听懂、会说单词:hall, meter/metre ,than, both

How tall is it? Maybe 4 meters. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It’s taller than both of us together .并能在情景中运用。

2.能听懂Let’s try,并完成任务。


能听懂、会说That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It’s taller than both of us together . How tall are you ? I’m 1.65cmeters.并能在情景中运用。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)


1.younger_______ 2.older _______ 3.taller_______4.shorter_______

5.longer _______6.dinosaur_______7. first_______8.second_______

T: How tall are you? Ss: I’m…meters.

T: Who is taller? S: I’m taller than… S: I’m shorter than…

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1. Let’s try:Listen to the tape and circle

1.)The first dinosaur eats____ . A. vegetables B. meat

2.)The_____ dinosaur is taller. A. first B. second

2.教读板书下列单词和重点句子:dinosaur , That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

It’s taller than both of us together .

How tall are you ? I’m 1.65cmeters.

3. Let’s learn page 5. 听录音,分角色读对话

4 .Ask the students to read the dialogue 4times.

T: What are Zhang Peng and Mike talking about?

S: They are talking about the dinosaurs.

T: How tall is Zhang Peng ?

S:He is 1.65 meters.

T: Who is taller,Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?

S: Zhang Peng.


Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)


提示:tallest 是tall的级。more 是many的比较级。

Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)


1.那是这个厅里的恐龙That’s the______( tallest, taller) dinosaur in this hall.

2.它比我两加起来还高。It’s _____( tall, taller) than both of us together.

3.你有多高? How _____( taller, tall) are you?

4. 我身高1.65米。 I’m 1.65 _____( meter, meters)


1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. A. 我身高1.65米。

2. It’s taller than both of us together. B.你有多高?

3. How tall are you? C.那是这个厅里的恐龙。

4. I’m 1.65 meters. D.它比我两加起来还高。


1.Peter is _____(taller ,tall) than Chen Jie.

2. The maths teacher is_____(old, older)than the Chinese teacher.

3. The _____ (old, older)teacher likes playing football.

4. The ruler is______ ( shorter , short).

5. The yellow pencil is ______(shorter, short) than the red one.


Step 5.安排当堂作业

1.给父母,伙伴读读Let’s talk.

板书内容设计:Unit 1How tall are you?

Let’s try Let’s talk p4

1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

2. It’s taller than both of us together .

3.H ow tall are you ? I’m 1.65cmeters.

4.tall_ taller__tallest many_ more_most


Period 3 Section B Let’s learn Match and sayP7

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.掌握四会单词:thinner, heavier, bigger, smaller, stronger。

2.能认读句型:How heavy are you ? I’m 52 kilograms. You’re heavier than me..

Important &difficult points(重难点)


难点是对新句型 How heavy are you ? I’m 52 kilograms. You’re heavier than me. .的理解和运用。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)


1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 2. It’s taller than both of us together. 3. How tall are you? 4. I’m 1.65 meters.



Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1.请两个胖瘦不一样的孩子到讲台上T:Who is thin? S: A is thin.

T:Who is heavy? S:B is heavy

T: Yes, A is thin. B is heavy.(板书 thin, heavy)

2.选两个个子较瘦的孩子:T: They are thin. Who is thinner? S:A is thinner.

T: 板书thinner,提醒孩子们观察thinner的写法。再用相同的方法教heavier.

3选两个大小不一样的书包进行比较,引出big, small.

T : Which is the bigger schoolbag? What color is it?

Ss: The yellow schoolbag is bigger.(板书big _ bigger)

T: Which is the smaller one? What color is it?

S: The red one. (板书small_ smaller)


T: Ask one boy pupil: How heavy are you? Help him answer: I’m 54 kilograms.

T: Oh! You are heavier than me. 板书教读。


Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1领读Let’s learn 中的句子。并纠正读音。

. T:How heavy is Jim? S:He is 52 kilograms.

T:Who is heavier Jim or John? S: Jim.

T:Say Jim is heavier than John. S: Jim is heavier than John

2.请孩子们归纳总结黑板上的比较级形式,强调:heavy_ heavier(变y为i加er) big_ bigger thin_ thinner(双写加er)

3.四人一组合作学习Match and say然后表演。灵活运用所学单词句子

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


1.big________ 2. small ________ 3.thin________ 4. Heavy________ 5.strong________ 6.happy________ 7. angry________8.hot________


A. B. C. D.

( )1.The Englishman is very strong.

( )2.This egg is bigger than that one.

( )3.The girl is shorter than the boy.

( )4. The panda is heavier than the duck.


1.你体重多少? A. Sarah’s fish is smaller than Amy’s.

2.我体重48公斤。 B. He is stronger than her.

3.你比我重。 C. How heavy are you?

4.John 比Mike瘦。 D. I’m 48 kilograms.

5.他比她强壮。 E. You’re heavier than me.

6.Sarah钓的鱼比Amy 的小。F. John is thinner than Mike.


1. the. is that, giraffe, tallest(.)

2. taller, than, he, is, me(.)

3. heavy, you, are (?)


Step 5.安排当堂作业

1.读熟Let’s learn. 2. 比较同学,家人用英语表演Let’s learn。

板书内容设计:Unit 1 How tall are you?

Let’s learn Match and sayP7t

thin_ thinner big_ bigger(双写加er)

heavy_ heavier r(变y为i加er)

small_ smaller strong_ stronger(直接加er)

How heavy are you? I’m 52 kilograms.


Period 4 Section B Let’s try Let’s talk P6

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听懂Let’s try,并完成2个任务。

2.掌握句型:What size are your shoes, Mike? Your feet are bigger than mine.My shoes are size 37.

Important &difficult points(重难点)

重点:听懂Let’s try, 流利朗读Let’s talk, 掌握3个重点句子。



Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)

一、表演Let’s learn:

S1: How heavy are you? S2: I’m…kilograms.

S1: You are heavier/thinner than me.

S1: How heavy is he ? S2: He’s…kilograms.


Thinner stronger bigger smaller heavier go hiking go shoping

更大的 更小的 更瘦的 更重的 更强壮的 去购物 去远足

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1.Let’s try: Listen to the tape and circle the right answer.

2.板书教学重点句子:1.) What size are your shoes?

2.) Your feet are bigger than mine. 3.)My shoes are size 37.

3. Let’s learn page 5. 听录音,分角色读对话

4 .Ask the students to read the dialogue 4times.

Q1 :What size is Mike’s shoes? Q2: What size is Wu Yifan’s shoes?

Q3: How heavy is Mike? Q4: How heavy is Yifan?

T: Write the sentences on the blackboard. S: Understand them.

1.) What size are your shoes? 2.) Your feet are bigger than mine.

3.)My shoes are size 37.


Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1. 读一读,译一译重点句子:1.) What size are your shoes?

2.) Your feet are bigger than mine. 3.)My shoes are size 37.


3.记下笔记,读读记记: have a look so small size37 look taller

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


1. What size are your shoes? A.我穿37码的鞋。

2. Your feet are bigger than mine. B. 你看起来比我高。

3. My shoes are size 37. C. 你穿多大码的鞋?

4. You look taller than me. D. 你比我重。.

5. You are heavier than me. E 你的脚比我的大。


( )1. Mike’s shoes are size37.

( )2. Wu Yifan’s shoes are size38

( )3. Mike’s feet are bigger than Wu Yifan’s.

( )4. Wu Yifan looks taller than Mike.

( )5. Wu Yifan, is two kilograms heavier than Mike


Step 5.安排当堂作业

板书内容设计:Period 4 Section B Let’s try Let’s talk P6

1.) What size are your shoes? 2.) Your feet are bigger than mine.

3.)My shoes are size 37.

1. have a look 2. so small 3.size37 4.look taller


Period 5 Section B Read and write P8

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听,说,认读单词 countryside, lower. Shadow, smarter, become。


Important &difficult points(重难点)




Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)


tall_______ short_______ young_______ old_______ thin_______

long_______ small_______ strong _______big_______ heavy_______

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1.出示单词卡片和图画教学单词:countryside,. shadow, lower, smarter, become

T:出示城市和乡村的两幅图 Say: This picture is a city, And that picture is a countryside. Write the word on the blackboard.

T: 出示单词卡片教学单词:shadow , lower, smarter,并板书。教读学生跟读。

2. 拿一个气球让学生吹T:The balloon is becoming bigger and bigger. 板书become,教读。

3. T: Spring is coming! The sky is cleaner and the sun is brighter.`Can you think of any other changes? Look at the four pictures and tick.

4. Learn Read and write.

S: 学生独立阅读课文,边读边理解。

T:学生阅读并理解下列句子:1. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.2. Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? 3. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. 4. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.

4.Play the tape to listen to the story.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

1.领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读音。

2, 师生互译下列句子。

1.)It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.

2.) Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.

3. Finish exercise: 1.) Read and write 2.)Read the story again and finish the dialogue.

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


1. I am 1.52 _____ I’m tall.(meters, kilograms)

2. My friend is shorter _____ me. ( than, that)

3. _____ tall are you? (How, What)

4.I’m 12. Lily is 11. I’m ________ than her. (shorter, older)

二、 阅读理解。(A)

Girl: Mom, look, there are some birds.

Mom: Which bird do you like?

Girl: I like the green one. It’s taller than the blue one.

Mom: Which bird is stronger?

Girl: The blue one is stronger.

Mom: I like the blue bird. I think it’s younger.

Girl: But the green bird’s tail is longer than the blue one.

Mom: I think it’s about 20 cm long.


( )1. The green bird is shorter than the blue one.

( )2. The blue bird is stronger than the green one.

( )3. The green bird tail is about 20cm long.

( )4. The mom likes the green bird.

( )5. The girl likes the blue bird.


Step 5.安排当堂作业

板书内容设计:Period 5 Section B Read and write P8

countryside,. shadow, lower, smarter, become


Period 6 Section B Main sceneP2_3 Let’s check Story time P10_11

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.. Go through Main sceneP2_3

2.能读懂Story time 中的故事。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

重点Go through Main sceneP2_3

难点:借助图片能读懂Story time 中的故事。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)

Main scene

1. Turn to page2 and page3.Try to read and translate these sentences.

2. T: show the meaning of these sentences.

3. Read after the tape twice.

4.学生理解句子: I’m 21 meters tall. I’m the tallest. It’s 5 tons.

提示常用单位:长度:meter(m) centimeter(cm) :重量:ton(t) kilogram(kg)gram(g)

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)

1. Finish Let’s check: Listen and write the answers.

2..Finish Let’s wrap it up.(可在黑板上重新排列)

A.)taller shorter younger older longer smaller stronger

B.)heavy-heavier angry-angrier sun-sunnier funny-funnier happy-happier windy-windier

C.)thin- thinner big-bigger hot-hotter sad-sadder fat- fatter(补充)

归纳总结形容词变化规则:A类:直接加 er

B类:变y为i 加 er

C类:双写加 er.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)


2.Learn Story time.


2.)Q: How tall is the deer? Q:How heavy is the deer?

Q: How tall is Mr Zebra? Q: Who can be the goalkeeper?

3.)理解句子:Mr Zebra is 10 centimeters taller than Mr Deer. Football needs teamwork.

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


( )1.I'm two years _______than you .

A. young B.shorter C.younger

( ) 2.How big ______ your feet ?

A. is B. are C .it

( )3 ._______ ? ------80cm

A.How tall are you ? B.How long are your legs ? C .How old are you ?

( ) 4.How ____is your best friend ? -- Thirteen years old .

A.old B .tall C.heavy

( )5.How tall is Chen Jie?

A.He is 12 years old. B.I'm 147cm. C .She is 150cm.


( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39.

( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. I’m 15 years old.

( ) 3. How old are you ? C. I’m 45 kg.

( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. I’m 158cm tall.

( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm.


1. you, tall, are, how (?)

2.1.65, meters I’m,(.).

3.size, shoes ,are, what, your(?)

4. mine ,are, your, bigger, feet, than(.)

5. size ,my , 37,shoes, are, (.)


Step 5.安排当堂作业


Period 6 Section B Main sceneP2_3 Let’s check Story time P10_11

A.)taller shorter younger older longer smaller stronger

B.)heavy-heavier angry-angrier sun-sunnier

funny-funnier happy-happier windy-windier

C.)thin- thinner big-bigger hot-hotter sad-sadder fat- fatter(补充)

六年级英语下册课件 篇6

My friend is strong. He has short hair. He likes sports. 我的朋友很强壮,他有着短头发,他爱运动。

I like music. She likes painting. 我喜欢音乐,她喜欢绘画。

What's his name? His name is Zhang Peng. 他叫什么名字?他叫张鹏。

long hair short hair thin strong quiet music science sports

painting computer game student boy girl friend.

Welcome to my home. 欢迎来我家。

This is my house. It's big. 这是我的房子,它很大。

Where are the keys? They are in the door.钥匙在哪里?在门上。

Are they near the table? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. 他们在桌子附近吗?是的/不是。

Is it on the shelf? Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.在架子上吗?是的/不在。

Study kitchen bathroom bedroom living room home classroom

phone bed sofa shelf fridge table


Study书房 kitchen厨房 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 living room客厅起居室 phone电话 bed床 sofa沙发fridge冰箱 table桌子


1.Where is the cat?猫在哪?

-----It’s in the living room.它在客厅

2.Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?

-----They are in the door.在门上。

4. Are they near the table? 他们在桌子附近吗?

-----Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. 是的/不是。

5. Is it on the shelf? 在架子上吗?

-----Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.是的/不在。


Go to the living room.Watch TV.去客厅.看电视

Go to the study.Read a book.去书房.看书

Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.去厨房.吃零食

Go th the bedroom.Have a nap.去卧室.打个盹儿.


例如,笔者在设计《4B Unit 5》的单元复习目标时,是这样做的:(1)掌握本单元所学新单词,学会Who’s that...?句型和Are you...?句型,懂得with和in的使用方法,知道通过动词加er或r构成职业单词。(2)组织学生开展相互介绍的活动,将单词的复习和句型的复习置于学生的活动之中,通过这样的活动,既巩固知识目标,又提高语言应用能力。(3)培养学生开口说的兴趣,养成在日常交往中使用英语的习惯。


例如,在《4B Unit 5》的复习课中,笔者梳理了前面学到的单词和句型,根据学生日常生活中经常会碰到的情景,设计了一个角色扮演活动,在活动中介绍遇到的新朋友,将相应的句型、单词、职业介绍等都置于活动之中,让他们在反复的活动中,落实复习目标。

事先让学生准备角色扮演活动的相应道具,活动开始,请几位同学带着道具到台上活动。活动开始,“Look. Who’s that boy?”“He’s a student.”“Hello, nice to meet you.”“How old are you?”“I am...”“Who’s the man with...?”“He’s our English teacher.”接着,学生分小组,参照这样的活动,自行组织介绍活动。在活动中,学生根据活动中主角的衣着特征或者外表特征,学会单词with和in的用法,又根据er或r的用法,介绍教师、司机、作家、营业员等职业。然后,根据语境的实际需要,学会使用疑问句、肯定句等。



六年级英语下册课件 篇7




3.巩固句型May I…?


after school, sorry, hear, ill in bed

What are you going to do after school?

We aregoing to see him.

I’m sorry to hear that.

5. “三会”词句:

May I go to see him with you?

二、教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)

1.掌握用I’m sorry to hear that.句型表述在听到他人不幸的消息时的反应。

2.掌握用Be going to句型来表达即将做某事。


1.听课文录音两遍,要求学生听完后,就所听内容回答问题:What are Helen and Linda going to do after school? What’s wrong with Tom?


—What are you going to do after school,Linda?

—Tom is ill in bed. We are going to see him.


—I’m sorry to hear that.

1.操练词组:ill in bed,after school, hear。教师出示单词图片,学生熟读单词。

2.操练What are you going to do after school?We are going to see him.

3.操练I’m sorry to hear that.教师可扩展此句。I’m sorry to know that./ I’m sorry to see that./…

六年级英语下册课件 篇8

Lesson 27

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:


(二)May is the fifth month of the year.

June is the sixth month of the year.

July is the seventh month of the year.

August is the eighth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:





六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (3’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about January, February, March, April.

2. Presentation (17 ’)


2)Talk about mouth.请学生说出有关5~8月的相关信息,比如节日等,引导学生探究学习,并给予学生及时的鼓励。

3)Look, listen and read by themselves.


2.T:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.

4)Listen to the tape again and repeat.


3. Practice (15 ’)

1)Ask and answer. Practise in pairs.

Which is the fifth month of the year?

What holiday is in May?

Which is the sixth month of the year?

What holiday is in June?

Which is the seventh month of the year?

What holiday is in July?

Which is the eighth month of the year?

What holiday is in August?

2)Play a game.

猜月份游戏。学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上5—8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。


4. Assessment (5 ’)


2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book. ww w.Xk b1.c oM


八. Blackboard design:

上一篇 : 蜻蜓写的日记热门
下一篇 : 派出所指导员述职报告