
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


尽管责任有时使人厌烦,但不履行责任,只能是懦夫,不折不扣的废物。Although the responsibility sometimes boring, but does not~~hello,以上句子你喜欢吗?因此,栏目特意整理了关于责任的英文哲言,欢迎阅读,希望对你有帮助。此外,您还可以浏览句子大全栏目的唯美意境友情句子


2、我睡去,感觉生命之美丽,我醒来,感觉生命之责任。I sleep, I feel the beauty of life, I woke up, I feel the responsibility of life。


4、在各自岗位上尽职尽责,无需豪言壮语,默默行动会诠释一切。Due diligence in their respective positions, without rhetoric, silent action will interpret everything。

5、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像烛那样燃烧。to make everything around sparkles, oneself should also like a candle burning。 Gorky。

6、没有大是大非的观念,很容易根据感觉和眼前需求建立是非,最后会变得是非不分。No cardinal concept, it is easy to establish a sense of right and wrong based on the immediate needs and will eventually become right and wrong。

7、Persistence and noble thought way, and can make a person to build life purpose and know their own responsibility.

8、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。 We are the masters of the country, it should be all for the sake of the country。


10、承受个人生命责任的意愿即是自尊自重的泉源。Willingness to bear the responsibility of individual life that is the source of self-respect。

11、一个人若是没有热情,他将一事无成,而热情的基点正是责任心。If a person without passion, he will achieve nothing, the starting point is the sense of responsibility and enthusiasm。

12、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。Noble, great price is responsibility。

13、The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny. -Albert Ellis

14、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。we are not born for himself, our country has given us the responsibility。

15、员工能力与责任的提高,是企业成功之源。Staff capacity and improve accountability, is the source of success。

16、How a person can take responsibility, can be made much success!

17、Change themselves, always more difficult than ban on others.

18、一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!A person can bear much responsibility, we can achieve much success!


20、Responsibility is to own request to do have a kind of love.

21、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。We are not born for ourselves, our nation gives our duty。

22、Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's addressed to someone else. -Ivern Ball

23、We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities. -Bill Maher

24、古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。Ancient into a major event, not only super-talented world, it always indomitable ambition。

25、每一项公民权都对应著一项公民责任。Each of citizenship corresponds to a civic responsibility。

26、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。 Notice responsible hardship of life in order to know all about the fun of responsibility。

27、When there is hell to pay, it is usually cheaper to pay it than to finance an endless purgatory. -Robert Brault

28、Mistakes fail in their mission of helping the person who blames them on the other fellow. -Henry S. Haskins

29、不要问你的国家能为你做甚麼,要问你能为你的国家做甚麼。 Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country。

30、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像蜡烛那样燃烧。to make everything around sparkles, oneself should also like a candle burning。 Gorky。

31、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。For one person, I expect nothing else, but only he can go all out and a beautiful dedication to the cause。

32、我们的使命是照亮整个世界,熔化世上的黑暗,找到自己和世界之间的和谐,建立自己内心的和谐。Our mission is to illuminate the whole world melted dark world, to find harmony between himself and the world, to establish their own inner harmony。

33、上天从没有赋予一个人任何权力,若非同时让他肩负相对的责任。God never gives a person any power, if not at the same time let him shoulder the relative responsibility。

34、明天人之际,通古今之变。Inter tomorrow person, through past and present of the change。

35、我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。 We serve the country, we can not all use the same way, everyone should follow the intrinsic resources, whatever。

36、自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。The first sense of freedom is to assume their responsibilities。

37、尽管责任有时使人厌烦,但不履行责任,只能是懦夫,不折不扣的废物。Although the responsibility sometimes boring, but does not fulfill the responsibility, only a coward, an absolute waste。


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