
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


【#范文大全# #中英双语演讲稿(必备13篇)#】发言稿可为我们的演讲注入情感,使听众能够深切感受到我们的真诚和真挚。你已经收集和整理了多少关于主题演讲稿的素材呢?下面是我们专门为您准备的“中英双语演讲稿”,非常建议您将本页面添加到收藏夹,以便随时查看最新的信息!




i held tight to the world, but rejected.

if i had saved the effort, would the pain be less?



listen quietly, to the sound of your heart. cheerful melodies may rise.

some simple, some profound, some gentle, some loud.


we just can‘t let go, when the storm is ahead.


as we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions.


a conundrum of a city. same scenes, same routes, and same destinies


matt cutts ted中英文对照双语演讲稿

try something new for 30 days


——google工程师matt cutts在ted上的励志演讲

a few years ago, i felt like i was stuck in a rut, so i decided to follow in the footsteps of the great american philosopher, m***an spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. the idea is actually pretty ******. think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.

it turns out, 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit — like watching the news — from your life.

几年前, 我感觉对老一套感到枯燥乏味, 所以我决定追随伟大的美国哲学家摩根·斯普尔洛克的脚步,尝试做新事情30天。这个想法的确是非常简单。考虑下,你常想在你生命中做的一些事情接下来30天尝试做这些。


there’s a few things i learned while doing these 30-day challenges. the first was, instead of the months flying by, f***otten, the time was much more memorable. this was part of a challenge i did to take a picture everyday for a month.

and i remember exactly where i was and what i was doing that day. i also noticed that as i started to do more and harder 30-day challenges, my self-confidence grew. i went from desk-dwelling ***puter nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work — for fun.

even last year, i ended up hiking up mt. kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in africa. i would never have been that adventurous before i started my 30-day challenges.




i also figured out that if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days. have you ever wanted to write a novel? every november, tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000 word novel from scratch in 30 days.

it turns out, all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month. so i did. by the way, the secret is not to go to sleep until you’ve written your words for the day.

you might be sleep-deprived, but you’ll finish your novel. now is my book the next great american novel? no.

i wrote it in a month. it’s awful. but for the rest of my life, if i meet john hodgman at a ted party, i don’t have to say, “i’m a ***puter scientist.

” no, no, if i want to i can say, “i’m a novelist.”






so here’s one last thing i’d like to mention. i learned that when i made **all, sustainable changes, things i could keep doing, they were more likely to stick. there’s nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges.

in fact, they’re a ton of fun. but they’re less likely to stick. when i gave up sugar for 30 days, day 31 looked like this.



so here’s my question to you: what are you waiting for? i guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days.



谢谢。matt cutts简介:

matt cutts是google所有工程师中最广为人知的一个,因为他几乎每天都在自己的blog上面和读者们分享与google相关的一切信息,包括技术与非技术类。 matt写的文章深入浅出,简明易懂,实用价值很高,因此他在互联网上具有相当高的名气。简言之,matt cutts是google的anti-spam之王。


hello,everyone.it's really nice to be here.i'm _____,a girl easy to be recognized by the big **ile on her face.

to me,**iling is not only a habit,but also a way to show my love,passion and care for others.however,a few years ago,i wasn’t lke this at all.that was a sunny summer afternoon when i was walking in the park,thinking about my unsatisfying grades and the seemingly disappeared future.

i saw an old couple ***ing toward me with a little girl in a wheelchair.of course i did see the handicapped girl’s cute white dress with red polka dots,but i didn’t want to pay more attention.just the moment passing the family,i noticed something shining from the girl.

there was a big,bright **ile on her face,which was the warmest one i ’d ever seen.the **ile melted me immediately,and almost instantly gave me a ***pletely new sense of what life was all about.just the moment i felt full of strength,and the very desire for the future.

it was just a **ile that changed me.it takes nothing,but creats much.let us think about it.

what's it gonna be like if everyone **iles to each other the first time they meet,wherever,on the street,in front of their houses,or in a hammock?i believe the world is gonna change greatly.a **ile can bring up warmth,show our sincere wishes,and tell other people how we care about them.

so,just give out a **ile.not only to those who are tired,but also to ourselves.










i have a dream

1. i am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.


five score years ago, a great american, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the emancipation proclamation. this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. it came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.


but one hundred years later, the negro still is not free. one hundred years later, the life of the negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. one hundred years later, the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.

one hundred years later, the negro is still languished in the corners of american society and finds himself an exile in his own land. and so we've ***e here today to dramatize a shameful condition.



2. in a sense we've ***e to our nation's capital to cash a check. when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every american was to fall heir.

this note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable rights" of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." it is obvious today that america has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. instead of honoring this sacred obligation, america has given the negro people a bad check, a check which has ***e back marked "insufficient funds.



3. but we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. we refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

and so, we've ***e to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.


we have also ***e to this hallowed spot to remind america of the fierce urgency of now. this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of graduali**. now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.

now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. now is the time to make justice a reality for all of god's children.




4. it would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. this sweltering summer of the negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

ni***een sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. and those who hope that the negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. and there will be neither rest nor tranquility in america until the negro is granted his citizenship rights.



the whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.


1. i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.


2. i have a dream that one day on the red hills of ge***ia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


3. i have a dream that one day even the state of mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.


The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.


The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist.


While there is life there is hope.


If you smile when one is around,you really mean it.


I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)


A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face;a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form.


A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)


Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man.


The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.


I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)


There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.


All men whilst they are awake are in one common world;but each of them,when he is asleep,is in a world of his own.


A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


It's great to be great , but it''s greater to be human. ---W. Rogers



1 、大家好!

hello, everybody!


we are fang nan , hu hui juan from class ten grade seven.

3 、今天我们演讲的主题是“感恩的心”。

our speech today is “the grateful heart”.

4 、没有阳光,就没有温暖;没有水源,就没有生命;没有父母,就没有我们自己;没有亲情、友情和爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗……

without the sunlight, it' s not warm; without water, we don't have the life. without the parents, there is no us. if no dear ones, no friendship, the world can be lonely and dark……

5 、这些都是浅显的道理,没有人会不懂,但生活中的我们在理所当然地享受着这一切的同时,却常常缺少了一颗感恩的心。

these all are ****** truths,nobody cannot understand,but while we enjoy these all naturally,frequently we have actually lacked the heart which feels grateful.


the sun is nourishing the flower with his warm sunlight,the flower thanks the sunlight with its fragrant breath.;the rain and dew moistens the grass with its soft flesh,the gradd is thanking the rain and dew with his full of vitality……

7 、这是一个真实的事例,一个小女孩在家因和母亲吵架而赌气离家出走,身无分文的她来到了一家拉面馆,面馆的老板看孩子饿肚子的样子很心疼,于是免费给孩子下了一碗面

this is a real story ,a little girl quarreled with her mother and went out in a hurry spitefully,when she arrived at a noodle house,with an empty stomach,the boss loved her dearly and therefore give her a bowl of noodle free.

8 、孩子狼吞虎咽的吃下面,感动的热泪盈眶,竟给老板跪下来,老板很生气的说:外人对你的小恩小惠你牢记在心,那你母亲对你的大恩大德呢?

after the child swallowed the noodle,she knelt to the boss unexpectedly with hot tears in her eyes.the boss was angry very much saying:you keep firmly in mind these petty favors,then what about your mother’s great love for you?

9 、孩子心中激起一阵暖流:我得回家看妈妈,这时,只见妈妈焦急的站在楼梯道上,于是这对母女互相拥上,泪流满面。

in the child heart arouses a warm current:i must go home to see my mother. unexpectedly ,she saw her mother standing beside the stair anxiously.

the mother and daughter hugged each other firmly with tears streaming down the face.


as middle-school students,whether do you feel grateful or not?when the parents urge repeatedly ,we dislike bothersome;when our teachers work wholeheartedly to correct students’*****s ,prepare lessons,we actually do not appreciate their kindness,we do not listen carefully,trample their work achievement; we still could not change the bad manners ,even go to the inter*** bar and **oke.


they have paid so much for us, only some schoolmates know to be grateful; some are only the words giant, the actions dwarf, they promise to be a new leaf,not to make the teachers disappointed, but several days passed, nothing has changed. also some people think a thank-you is just artificial, no feeling of to be grateful to those who ever helped them at all. they thought this is “cool”,but this so-called “cool”,make the schoolmates loathe.

teachers can't understand. parents feel sad.

12 、同学们行动起来吧,让我们怀有一颗感恩的心,去感恩身边的人,哪怕是在母亲节的时候,送给妈妈一束康乃馨;即是在教师节,也要为老师准备一份礼物;只要你从生活的每一点做起,你就会发现周围的人会更加尊重你

schoolmates. let's go into action, let us harbor the heart which feels grateful, let's feel grateful to people around us, even if on mother's day time, give the mother bunch of carnations; even if on teachers’ day time, prepare a gift for the teacher; so long as start bit by bit, you can discover people around you will be able even more to respect you.


only when you know thanksgiving, can you know pay and repay. some people say thanksgiving is the good essence. some people say if you know thanksgiving, you must be happy.

you should be grateful to others, even though he or she gives you a little help. thanksgiving must be***e each person's moral excellence.


that's all of our speech, thank you!


1. 尊重学生的人格,尊重学生的发展,尊重学生的选择。

Respect the student’s personalities, development and choices.

2. 严在防患于未然,爱须真诚到细微。

Discipline is about nipping things in the bud while love is always subtle and sincere.

3. 成绩不说跑不了,问题不说不得了。

Achievements remain even when unnoticed; problems, however, becomes worse when not pointed out.

4. 成功永远属于用心做事的人。

Success always goes to those who do their job painstakingly.

5. 我们不会被对手打败,只会被自己打败。

We are not defeated by our adversaries, but by ourselves.

6. 所谓的成功就是把每一件具体的事都做好。

Success means to do every job well, no matter how small.

7. 让学生从你的目光中找到自信,让孩子从你的微笑中体会温馨。

Let the students find confidence in your eyes and let children feel the warmth of your smile.

8. 要尽量多地要求学生,也要尽量多地去尊重学生。

One should respect the students as much as demanding respect from them.

9. 爱是教育的翅膀。

Love is the propeller of education.

10. 孩子不犯错误才是错误。

It is an erroneous belief that children make no mistakes.

11. 坦坦荡荡做人,扎扎实实做事。

Be frank and honest with people; be persistent and practical with work.

12. 只有你想到,你才能做到。

You can hardly do what you have not even expected.

13. 以平常心,做非凡事。

Be common in mind, do uncommon wok.

14. 天下兴亡,我的责任。

Everybody is responsible for the rise of fall of the nation.

15. 用心做事,方能成就大事。

No pains, no gains.


we’re here to memorialize 29 americans: carl acord. jason atkins.

christopher bell. gregory steven brock. ken***h allan chapman.

robert clark. charles timothy davis. cory davis.

michael lee elswick. william i. griffith.

steven harrah. edward dean jones. richard k.

lane. william roosevelt lynch. nicholas darrell mccroskey.

joe marcum. ronald lee maynor. james e.

mooney. adam keith m***an. rex l.

mullins. joshua s. napper.

howard d. payne. dillard earl persinger.

joel r. price. deward scott.

gary quarles. grover dale skeens. benny willingham.

and ricky workman.




”nothing i, or the vice president, or the governor, none of the speakers here today, nothing we say can fill the hole they leave in your hearts, or the absence that they leave in your lives. if any ***fort can be found, it can, perhaps, be found by seeking the face of god -- (applause) -- who quiets our troubled minds, a god who mends our broken hearts, a god who eases our mourning souls.


even as we mourn 29 lives lost, we also remember 29 lives lived. up at 4:30 a.

m., 5:00 in the morning at the latest, they began their day, as they worked, in darkness.

in coveralls and hard-toe boots, a hardhat over their heads, they would sit quietly for their hour-long journey, five miles into a mountain, the only light the lamp on their caps, or the glow from the mantrip they rode in.

day after day, they would burrow into the coal, the fruits of their labor, what so often we take for granted: the electricity that lights up a convention center; that lights up our church or our home, our school, our office; the energy that powers our country; the energy that powers the world. (applause.

)尽管我们在哀悼这29条逝去的生命,我们同样也要纪念这29条曾活在世间的生命。他们在凌晨4:30起床,最晚在5:00开始新的一天。 他们在黑暗中工作。穿着工作服和硬头靴,头戴安全帽,静坐着开始一小时的征程,去到五英里远的矿井,唯一的灯光是从他们头戴的安全帽上发出的,或是进入时矿山沿途的光线。


and most days they’d emerge from the dark mine, squinting at the light. most days, they’d emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted from coal. most days, they’d ***e home.

but not that day.

these men -– these husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers sons, uncles, nephews -– they did not take on their job unaware of the perils. some of them had already been injured; some of them had seen a friend get hurt. so they understood there were risks.

and their families did, too. they knew their kids would say a prayer at night before they left. they knew their wives would wait for a call when their shift ended saying everything was okay.

they knew their parents felt a pang of fear every time a breaking news alert came on, or the radio cut in.

but they left for the mines anyway -– some, having waited all their lives to be miners; having longed to follow in the footsteps of their fathers and their grandfathers. and yet, none of them did it for themselves alone.






all that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. it was all for you. for a car in the driveway, a roof overhead.

for a chance to give their kids opportunities that they would never know, and enjoy retirement with their spouses. it was all in the hopes of something better. and so these miners lived -– as they died -– in pursuit of the american dream.



there, in the mines, for their families, they became a family themselves -– sharing birthdays, relaxing together, watching mountaineers football or basketball together, spending days off together, hunting or fishing. they may not have always loved what they did, said a sister, but they loved doing it together. they loved doing it as a family.

they loved doing it as a ***munity.

that’s a spirit that’s reflected in a song that almost every american knows. but it’s a song most people, i think, would be surprised was actually written by a coal miner’s son about this town, beckley, about the people of west virginia. it’s the song, lean on me -– an anthem of friendship, but also an anthem of ***munity, of ***ing together.


A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: ”I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!“

一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鹊咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口,那只被咬的沮丧麻鹊对它的兄弟说: ” 我是一只充满怨恨的麻鹊!我害人终害己了! “

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, ”Let us fly!“ Said the fly, ”Let us flee!“ So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


A laurel-crowned clown!


A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.


A noisy noise annoys an oyster.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, ”Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"


All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. rao. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!



1. 让我们的校园更文明,让我们的心灵更高尚。

Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.

2. 英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。

English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.

3. 静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。

Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.

4. 学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。

Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.

5. 乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。

Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.

6. 忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。

Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.

7. 只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。

There is no constant success without constant effort.

8. 不怕困难,就怕畏难。

Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.

9. 把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。

Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.

10. 一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。

The process of one’s success is a course of constant perfection.

11. 打倒你的不是挫折,而是你面对挫折时所持的心态。

Study is the prerequisite for survival, the foundation for development and the capital for innovation.

12. 成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。

The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.

13. 学生的笑脸就是校园的阳光,家长的满意就是学校的生命。

Student’s faces bring life to the campus; parent’s contentment brings a hope for the school .

14. 让家长省心放心,让孩子成人成才。

Save the parents from anxiety and prepare the children for their brilliant futures.

15. 教师的敬业就是学校的希望,社会的认可就是学校的成功。

The teacher’s devotion is the hope of the school and the society’s acceptance is the success of the school.



fellow citizens: for eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your president. the first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence - a time set apart.

tonight, with a thankful heart, i have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on the journey we have traveled together and the future of our nation.


five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of american democracy. in a tradition dating back to our founding, the presidency will pass to a successor chosen by you, the american people. standing on the steps of the capitol will be a man whose story reflects the enduring promise of our land.

this is a moment of hope and pride for our whole nation. and i join all americans in offering best wishes to president-elect obama, his wife michelle, and their two beautiful girls.



tonight i am filled with gratitude - to vice president cheney and members of the administration; to laura, who brought joy to this house and love to my life; to our wonderful daughters, barbara and jenna; to my parents, whose examples have provided strength for a lifetime. and above all, i thank the american people for the trust you have given me. i thank you for the prayers that have lifted my spirits.

and i thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace that i have witnessed these past eight years.



this evening, my thoughts return to the first night i addressed you from this house - september 11, 2001. that morning, terrorists took nearly 3,000 lives in the worst attack on america since pearl harbor. i remember standing in the rubble of the world trade center three days later, surrounded by rescuers who had been working around the clock.

i remember talking to brave souls who charged through **oke-filled corridors at the pentagon and to husbands and wives whose loved ones became heroes aboard flight 93. i remember arlene howard, who gave me her fallen son's police shield as a reminder of all that was lost. and i still carry his badge.

今晚,我的思绪回到2001年9月11日。那天早上,* * * *夺走了近3000条生命。自珍珠港事件以来,****制造了美国历史上最严重的恐怖袭击。



as the years passed, most americans were able to return to life much as it had been before nine-eleven. but i never did. every morning, i received a briefing on the threats to our nation.

and i vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe.



over the past seven years, a new department of homeland security has been created. the military, the intelligence ***munity, and the fbi have been transformed. our nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists' movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots.

and with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them. afghanistan has gone from a nation where the taliban harbored al qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of america to an arab democracy at the heart of the middle east and a friend of the united states.




there is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. but there can be little debate about the results. america has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil.

this is a tribute to those who toil day and night to keep us safe - law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, homeland security and diplomatic personnel, and the men and women of the united states armed forces.







flowers have their responsibility of bearing fruits, just like cloud has that of falling rain, and the sun of casting light. but what is responsibility? no matter what role you play, you only need to ***plete your own work.

as in greek mythology: people spend their entire life trudging on their way, shouldering the responsibilities from family, friends, and of study. no matter how hard it is, you cannot discard any of them, because everyone bears the word on his back:






lev tolstoy once said: "a person without enthusia** can ac***plish nothing. the foundation of enthusia** is responsibility.

" responsibility means to keep the mission in mind, dare to shoulder responsibility and be dedicated to one's career. taking responsibility is the excellent tradition of the chinese nation. it presents in the story of yu:

he passed his home three times but did not go into. it demonstrates in the story of zhuge liang: bend one's back to the task until one's dying day.

and it shows in the story of a teacher tan qianqiu who used his body as support to protect his students when the classroom collapsed.



in the process of our growth, we have been cared, educated, helped and rewarded by many people. therefore, we should constantly offer or give something back. in school, we should study hard, gradually fulfill and enrich ourselves, which is our responsibility.

away from home, if inadvertently break public facilities, we should bravely admit the error and actively make remedies, which is also the responsibility. it is our responsibility to construct the country, defend our homeland, and be***e useful members to the society.


if we are asked what has been driving us to keep moving forward, as a student of maple leaf enlai international school, we will solemnly answer them: it is responsibility! perhaps everyone is asked this question in his or her life, and we can only answer with our own life.

therefore, we take responsibility because we have other people in our minds, and have the mission given by teachers and friends. we don’t believe in the lines on our palms. we only believe that responsibility will make life brighter.

we will be responsible for ourselves, harboring ardent enthusia** to continue my life journey. we believe that responsibility is not only a kind of courage, but also a determination.



以下是我搜集到的中英互译的优秀感恩的演讲稿 :







the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open 。 i said:

thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.

then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?

first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone’s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.

teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.

students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overe difficulties and setbacks, the mon taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we acpanied the students.

thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!


today day is a memorable day, are the annual father's day!

deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mother's day and did not f***et his father's achievements. someone start the year on the remendation of father's day.

years, it is to celebrate the first father's day. at that time, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red roses. this custom has been passed so far.

it is said that the selection of father's day is a month over month because of the sun are the most heated one, a symbol of the father to give their children the love that hot. paternal such as mountains, tall and lofty, let me look timid and afraid to climb health; father such as days,and far-reaching, so that yang and my heart did not dare pity; paternal great deep are pure and not return , but love is a bitter, difficult to understand depression and the unattainable.

father, like a tree, always, let him lush foliage of a solid arm for the tree to create shadeus. years such as the fingers over the water, like, before i knew it, we have grown up, while the tree is gradually aging, and even the new leaves are no longer the hair full of vitality. annually on the third sunday is father's holiday, let us sincerely say:

father, i love you! happy father's day!

now, the certificate of cation examination and the final exams approaching, i suggest that we should seize the time, study hard, with excellent results as to the father's gift, great father to return, i believe his father at that time are the most beautiful **ile! students, e on now! !







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