
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办





on college days, i studied some graphic artist design, package design, book design, website design and so on. here is my e-portfolio, please see it. besides, a few e-works in my flash disk. please see it when you are convenient.

thank you very much!


1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in..., we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.


3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of ... goods produced in ....


4. From ..., we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of .... We have pleasure in offering you ... of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


5. We learn from ... that your firm specializes in ..., and would like to establish business relationship with you.


6. Through the courtesy of.... we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ...


7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc.,


Today, foreign trade plays an increasingly important role in the economic development of a country or region. If a country wants to achieve rapid economic development, it must learn to make use of the foreign trade in the international and domestic markets. In addition to the returns from the optimal allocation of resources, the analysis of the industry is usually divided into analysis and structural analysis.

The total amount is analyzed from the perspective of the problem, but from the perspective of foreign trade From the perspective of the importance of structure, the structural analysis is about the economic development and industrial structure of a country or region, as well as the position of commodities in international competition. In the comprehensive response of international division of labor and international trade, commodity structure and regional structure are important components of foreign trade structure. After China's accession to the WTO, China's foreign trade has increased rapidly, becoming the two countries of the United States The world's third largest trading country, but with the rapid development of China's foreign trade, structural problems are becoming more and more obvious, such as unreasonable commodity structure, low added value of export products, and China's foreign trade of commodity trade is far greater than service trade.

This paper studies the optimization of China's import and export commodity structure and foreign trade structure, and finally puts forward the strategic goal of realizing import and export The first three chapters focus on the development of China's foreign trade and the structure and regional structure of foreign trade in goods. The fourth chapter introduces the current situation of China's foreign trade, introduces the current situation of China's foreign trade, the measures taken to realize the strategic goal and the export restructuring of WTO.






Hello, everybody!

My name is Han Meimei.I am from the city. I studied in No. 4 Middle School in the past three years, during which I have been very fond of and good at English and Chinese ever teachers I like most are Mr. Cheng, Miss Li, and Miss Gao. My hobbies include swimming in summer, skating in winter as well as reading novels and listening to music in my spare time.

I am a warm-hearted girl. I like comunicating with others and making more friends.I am out-going. I have many good friends.

I am glad to be one of you. Lets be friends, OK?

Thank you!







大学生英语自我介绍 1


Hello everyone!


My name is xxx and I come from Jiaxing, Zhejiang. I am a person who has rich emotions but lacks good eloquence. Hehe, I think that in college, we not only need to learn professional knowledge, but more importantly, we need to experience university life.


Firstly, the senior students who welcome me are very enthusiastic. They will take me to complete the registration procedures one by one, and I feel so friendly. I dont feel nervous or unfamiliar at all, especially the senior XX. He will take the initiative to help me with my luggage, and I can ask for advice on areas I dont understand.


Secondly, its painful because I come from Zhejiang. You know, Zhejiang doesnt eat spicy food. Eating spicy food is my biggest concern. After dinner, I felt so spicy that I had a headache all night. That night, the dean of our college joked that he couldnt eat spicy food when he came, and he couldnt eat spicy food when he returned four years later. So, I think eating spicy food will also be a compulsory course for me!


My college life will be a journey from pain to happiness. I hope we can become good friends in the future. Please take care of us!


i am very gald to introduce myself .i am from liaoning province. i graduated from shandong university and majored in microbiology. i love music and looking books, especially the history books.




My name . There are 4 people in my family. My father a Chemtry teacher. He teaches chemtry in senior high school. My mother an Englh teacher. She teaches Englh in the university. I have a younger brother, he a junior high school student and preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read Englh story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both Englh and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.



1 . 在下就是闭月羞花沉鱼落雁才高八斗貌似天仙玉树凌风赛潘安一枝梨花压海棠人送外号上天下地无所不能美貌与智慧并存、古典与活泼的化身——唐!伯!虎!

2 . 我貌赛潘安,义超关羽,智胜孔明,上知天文,下晓地理,出口成章,提笔成文,懂阴阳,测八卦,知奇门,晓遁甲的,大豪杰,大英雄,大剑客,大宗师,人称山崩地裂水倒流,赶浪无丝鬼见愁,前无古人,后无来者的,天下第一——“帅”呀~~

3 . 大家好!欢迎光临我们大连,我就是大连旅游届最富有才华、英俊潇洒、玉树临风、风流倜傥、高大威猛、人称山崩地裂水倒流鬼见愁、美貌与智慧结合、英雄与侠义化身、人见人爱、车见车载,为司机师傅可以两肋叉倒,为客人可以叉师傅两刀,呵呵```

4 . 美国在闹金融危机,俄罗斯在欺负乌克兰,小日本在搞军演,中国人在抵制转基因;黄海波涉黄,郭美美涉赌,房祖名涉毒,很多朋友属鼠,不过这些都跟我没有关系,我叫某某某,我来自地球,希望跟大家成为朋友,谢谢大家!

5 . 我叫是大家本次在大连的导游,大家可以叫我小X,很高兴在这茫茫人海中与大家相遇,我相信这是我们的缘分,俗话说的好百年修得同船度,咱们也是百年修得同车缘。既然大家在大连遇见我为大家服务,我一定会让大家玩的开心、玩的尽兴。希望我们的服务会给你们带来,在家千日好、出门也不难的感觉`````

6 . 木飞,十九岁,男,未婚。1987年1月出生,出生具体坐标北纬197。5度,东经36。55度。出生地:医院出生后第一件做的事——哭,为什么,因为我一张开眼就看到两个人在那里笑的欢,心里琢磨,偶招惹谁了,嘲笑偶?1987年2月,满月,前来为我祝寿的人很多,送红包的人也不少,当时年少,除了见钱眼开外,还很好色——当然是红色,打开一看,晕,居然只有10块,心里巨不爽:你大爷滴,这么少,你以为我是三岁小孩啊(好象刚满月)!

7 . HI,我叫“羊肉串,”我属牛,还真凑巧,我有“牛脾气”,性格也内向。我的爱好十分广泛:看书、写字、画画,这些都是我的拿手好戏。我拥有了我自己的一个博客,“书呆子”似的我已经是锦衣秀才了。我发布了近30篇作文,我的“家”在……我是405班大家庭中的一员,你们有空多到我的家来哦,惊喜等着你们哦!

8 . 我一直以为只要保持低调,就没有人认得出我是帅哥,可是我错了,像我这样拉风的男人,就好比暗夜裏的萤火虫,田地裏的金条子,是那麽的鲜明,那麽地出众,特别是我那忧郁的眼神,淩乱的发型,嘴裏叼著9块5的精品香烟,还有我裤袋裏露出的半包旺旺雪饼都tmd深深地出卖了我。

9 . “霸王别姬”,(声音要高喊一点)这里有有我的姓儿,大家好,我叫姬浩。性别,男,刚过完本命年,(这两句话押运)。有人说我很帅,谢谢各位。曾经也是伟大的人民教师,同时,我也保证今后的工作,也像是人民教师一样一丝不苟,坚持负责!谢谢各位。

10 . 大家好!我叫-,有句话说“相聚是缘”。我们既然有缘相聚在-班,所以对一些同学有了一定的认识和了解,也成为了朋友,希望我们大家能继续相互鼓励,共同成长。在花季和雨季有我们最深的情谊,也很高兴能和你们成为同学,希望大家以后在学习上相互帮助。

11 . 家穷人丑,一米四九;小学文化,农村户口;破屋三间,薄田一亩;冷锅热灶,老婆没有;一年四季,药不离口;今日这里,广征女友;革命道路,并肩携手。

12 . 我就是英俊潇洒风流倜傥人见人爱花见花开人称山崩地裂水倒流鬼见愁为了朋友可以两肋插刀为了女人可以插朋友两刀威震武林的~方林美少年是也~!是女生的话可以适当修改一下当初我们班一女生就是这样介绍的~真的是威震武林啊~!

13 . 我希望大家能记住我的名字因为我将会大家成为好朋友将同风共雨一起走过这段美好的时光我很喜欢这个班集体和你们每一个人因为我们都有共同的梦想!!!请多指教哦!

14 . 明月几时有,把酒问青天,欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。一个好男人,33岁,文学青年,在扫盲班时就已成绩优异,加上错别字总共会读会写20xx余字,现觅与我有相同爱好之女文学青年,一同风花雪月,梅花三弄,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。

15 . 额......大家好......我叫米安诺大家可以叫我小米或者小安又或者小诺很高兴来到这里希望大家有钱的捧个钱场没钱的跟别人借钱捧个钱场作为将要生活这么久的团体人员之一我认为温暖的心总比僵硬的手要好。。。。。所以呢希望大家能多多照顾我

16 . 美国在闹金融危机,俄罗斯在欺负乌克兰,小日本在搞军演,中国人在抵制转基因;黄海波涉黄,郭美美涉赌,房祖名涉毒,很多朋友属鼠,不过这些都跟我没有关系,我叫某某某,我来自地球,希望跟大家成为朋友,谢谢大家!

17 . \"霸王别姬\",(声音要高喊一点)这里有有我的姓儿,大家好,我叫姬浩.性别,男,刚过完本命年,(这两句话押运).有人说我很帅,谢谢各位.曾经也是伟大的人民教师,同时,我也保证今后的工作,也像是人民教师一样一丝不苟,坚持负责!谢谢各位.

18 . 大家好!我叫-,有句话说\"相聚是缘\".我们既然有缘相聚在-班,所以对一些同学有了一定的认识和了解,也成为了朋友,希望我们大家能继续相互鼓励,共同成长.在花季和雨季有我们最深的情谊,也很高兴能和你们成为同学,希望大家以后在学习上相互帮助.

19 . 如果你是具有传统道德观念和家庭责任感的纯洁姑娘,如果你年轻美貌,富气质,如果你是本科以上文化,如果你存款超过三十万,请考虑以下择偶人选:男,33岁,未婚,高1.63米,农村户口,小学文化,种田在家,收入丰厚,每餐有肉,胸襟广阔,诚实沉静,浑身是爱,信至转,拒访.

20 . 大家好,我是四七班的林元源!我有着中国人乌黑的头发,有着中国人土黄色的皮肤,有着膘肥体壮的身材,在班级里同学们叫我“大力士”。



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