
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


【#句子大全# #常用英语口语短句177句#】First come,first served. 先来先招待;捷足先登。句子中承载的有关人性生命和未来的信息,生活中随处可见优美的句子。下面是我们为您精心准备的关于“常用英语口语短句”的相关信息,非常感谢您对我们的建议的关注!


1、What about my resume?

2、Don't rock the boat. 不要破坏现状、捣乱

3、let someone off the hook 让某人摆脱麻烦、解脱困境

4、Sales manager.In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.(销售部经理。除了正常销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销售人员。)

5、the calm before the storm

6、It was really neat!(太棒了)

7、别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用“it’s my secret,don’t ask such a personal question”回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说“I would rather not say”(还是别说了吧!)。

8、worth its weight in gold 很有价值的

9、Would you get to the point?

10、Are you working overtime tonight?

11、Put it in my hands.(比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给偶好了)

12、Those are books.

13、could be worse 可能更糟

14、I can't believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这样美丽的地方)

15、what about the prices?


17、meet a deadline 截稿


19、hit the jackpot 中大奖,走运

20、a wolf in sheep's clothing


21、I'm not used to drinking.

22、交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说“by the way ”实际上,“to change the subject”、“before I forget”、“while I remember”、“mind you”都是既地道有受欢迎的表达。

23、Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.(很不幸地,本人不得不离职,因这一次世界性的经济不景气,使我的雇主不得不结束业务。)

24、read sb.like an open book 清楚某人心里的想法

25、在中国可不能随便说“我想你”,然而,当和西方人分手时说“Im will miss you”要比说“good-bye”或“see you soon”有趣得多,不妨一试。

26、Give it a try. 试试看,英语“口语”集锦1-劝告。

27、Opposites attract.

28、Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油

29、I'm exhausted.(筋疲力尽)

30、--*as well as - similar to “and” or “in addition to”, usually used in a more fomp3al sense

31、Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!

32、There's no way to tell. 没办法知道

33、Don't you think that...难道你不认为……吗Don't you think that the gap between rich and poor is getting wider难道你不认为贫富差距越来越大了吗 [五星级精品句]

34、1 Never say die. 决不要灰心

35、You are really something.(你真了不起)

36、Did you get the picture?(你明白了没有)

37、can not help doing something

38、I was petrified when I heard a noise outside. 我听到外面的声响时都吓呆了。

39、That's news to me. 这可是新闻呢

40、有人开会迟到了,你若对他说 “you are late”,听起来象是废话,若说“did you get lost?”,则更能让他歉然,可别说成“get lost!”那可是让人滚蛋的意思。


41、Please hand the document in to me.

42、有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说“well…”、“let me see”、“just a moment ”或“it’s on the tip of my tongue”等,相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。

43、1 same to you 同样祝福你

44、I’m sorry to cut you off.


46、Now you're talking. 这才对嘛

47、There's a time for everything. 事情要一件一件地做。

48、1 turn overa new leaf 重新开始

49、I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.(偶将为你祈祷,比如爬山过河的时候)


51、What was your graduation thesis on?

52、I’m hungry. 我饿死了。

53、Things are getting better.

54、can not help but do something

55、It's no use complaining.

56、Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时)

57、It all depends on what one means by sth. 看某人对于……是指什么意思

58、Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA.from December,1998 to May,1999.and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables.(1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。)

59、Special attention should be payed to...(or: We should pay special attention to...)

60、Have butterflies in one's stomach


61、count me out 不要算我

62、sleep likea log 睡得很沉

63、Good foryou. 好啊!做得好!

64、1 grin and bear it 默默忍受;忍耐着点

65、give credit where credit is due. 称赞该被赞美的人

66、can do nothing but that.

67、Just try to be patient. 尽量耐心一点。


69、can you cut down the price for me?

70、The irreplaceably important role NP1 plays in NP2 is significant (obvious)

71、That's life.这就是人生

72、如果别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你感到厌烦了,说"you are so boring"(你真烦!)。“shut up!”(闭嘴!)自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“oh, come on.give me a break!”(帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!)这地道幽默吧?

73、assistant tomanagerof accounting department of a joint venture enterprise.Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements.(一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。)

74、1 The feeling is mutual. 有同感

75、What course do you like best?

76、1 It wouldn't hurt to ask. 问人又不会怎么样

77、get/ havecold feet 紧张

78、Today, we are going to discuss……

79、If only our team had scored one more point.

80、speak for the devil 说曹操曹操到


81、save sth.for a rainy day 以备不时之需

82、Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)

83、These are my pencils.


85、we can't cover our production cost at thisprice.

86、A good man is hard to find.

87、In the past years, I’ve worked at IBM as a In my work, I found communication and management is very important.I one will easily lag MBA in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master and management skill.工作。在工作中,我发现交流和管理非常的重要。所以我选择了MBAMBA的技能。)

88、out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;离久情疏

89、Assistant to the General Manager ofShenzhenPetrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd.Handled the itinerary schedule of the generalmanager.Met clients as a representative of the corporation.Helped to negotiate a ,000,000 deal for the corporation.(深圳石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美圆的交易。)

90、thank you for your inquiry.

91、You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了

92、I'm mad at myself.

93、Go for the first prize! I know you are good enough. 争取拿头奖,我知道你行。

94、on the tip of one's tongue 差一点就说出口;差一点就记起来的



97、in one's book 在某人的字典里;对……而言


99、accidentally/on purpose 不小心/故意

100、Don't let me down.(别让偶失望)


101、beside the point 离题的;不是重点

102、have someone's sight on sth. 看好了某样东西;决心要

103、all in the day's work 习以为常;不足为奇

104、Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company.Handled import of textiles

105、take my word for it 相信我的话

106、through thick and thin 共同经历

107、We will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.

108、举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point.

109、stop on one's toes 触怒到某人

110、1 Opposites attract. 异性相吸

111、1 burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战

112、Such idea..., if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration.

113、be fed up with 对……感到厌烦

114、My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.

115、rub someone the wrong way 惹恼某人

116、beat a dead horse 白费劲

117、People are willing to regard...as...

118、A little bird told me. 我听说的

119、Pick up the pace.(快点)

120、The rest is history. 众所皆知


121、Easy does it. 慢慢来;小心一点;别生气了

122、You've got me there. 你考到我了

123、Let's roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是要大干一场吗)

124、1 have one's head in the clouds 心不在焉

125、“What can you tell me about yourself?” (“关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?”)

126、But I just made a big mistake.

127、How did you manage to do that?(你是怎样做到的?)

128、burn the candle at both ends 白天晚上都要忙;花费很多精力

129、What possibilities are there for advancement?

130、You'll get it soon.(你也很快会的)

131、It is taken for granted +THAT(or: We often/ frequently take it for granted that...)

132、Better lucknext time. 下次运气更好

133、It’s a pencil.

134、would you please tell me when you are free?

135、Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company.Handled import of textiles from Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan.Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993.Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.(山西纺织品进出口公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进口纺织品事宜。从1990年到1993年增加了25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽谈。)

136、1 Don't be such a poor loser. 不要输不起


138、These are mine,and those are yours.


140、1 Don't cry over spilt milk. 覆水难收


141、It's a short-cut.(这是条近路)

142、read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意

143、Which band did you pass in College English Test?

144、It is widely (commonly) accepted (hold)+THAT...

145、Do you know if /whether...你知道是否……Do you know if there are any apartments available in this area你知道这一带还有公寓出租吗

146、Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人忧天)

147、These are your books,aren’t they?

148、You are something else.(同上)

149、Why do you choose that major?

150、“他精力充沛”美国人说:“he is bouncy”而不说"he is energetic ",牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。如:久仰,"I get mind of you"比”I heard a lot about you。”轻松得多。

151、Be back in minutes!(还是为领队GG准备的',一定要在三十分钟内回来)

152、Good morning!may I introduce myself..2.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.I’m peter white, my NO is …(北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。)

153、Everything will come out right in the end---just you wait and see. 你就等着瞧吧,一切最终都会顺利解决。

154、(immediate, emergent, effective) Measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to DO

155、rains catsand dogs 倾盆大雨

156、When can you come in for an interview?

157、My stomach is growling.(这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿)

158、Good morning!may I introduce myself „„

159、Things will work out in the end. 事情最终都会解决的。

160、bet one's bottom dollar


161、go from bad to worse 每况愈下

162、1 sth. is better than nothing 有总比没有强

163、It's just my cup of tea.(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等)

164、Do you have any other questions?

165、My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.(本人离职的原因是希望在广告业方面有所发展。)

166、The more,the merrier. 越多越好

167、Does … suit your taste?(……合你的口味吗)

168、Have you got anything to say?

169、In the past years,I‘ve worked at IBM as a software engineer.In my work,I found communication and management is very important.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.So I choose MBA!if I am given a chance to study MBA in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill.(在过去的几年中,我作为一个软件工程师在IBM工作。在工作中,我发现交流和管理非常的重要。我一直认为一个人很容易落后,如果不持续学习的话,所以我选择了MBA!如果我有机会在这个著名的大学学习MBA,我会不遗余力的掌握沟通和管理的技能。)

170、Being happy in my work is most important to me.

171、No,that’s not my book.

172、I hope I'm not in the way.

173、go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分

174、First come,first served. 先来先招待;捷足先登。

175、It's not myday! 今天运气真糟

176、One more hour to go.(还要走多远,可以用此句)

177、know the ropes


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