
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




1、"The mother is worried when she travels a thousand miles." So is the father? However, the father's love for his children is hidden in his heart and subtle actions. Father's love is like the black soil, which silently supplies the nutrition and water needed by the seedlings. Father's love is like the dew on the lotus leaf in the morning, which inadvertently soaks the thirsty heart of the lotus.



4、Father's love is a thick book, bearing the vicissitudes of time. Father's love is a trickle of water, flowing with a thousand turns of nature. Father's love is the star of our life, always shining our way forward, always urging us to struggle.


6、In the past, I was often beaten by my father, and I even hated my father. One day, I asked my mother wrongly: "Mom, Dad always beats me, does he not love me anymore?" "Silly boy, how could he? Dad loves you very much, but he is not good at expressing himself." Alas! But I can't feel it at all!



9、What is the father's instinct? I have considered carefully: the father's instinct is to shield his children from the sun, a tiny dust, a speeding car, a fierce lion... In a word, the father's instinct is to shelter his children from the wind and rain, even to pay his own everything, including life.

10、Fatherly love is deep, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist; Fatherly love is great, it is no less than maternal love; Father's love is noble, it makes me from an ignorant child to a sensible student.

11、Father's love is a cup of wine stored in the cellar, which is sweet and long. Father's love is a classic song that can never be tired of listening to.

12、You held my hand and made countless promises; You once kissed my face with hard beard dregs. Unexpectedly, the years have been stained with wind and frost, scattered on your hair. Happy Father's Day!


14、Silence is my father's fiery heart.


16、Such a person, who is bound up with you all his life, supports a world with his thick arms and protects a family; His wings protect your healthy growth, because he wants you to have the arm of a giant; His criticism may make you angry, but you always blame yourself behind his back; After his majesty, he was so gentle. This was his father.



19、My father is like a wolf. Inside his strong appearance, there is a tender heart. He loves me, but never dotes on me. He loves me in an alternative way.

20、Through all the changes life and love have brought us, one thing remains the same-you mean the world to me.













32、I have a fickle father. Sometimes we are close to each other like friends; Sometimes, like strangers, they are strangers to each other and far away from the world. His personality can be described by the advertising words of the Seven Wolves.


34、No heaven, no land. My father gave my children a piece of blue sky, and my father gave them fertile land. My father taught my children to be firm and strong. My father is the eternal sun for my children. Today is Father's Day. I wish our fathers all happiness!





39、Father's love is like the rain in spring, which moistens my seedling from the ground. When I felt depressed, my father's words of encouragement made me feel warm, and everything started again.




43、Father's love is a tree that protects me from wind and rain; Father's love is a street lamp, giving me light on the way to my future; Father's love is a star, guarding me everywhere






48、The moment of thinking is happy; Having the pleasure of feeling is happiness; Having a father's love is also happy.

49、Father love is actually very simple. It is like liquor, spicy and warm, easy to get drunk in it; It is like coffee, bitter and mellow, easy to inspire people; It is like tea, insipid and kind, making people unconsciously addicted; It is like fire, which gives people warmth but is intimidating, and it is easy for people to stimulate themselves.

50、Father's love is deep. I want to say a word to my father from the bottom of my heart. Although this word has been said thousands of times by the world, I want to say to my father: "I love you!"

51、Father love is silent, if you feel it, it is not father love!




55、Some people say that maternal love is like a mountain and a sea. But I said, father's love is the sea, and we are just a ship as children, which can never sail out of the harbor; Father's love is the sky. We are just a bird. We can never fly out of the vast sky.



58、Because it is a mountain, my father's love is strong and brave. Some people say that without father's love, there is no fortitude; Without father's love, there is no broadness. Indeed, fatherly love is not weak or insignificant at all. From childhood to adulthood, our father brought us the image of being tall and strong, which continued to the invisible father's love and accompanied us. Until one day father is no longer strong, his strong fatherly love has already told us to be brave and strong.

59、You are the warm sun in winter, always warm your heart; You are the spring in the desert, forever moistening your heart; You are the core of the family and the authority forever. On Father's Day, I wish my father healthy and happy forever! Good mood, happiness forever!


61、Although the love of my parents is so great, I think my parents sometimes love me and sometimes prefer others. I can't understand this kind of love.


63、When the breeze blew, I seemed to see my father standing in front of me with a smile, slowly stroking my hair. Although he did not speak, I could understand his loving eyes. In my father's eyes, I understood a kind of broad affection, which is a kind of broad-minded, sublimated father's love.




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