
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


I^v^m glad you enjoyed it.~~很多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,你也许需要"分手英文短句200句"这样的内容,请在阅读后,可以继续收藏本页!


1、It^v^s no big deal.

2、I wish I could.

3、I assure you.

4、Despite the ending of our relationship, I will always cherish the love we had and the lessons we learned together.

5、There is nothing I can do.

6、Don^v^t get me wrong.

7、The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up.

8、Love can be cruel sometimes, forcing us to let go of the person we cherish the most. Goodbye, my love.

9、It^v^s just what I had in mind.

10、I couldn^v^t agree more.

11、I^v^m on a diet.

12、Sometimes, love is not enough to keep two people together. 有时候,爱并不足以让两个人在一起。


14、How long did it last?


16、That^v^s fair.

17、I want to reserve a room.

18、Please leave me alone.

19、Are you not answer, that you will never regret. I make you satisfied.

20、Please don^v^t blame yourself.


21、I appreciate your invitation.

22、It^v^s hard to say.

23、Let^v^s find out.

24、What^v^s going on?

25、We^v^ll see.

26、That^v^s not a problem.

27、I^v^d like to deposit some money.

28、Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.

29、I wasn^v^t aware of that.


31、It^v^s up to you.

32、I can^v^t afford it.

33、Something^v^s come up.

34、It^v^s up in the air.

35、Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

36、I^v^ll take care of it.

37、Don^v^t take it for granted.

38、- Love The Way You Lie.


40、I^v^ll see what I can do.



42、It^v^s only a matter of time.

43、Please accept my apology.

44、I^v^d like to make a reservation.

45、Sometimes, love is simply not enough to sustain a relationship. It's time for us to move on.

46、What^v^s the purpose of your visit?

47、The pain of having a broken heart is not so much as to kill you, yet not so little as to let you live.

48、You are kidding.

49、That^v^s just what I was thinking.

50、_ I love youI need you我 爱你需要你

51、It isn^v^t much.


53、I wasn^v^t born yesterday.

54、I hope you^v^ll forgive me.

55、I^v^ll be right with you.

56、You are the apple of my ey es.你是我最珍贵的人——空间英文 说说

57、I^v^m pressed for time.

58、You should give it a try.

59、Have you finished yet?

60、That^v^s not true.


61、I^v^ll have to see about that.

62、I^v^m in good shape.

63、It breaks my heart to walk away from you, but I know in my heart that it's the right decision for us.

64、That^v^s the way I look at it,too.

65、How late are you open?

66、I^v^ve got no idea.

67、It^v^s better than nothing.

68、If someone you love hurts you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

69、Keep your fingers crossed.


71、It^v^s a long story.

72、You can say that again.

73、I couldn^v^t get through.

74、Don^v^t make any mistakes.

75、That couldn^v^t be better.


77、It can happen to anyone.

78、I^v^ll do my best.

79、Let^v^s keep in touch.



81、I enjoyed it very much.

82、May I pay by credit card?

83、What^v^s the deadline?

84、Deep down, I know that it's better for both of us to go our separate ways and find happiness elsewhere.

85、I^v^m not really sure.

86、It^v^s nice meeting you.

87、Is this seat taken?

88、I understand completely.

89、I wouldn^v^t worry about it, if I were you.

90、You^v^ve got a point there.


92、Breaking up with you is the hardest decision I have ever made. 与你分手是我做过的最困难的决定。

93、It^v^s time for dinner.

94、I^v^ve had enough.


96、Let^v^s hope for the best.

97、I haven^v^t the slightest idea.

98、You get what you pay for.

99、I mean what I say.

100、I thought our love would last forever, but now we have to say goodbye. 我以为我们的爱会永远,但现在我们必须说再见了。


101、Let^v^s get together sometime.

102、Letting you go is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I know it's the right decision for both of us. 放手是我做过的最难的事情,但我知道这对我们俩来说是正确的决定。

103、What do you think of my new car?

104、It's painful to realize that the spark between us has faded, but it's time to accept the truth and go our separate ways.

105、I^v^ll walk you to the door.


107、It^v^s all my fault.

108、I was moved.= I was touched.

109、You can^v^t complain.


111、That^v^s the way it is.

112、It^v^s not your fault.

113、It's better to end things now and preserve the good memories we shared, rather than let bitterness overshadow our past. 现在结束并保留我们共同拥有的美好回忆,好过让苦涩冲淡了我们的过去。


115、You^v^ll get used to it.

116、It^v^s a pain in the neck.


118、Hold your horses.

119、How long will it take me to get there?

120、You will have to wait and see.


121、Love is about setting each other free, and I cannot keep you locked in a relationship that no longer works. 爱就是彼此放手,我不能让你困在一段不再有效的关系中。

122、Why did you have to promise me, now it is a vice swearing words well.

123、We may not be able to walk the same path anymore, but I sincerely hope you find the happiness that you deserve. 我们可能无法再走在同一条路上,但我真心希望你能找到你应得的幸福。

124、Don't be afraid of change.You may lose out on something good,but you might gain something even better.不要害怕改变,尽管你可能会因此失去一些好的东西,但你也可能会得到一些更好的东西。

125、I^v^ll get it.

126、It^v^s a deal.

127、It^v^s worth seeing.

128、It all depends.

129、Only breakup can stop us from quarrelling.只有分手才能停止我们之间的争吵。

130、We decided to break up. To be more precise, he dumped me.

131、I^v^m crazy about English.

132、That^v^s ridiculous.

133、We are in the sme boat.

134、My life would be miserable without you.

135、Don^v^t give up.

136、Not more one love me,onl y you love me.

137、Farewell my love, thank you for the beautiful memories we shared, but it's time for us to part ways.

138、You^v^ve made a good choice.

139、Farewell, my love. I hope someday we can find happiness again, even if it's not with each other. 再见了,我的爱。我希望有一天我们能再次找到幸福,即使不是在一起。

140、Anterior downs gave up tho rny do you waste you


141、He doesn^v^t love me, okay, I didn^v^t love him.

142、You know there are a lot o f people love you.——空间英文说说

143、Come in and make yourself at home.

144、Where can I check in?

145、Breaking up doesn't mean we stop caring; it just means we can no longer be together. 分手并不意味着我们不再关心对方,只是表示我们无法再在一起。

146、Just let it be.

147、I^v^m easy to please.

148、Woman is a dog

149、That^v^s good to know.

150、I can^v^t stand it.

151、What^v^s on your mind?

152、It doesn^v^t matter to me.


154、I^v^m sorry to hear that.

155、I^v^m glad to hear that.

156、I^v^ve got news for you.

157、I thought so, too.

158、Don^v^t be so modest.

159、Would you do me a favor?

160、I can^v^t resist the temptation.


161、I^v^ll treat you to diner.


163、It^v^s a waste of time.

164、I had a falling out with my boyfriend.

165、Don^v^t bother.

166、I^v^ll give you a hand.

167、What^v^s the matter with you?

168、We may have to part ways, but the love we shared will forever be a part of me. 我们也许要分道扬镳,但我们共同拥有的爱将永远存在于我心中。

169、I can^v^t believe it.

170、Our paths have diverged, and it's time for us to part ways. 我们的路分开了,现在该是我们各走各的路的时候了。

171、That^v^s OK.

172、It doesn^v^t make any difference.

173、It^v^s awesome.

174、I^v^m lost.

175、It^v^s about time.

176、What makes you say so?


178、Our paths may no longer intertwine, but I will always remember the happiness we had together. Goodbye, my love.

179、We can work it out.

180、Too real is real


181、Let^v^s get to the point.

182、Help yourself,please.

183、I^v^ll show you.

184、I never thought that our love story would have an ending, but now we have to say goodbye.

185、I can^v^t tell.

186、Don^v^t let me down.


188、It^v^s nothing.

189、It^v^s up to date.

190、It^v^s a piece of cake.



193、Sometimes, breaking up is the only option, even if it brings heartache. Farewell, my love.

194、Let me get back to you.

195、These things happen all the time.

196、I^v^m broke.

197、It hurts to let you go, but it hurts even more to hold on to a love that's no longer there. 放手让你走是痛苦的,但坚持没有了的爱更加痛苦。


199、I^v^m glad you enjoyed it.

200、I^v^ll check it.


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