
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办







定语从句是指一个句子作为另一个句子的修饰语,用来对另一个句子中的某个名词或代词进行修饰,并对该名词或代词进行补充说明。定语从句通常由关系代词或关系副词引导,关系代词常见的有who, whom, which, that,关系副词常见的有when、where、why等。











1. The girl ______ I met yesterday was very friendly.

A. whom B. who C. which D. that

2. The teacher _______ we talked about is very strict.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that

3. The book ________ cover is red is mine.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that

4. The place ________ we stayed last night was very comfortable.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that

5. The reason _________ I’m late is that I missed the bus.

A. when B. where C. why D. whom






















高中 if 从句教案

if 条件语句是英语中最基本的语法结构之一,也是我们学习英语时首先要掌握的知识点之一。if 从句分为三种类型:零条件从句,一般条件从句和虚拟条件从句。在高中学习中,if 从句不仅是英语语法中的基础知识,更是各个考试的重要考点。因此,掌握好 if 从句将对学英语及应对考试都将有很大的帮助。

I. 零条件从句

1. 定义


2. 例句

If you heat ice, it melts.


3. 用法

(1)句子的两个部分之间用“,”分隔,if 句放在主句前面;


4. 练习


If you don’t heat ice, it won’t melt.


Do you melt ice if you heat it?


(2)根据下列句子完成 if 从句。

1. The sun rises in the east.

If ___________________________________________________

2. The year has four seasons.

If ___________________________________________________

3. People need air to breathe.

If ___________________________________________________

4. Water boils at 100℃.

If ___________________________________________________

II. 一般条件从句

1. 定义


2. 例句

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.


3. 用法


(2)在 if 从句中可使用情态动词 should, can, may, might 等代替 will。

(3)在 if 从句中,还可以使用 be going to + 动词原形来表示未来的计划或决定。

4. 练习


1. I will go to see a movie if I am free tonight.


2. He will finish his homework if he works hard.


(2)用 if 从句的适当形式来完成下列句子。

1. There is a party next weekend.

If _______________________________________________________

2. You have to study if you want to pass the exam.

If _______________________________________________________

3. We should wear warm clothes if it gets cold.

If _______________________________________________________

III. 虚拟条件从句

1. 定义


- 虚拟条件句–过去式

- 虚拟条件句–将来时态

- 虚拟条件句–过去完成时态


2. 例句

If I had known the answer, I would have told you.


3. 用法


if从句要用过去完成式,主句要用“would/could/should/might + have + 过去分词”来表示对过去情况的虚拟推测。

如果if从句的主语是第一人称(I/we),并且表示对过去事情的惋惜、遗憾,或者后面跟有“but”表示实际情况与现在不符,可以使用“if only”来代替“if”,此时主句仍然要用 “would/could/should/might + have + 过去分词”。


如果if从句中的动词是动词的过去分词(had gone, had left, had finished等),但表示的却是未来的情况,主句则要用:“would/could/should/might + 动词原形”。这种情况多用于假设现在是过去的某一时刻,其后的情况和结果都是虚拟的。

4. 练习


1. I can’t help you because I have a meeting now.

If _________________________________________________________

2. We didn’t take the subway and we missed the train.

If _________________________________________________________


1. Tom didn’t win the game.

If _________________________________________________________

2. If Jack had studied harder, he would have gone to college.

If _________________________________________________________

3. We can’t see the sun today because it is cloudy.

If _________________________________________________________


if 从句是英语语法中的基础知识,在高中学习中占据着重要的地位,可以通过针对性的练习巩固或增强students的记忆,达到提高英语水平的目的。反复练习以上例句和IELTS/TOEFL通过历年真题with if 从句的题,可帮助students掌握不同类型的 if 从句。



连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether,和疑问词(what, how, where, when ...)。


if和whether,whether...or not引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的宾语从句。





He didn’t tell me when we should meet again.





make sure(确保)、make up one’s mind(下决心)、keep in mind(牢记)


②有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语从句前加it(双宾语)这类动词主要有:hate,take,owe,have,see to.award,lend.hand,mail,offer,pass,pay,post,read,return,show,teach,tell





I am sorry I am late.

I am glad that you can join us.

Are you sure his answer is right?


if和whether在作“是否”理解时,引导宾语从句常放在动词know,ask,care,wonder,find out等之后,介词后一般不用if。


whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以。


一般“no matter”后表示“是否”用whether而不用if。




1)Whoever spits in public will be punished here.

(Whoever 可以用 anyone who 代替)

2)The parents will use what they have to send their son to technical school.

(what 可以用all that代替)


1)Whoever spits in public will be punished here.

(Whoever 可以用 anyone who 代替)

2)The parents will use what they have to send their son to technical school.

(what 可以用all that代替)





e.g. She is a beautiful girl.

She is a beautiful girl who drives me crazy.




关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, as

a、There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.

b、 In Japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money.

c、Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie.

d、Oprah Winfrey is a black woman whose rise to fame is an inspiring story.

限定性定语从句:从句对先行词进行必要的描述或说明,对先行词起修饰限定作用,从句与先行词紧密相连,缺少它则句义显得不完整,一般不用逗号隔开。 非限定性定语从句:对先行词进行补充说明,解释,它与先行词关系松散,用逗号隔开。

1、The man who gave me this book is Tom .(限定性)

2、Tom,who is reading a book ,is my classmate (非限定性)


e.g. The man who is sitting under the tree is a German .


e.g. I know the girl (whom) the teacher is speaking to .

I know the girl to whom the teacher is speaking .

e.g. Everyone heplps the child whose parents are dead.

Theyare the lazy students whose homework wasn’t handed in .

4、that 指人或物,多指物,作主语(不能省略)或宾语(可省略)

e.g. He is the finest comrade that has helped us .

This is a plant that grows in the north .

5、which ,指物,在句中做主语(不能省略),或宾语(可省略)。

e.g. This is a plant which grows in the north .

1、当先行词是all, everything, anything, nothing, much, little, none, one等不定代词时,只用that。

Pay attention to everything that I do.


This is the best novel (that)I have read.

3、如果出现两个或两个以上的先行词,并同时兼指人和物时,关系代词用that。 歌诀助记:两项并列人与物,引导定从用that。

They were talking about the person and things that they remembered in school.

4、当先行词被the only, the last, the way, the same等修饰时。

This is the last time that I shall give you a lesson.


Which of the students that knows something about history.

6、当被修饰的成分是数词时,(被修饰成分是代名词one,指人时除外)只用that. I’ve got one that you might be interested in.


Football, which is an interesting game, is played all over the world.



Language is the most important tool without which people can't communicate with each other.语言是最重要的工具,没有它,人们便无法交流。

(1)在定语从句中作状语,先行词主要为一些时间名词(year ,day ,time,week等),但时间名词在从句中作主语,宾语时,应用that,which,不能用when

e.g. I’ll never forget the time when (during which ) we worked on the farm.作状语 I still remember the day that/which is his birthay.做主语

He regretted the days that /which he spent on play . 做宾语

(2)It is the first time that …句型中,that是习惯用法,不用when。

e.g. It is the first time that I have been to the Great Wall .


e.g. I know the factory where I worked twenty years ago .

(2)指地点,在句中作主语,宾语时不能用where,须用that/which .

e.g. This is the house where he has lived for 20 years (作状语).

This is the house that he has lived in for 20 years .(作宾语)

e.g. This is the shool {in which /where we study every year.(作状语)

This is the shool that /which we visited yesterday. (作宾语) .

“the reason why ….that…. ”中,不能用because 代替that .

e.g. That’s the reason why (for which ) he didn’t come to school .

The reason why he didn’t attend the meeting is that he was ill .

但reason 在从句中做宾语时,关系代词用that/which ,可省略

e.g. I don’t believe the reason (which/that) he gave me .

当先行词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,往往可以把介词放在关系代词之前,构成“介词+关系代词(whom/which)”结构。但一些短语如look after 等中的介词不能与动词分开,故不能放在关心代词之前。确定介词时:




e.g. That’s the reason why (for which ) he didn’t come to school .


指人做主语用who,作宾语用whom ,指地点用where,指时间when,指物只用which,不能用that,作定语用whose。

e.g. He didn’t see the film, which was very interesting .(不用that)

such ….as: 像….一样的,像…..之类;the same…as: 和…..同样的

在这两个句型中,as是关系代词,such和same 作定语,修饰主语里的某个名词(或代词),这个名词是由as引导的定语从句的先行词,as在从句中可担任主语、宾语或表语。

Eg: We have found such materials as are used in their factory.( 在从句中作主语) I seldom give my students such a difficult problem as they cannot work out.(在从句中作宾语)

The result is not the same as they had expected.( 在从句中作宾语)

重点比较 :

the same …as…和 the same …that…

两者都引导定语从句。as 从句中说明的名词与the same 修饰的名词是同一类,而非同一个。that从句中说明的名词与the same 修饰的名词是同一个。

Eg:He is reading the same book that you bought yesterday.

He is reading the same book as you bought yesterday.

This is the same pen that I lost. =This is the pen that I lost.(指同一支笔)

This is the same (kind/type/sort) of pen as I lost.(指同类型的笔,但并不是我丢失的那一支)

….such as …中的such为代词,意思是“这样的人或物”,as 在从句中作宾语,修饰先行词such。

Eg: This book is not such as I expect.

He told me of his experience such as I had never had before.


such as 还有“诸如,例如,像…那样的”的意思,此时后面跟名词或名词短语等。

Eg:They bought a lot of fruit, such as apples,oranges,etc.

as 可以像which一样引导非限制性定语从句,用来代表整个句子的内容,它的先行词可以是名词,也可以是不定式短语或整个句子。as 在从句中作主语、宾语和表语。此外,有些as 引导的定语从句已成为固定用法,如:

As we know As has been said before 如上所述 As is known to all As is often the case 像通常那样 As is reported As was expected 正如预料的`那样 Eg: She is very careful, as her work shows.

As we know, smoking is harmful to one’s health.

As is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

重点比较:as 和which 引导的非限制性定语从句的联系和区别

1、as 和which 都可以代替整个句子,当定语从句置于主句之后时,as和which可以和互换。

Eg:He didn’t tell me any news, as/which upset me.

2、Which引导的从句,代表的前面的整个主句时,不能放在主句之前。而as 引导的定语从句,代表整个主句时,可以放在主句之前或之后,有时也可以放在主语和谓语之间。

Eg:As is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

= Talks between the two countries, as is reported in the newspapers, are making progress.

As 引导的定语从句表示它的内容与主句所讲的内容相似,即指同类事物;that 引导定语从句表示的内容与主句相同,即为同一事物。

e.g. This is the same pen that I lost yesterday .这正是我昨天丢的钢笔。

This is the same pen as I lost yesterday .这正像我昨天丢的钢笔。

1、同位语从句和定语从句结构相似,通常位于某一名词或代词之后,但两者存在明显区别:同为语从句对名词性成分加以补充说明,是该名词性成分具体内容的体现(相当于名词的作用)。That 引导的同位语从句中引导词that不在该同位语从句中充当成分,但不能被省略,同位语从句还可以用whether,how等连词引导(定语从句则不能)。定语从句对先行词加以限制或修饰,说明先行词的性质或特征(相当于一个形容词的作用),定语从句的引导词均在该定语从句中充当成分(that在其引导的限定性定语从句中充当主语,宾语或表语,充当定语从句的宾语,that可以省略)注意体会一下三组例句。

① We can’t solve the problem how we can travel faster than light .我们解决不


② I can’t remember the problem that they have.我记不得他们的问题了。

① I won’t believe the fact that he lied to his mother.我不愿相信他对他母亲撒

② I won’t believe the fact (that) he told me .我不愿相信他告诉我的事实。

① The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him. 汤姆将出国的消息是他


The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year.他告诉我的消息是汤姆来年将出国。

例题1.【全国卷I】The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.

A. that B. which C. whose D. what

【解析】C。句意为“奖项将会颁发给故事展示了丰富想象力的作者。” 根据从句不缺成分和它与先行词的关系可判断前后为所属关系,选whose作定语。

例题2.〖10全国Ⅱ〗I refuse to accept the blame for something ________was someone else’s fault.


例题3.【2011江苏卷】Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______the audience can buy ice-cream.

A. when B. where C. that D. which


例题4.〖08浙江〗Yesterday she sold her car, ______ she bought a month ago.

A. when B. where C. that D. which


例题5. (陕西)______ is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.

【解析】D。固定搭配“as is often the case”,像通常一样。

例题6. (浙江卷)Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

A. which B. who C. where D. whom

1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace.

A. Which B. where C. what D. in which

2.Do you know the man _______?

A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke

3.This is the hotel _______last month.

A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed

C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed

4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?

A. which B. that C. when D. on which

5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.

A. which B. on which C. in which D. when

6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here.

A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

7.Great changes have taken place in the factory ____we are working since then.

A. where B. that C. which D. there

8.This is one of the best films _______.

A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown

C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked

9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day?

A. about which you talked B. which you talked

C. about that you talked D. that you talked

10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.

A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by which


1. Nearly all the streets are in straight lines, ________ from east to west. Those ________ run from north to south are called avenues.

A. running; that B. run; who C. running; who D. run; that

2. This is the case ________ he’s had all his money stolen.

A. when B. where C. that D. on which

3. Mr. Smith will pay a visit to Beijing this autumn, ________ we will enjoy the Olympic Games in .

A. where B. when C. which D. how

4. The artist will not paint people or animals but he will paint anything ________ .

A. that the little girl asks him B. the little girl asks him to

C. for the little girl to ask him D. what the little girl asks him

5. —How did you get in touch with the travel agent, Robin?

—Oh, that's easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one ________ the telephone number is provided.

A. which B. in which C. of which D. whose

6. October 15 th is my birthday, ________ I will never forget.

A. when B. that C. what D. which

7. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point ________ he can walk correctly and safely.

A. when B. where C. which D. whose

8. There are several research centers in China ________ a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied.

A. which B. where C. when D. what

9. I hope that the little ________ I have been able to do does good to them all.

A. which B. what C. that D. when

10. The time is not far away ________ modern communications will become widespread in China's vast countryside.

A. as B. when C. until D. before




宾语从句(object clauses)

1、概述用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句的位置与陈述句基本结构中的宾语相同。宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可以作介词和非谓语动词(动词不定式、动名词、分词)和某些形容词的宾语。宾语从句可以由从属连词that whether、if,关系代词what, who, whose, which和关系副词when、where、how、why等引导。

He said he wanted to go to town.他说他想去城里。

I hope you'll be better soon.我希望你能很快好起来。

I’m so glad that you were able to come to this party.你能设法抽空出席这个交际会,我很高兴。

I know nothing about it except what I have read in the papers.除了在报上读到的以外,我对这件事一无所知。

Most of the Chinese people usually go to work on the bike except when it rains.除了雨天,大多数中国人一般都骑自行车上班。

He asked me whether she was coming.他问我,她来还是不来。



I think (that) he'll be right in a few days.我认为他几天后就会好的。

I wish(that)she would understand me.我希望她理解我。

(2)由关系代词what, who, whose, which引导的宾语从句,在句中作成分,即主语、宾语、表语和定语,关系代词在句中不能省略。

A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do.计算机只能按人的指令去做。

Do you know whom they are waiting for?你知道他们在等谁吗?

He asked whose dictionary it was.他问这是谁的字典。

He can't tell which method they will use for the experiment.他不能断定他们会用哪一种方法做实验。


Please tell me when we shall discuss our plan.请告诉我我们将何时讨论计划。

I don't know where we are going to have the meeting.我不知道我们将在哪里开会。

Will you tell me how I can get to the station?你能告诉我如何能到车站吗?

Do you know why he said that?你知道他为什么说那件事吗?

I remember when this used to be a quiet village.我记得这里曾经是一个僻静的村庄。


I wonder whether (if) daughters are valued as much as sons in the countryside.我想知道在农村女儿是否和儿子一样受到重视。

I don't know whether (if) you are willing to help me.我不知道你是否愿意帮我。注意:whether和if的区别,请参考概述部分。(5)动词+间接宾语+宾语从句。动词如:advise, ask, inform, promise, question, remind, show, teach, tell, warn等,宾语从句前可以有一个间接宾语,这个宾语有时可以省略,有的不能省略。

He has informed me when they are to discuss my proposal.他已经通知我们将什么时候讨论我的建议。(me不可省略)

She promised (us) that she would give us more help later on.她答应以后给我们更多的帮助。(us可省略)


It depends on whether he is coming or not.这要看他是否会来。

I was curious as to what we could do next.我想知道下一步我们该做什么。注意:that引导的宾语从句只在in, but, except, besides等少数介词后作宾语,形成固定搭配,in that在于(因为),but that要不是(只是),except that除了……。

The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.所得税过高是有害的,因为它可能使人不愿多赚钱。

His paper is perfect except that there were some misprints.除了一些印刷错误之外,这篇论文很好。


No one can be sure what man will look like in a million years.谁也不知道一百万年后人类会变成什么样子。

I am not certain whether I have met him before.我不能肯定从前是否见过他。

I'm sorry (that) you're ill.你病了,我很难过。注意:that引导的从句在下列形容词后面作宾语,that可以省略。anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, content, proud等。

I'm sure (that) he'll help you.我确信他会帮助你。

I'm glad (that)he has passed the exam.我很高兴,他考试及格了。

5、it充当形式宾语,真正的宾语---宾语从句后置。正如我们常用it充当形式主语代替主语从句一样,我们也常用it用作形式宾语代替宾语从句,把真正的宾语从句后置。特别是带复合宾语的句子中。在这种结构中that不可省略。有下列几种情况:(1)在believe, consider, declare, estimate, fancy, feel, find, guess,hear, imagine, know, make, prove, reckon, think, understand等动词接复合宾语(宾语+宾补)时,要用it作形式宾语。

We find it difficult that we should finish the work on time.我发现我们按时完成工作有困难。

She thinks it wrong that he didn't answer the phone.她认为他不接电话是不对的。


I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.我不喜欢人们满口饭说话。

I like it that everyone passed the exam.都通过了考试我很喜欢。


We are thinking of it that we'll lend you some money.我正在考虑借给你钱的事。

I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.你不在的时候我负责把他照顾好。(4)用于“动词+宾语+介词短语”的句型中。

Keep it in mind that you have to be home by ten o’clock.要记住你得十点钟之前回家。

We took it for granted that he would come.我们认为他来是当然的'。

6、不可直接跟that从句的动词。下列动词不可直接接that从句:ask, refuse, let, like, cause, force, condemn, admire, entreat, dislike(厌恶), overlook, love, help, take, forgive, bid, hate, hear(听见), see(看见), want(想要)等,但可用it, the fact做媒介,后接that从句;或接动名词、不定式。

He overlooked it that he had made another mistake.(正确)他忽视了一件事,他又犯了一个错误。

He overlooked the fact that he had made another mistake. (正确)

He overlooked that he had made another mistake.(错误)

I admire it that they won the match. (正确)

I admire the fact that they won the match. (正确)我很羡慕,他们赢得了比赛。

I admire that they won the match. (错误)

7、that引导宾语从句的省略。(1)主句谓语动词是agree, argue, hold, learn, maintain, observe, contend, conceive, reckon, remark, state, suggest, assume, announce, calculate, indicate等时,其后宾语从句的引导词that一般不可省略;主句谓语动词是hear, know, say, see, confess consider, declare, understand, propose等时,其后宾语从句的引导词that可以省略,也可以不省略;主句谓语动词是think, suppose, believe, presume, dare say等时,其后宾语从句的引导词that可以省略。

He suggested that we should set off at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.他建议我们明天早晨8点走。(that不可省略)

I think (that) this is very important.我认为这很重要。(that可省略)(2)当一个句子很复杂,句中有多个状语时,that不可省略;或者一个句子有多个并列的宾语从句时,特别第一个宾语从句特别长,后面的宾语从句的that不可省略;谓语动词与that从句之间有插入语时,that不可省去。

He said you needn't worry and that he would help you .他说你没有必要着急,他会帮助你的。(said之后可省去that,但第二个that不可省去)

We decide, as he has suggested, that we will start out tomorrow.就像他建议的那样,我们决定明天动身。

8、否定转移与省略(1)如果主句的谓语动词是“think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, reckon, imagine等,主语是第一人称的一般现在时态,其后的宾语从句如含有否定意义,一定要把否定词一道主句谓语上,从句谓语动词用肯定形式。

I don’t think he can do it better than me.我想他不会比我干得好。

I don’t believe he treated the child like that.我相信他不会那样对待孩子的。

(2)如果think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, reckon, imagine等前有副词或表示强调的do, does, did;或者同其它词构成并列谓语;或者不以现在时出现;或者用作插入语中。这时候不用否定转移。

I really expect she didn’t say that to him.我确实希望她不和他说那件事。

I think and hope that he won’t be deceived by the man.我认为也希望他不会被那个人欺骗。

(3)think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, reckon, imagine等此类动词后,在简略答语中,用so替代前文肯定的宾语从句;若替代一个否定的宾语从句,用not或not…so替代前文整个从句。

-I believe we've met somewhere before.我认为我们从前在哪见过。

-No,I don't think so.没有,我认为我们以前没见过。

-Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?你认为这周末会下雨吗?

-I believe not.我认为不会。注意:hope只能说I hope not一种形式,因为hope不能否定转移。



Can you make sure where Alice has put the gold ring?你能确定爱丽丝把金戒指放到什么地方了吗?

They have no idea at all where he has gone.他们一点也不知道他去了哪。

Do you know who he was talking with at eight last night?你知道他昨晚和谁一起说话吗?


He said he would come to see us the next day.他说他明天将来看我们。

I wanted to know whether he had been to Beijing.我想知道他是否去过北京。


Dick asked Lucy how old she is.迪克问露斯她多大了。

The teacher said the sun rises in the east.老师说太阳从东方升起。




I hear she is here today(she was here yesterday/ she will be here tomorrow.)


He said he was watching TV(he had swept the floor/ he would play football after school)。


Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.



Lin Tao thought(that)the TV play was very boring.


David asked his mother if/ whether she liked the dinner last night.

3.当宾语从句是由特殊疑问句变化而来时,原句中的疑问词充当连接代词(如who, whose, what, which)或连接副词(如when, where, why, how),引导宾语从句。例如:

Do you know what we can do on the island?

I don’t know why Jane was late for school this morning.



When did he leave? I want to know. →I want to know when he left.

Does the shop close at six every day? Do you know? →Do you know if/ whether the shop closes at six every day?


当主句的谓语动词为think, believe, suppose等动词,且主语为第一人称时,从句的否定要转移到主句上。例如:

I don’t believe he is here on time, is he?

I don’t think Tom is the best student in his class, is he?



a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时。

(错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here.

b) 介词后不能用。

We depend on the land from which we get our food.

We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.

2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况

a)在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which.

b)在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which.

c)先行词有the only, the very修饰时,只用that.




All that is needed is a supply of oil.


Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.



1. This is the factory where we visited last week.

2. This is the watch for which Tom is looking.

3. The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two.

4. The house in that we live is very small.

5. The sun gives off light and warmth,that makes it possible for plants to grow.

6. I’ve read all the books which I borrowed from the library.

7. This is the best film which I have ever seen.

8. My father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons who they remembered in the country.

9. Everything which we saw was of great interest.

10. His dog,that was now very old,became ill and died.

11. The reason which he didn’t go to school is that he was ill.

12. Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.

13. The boy,his mother died last year,studies very hard.

14. I have two sisters,both of them are doctors.

15. We’re going to visit the school where your brother works there.

16. He is the only one of the students who have been invited to the English Evening.

17. That is the way which they work.

18. Those have questions can ask the teachers for advice.

19. Who is the man who has white hairs?

20. I will never forget the days which we had a good time together at the sea.[1][2]


高中 If 从句教案


If 从句是英语中的一个重要语法结构,也是高中英语中重点掌握的一部分。通过灵活运用 If 从句,不仅可以表达假设、推理和条件等概念,还可以增加句子的表达力,使文章更加准确、生动。本文将详细介绍如何教授高中 If 从句的知识点,使学生掌握其用法和运用技巧,能灵活运用于写作和交流中。


1. 理解 If 从句的基本概念和用法;

2. 学会使用一般现在时、一般过去时和虚拟语气等时态来表达条件;

3. 通过课堂练习和语境运用提高学生运用 If 从句的能力;

4. 引导学生运用 If 从句进行写作和口语表达。


1. If 从句的用法和特点;

2. 一般现在时、一般过去时和虚拟语气在 If 从句中的运用;

3. If 从句与其他句型的衔接和转换;

4. If 从句运用于写作和口语表达的技巧。


1. 导入新课:通过一个生活实例引出 If 从句的概念和用法,如“如果明天下雨,我就不去公园了。”来引起学生对 If 从句的兴趣。

2. 介绍 If 从句的基本用法:根据时态,分别介绍一般现在时(If + 一般现在时,主句用一般将来时)、一般过去时(If + 一般过去时,主句用过去将来时)和虚拟语气(If + 过去完成时,主句用情态动词)等用法。

3. 梳理 If 从句的特点:强调虚拟语气中的假设与现实不符,以及 If 从句和主句之间的关系。

4. 课堂练习:设计一系列练习题,让学生进一步巩固和运用所学知识,如填空、翻译和改写句子等。

5. If 从句与其他句型的衔接和转换:通过示例教学和讨论,让学生了解 If 从句与其他句型的衔接和转换,如与祈使句的转换、“否则”的使用等。

6. 创设语境,提高运用能力:在课堂上设计问题、小组讨论或情景对话等活动,让学生在实际语境中灵活运用 If 从句。

7. 探究 If 从句在写作和口语表达中的运用:通过分析范文和讨论,引导学生在写作和口语表达中运用 If 从句,使其表达更加准确、丰富。

8. 总结和复习:对本节课学习的重点进行总结,并布置相关的练习作业,巩固知识。


1. PPT:包含 If 从句的定义、用法、时态运用、转换等知识点;

2. 教材:教材中相关的课文、例句和练习题;

3. 板书:梳理本节课的重点内容,方便学生复习和回顾。


1. 学生课堂表现:观察学生在课堂练习、讨论和回答问题中的积极性和准确性,判断学生对 If 从句的理解和掌握程度。

2. 学生作业完成情况:检查学生完成的作业,查看学生运用 If 从句的准确性和流利性。


通过本次课的教学,学生对 If 从句的概念和用法有了较为全面的了解,并可以在实际应用中运用灵活。但考虑到学生的不同水平和学科特点,以及课堂时间的限制,可能仍然有学生对某些细节理解不够深入或遗漏了一些内容。因此,需要在教学中加强巩固和重点训练,以确保学生真正掌握和灵活运用 If 从句的能力。















无论任何时候都为陈述语序.但也有部分口语提问例外 E.G:What's the matter?What's wrong with you?

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