
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




1、Hate can stir up disputes, love can cover up all faults.


3、Love is a luxury, as long as the heart is hard as iron, no one hurt me to be.爱情是一种奢望,只要心坚硬如铁,谁都伤我不得。

4、Cry to yourself, laugh to others, this is the so-called life.


6、非要经历一些无常,才能甘愿珍惜当下。Have to experience some uncertainty to e etimes fleeting is eternal, perhaps in casual corner, ings; Cant change, called the place to place.

7、True love is above power, that is the power to save the world.


9、The finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet你能留给孩子的最好财产莫过于允许他完全独立自主地摸索自己的道路。Isadora Duncan 伊莎多拉·邓肯

10、You and I are doomed to spend the thorny road together, the rest of our lives are rough and separate.

11、Wish you all the best on solstice, Pepsi Cola, happiness and wellbeing.

12、No men is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent没有人是完全孤立的岛屿,每人都是构成大陆的一小块。John Donne 约翰·邓恩

13、Don't try to understand everything because sometimes, things are not meant to be understood but rather to just be accepted.不要尝试去弄清每件事,因为有时候一些事情不是用来理解的,而是要懂得接受它们。

14、The sunshine is warm and the years are quiet. You are still in the future. How dare I grow old!




18、Bamboo is woven into baskets and raw rice is used for mature rice.

19、I dont want anything, just your love.


21、Courage is the basic virtue for everyone so long as he continues to grow, to move ahead勇气是每个人首要的美德,只要他还在成长,还在前进。Rollo May


22、Love has given everything, but still rich.

23、没有 Without the tears of the author, there would be no tears of the reader.

24、A sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to distance.


26、If you dont choose to make friends, you can do whatever you want.


28、Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from ask。有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问。

29、If you dare not say it, you can only rot in your heart; if you cant love, you can only put it in your heart.

30、You said there was me in the north, and then you went south.

31、Many relationships around me are beginning to fade, and I am more and more lazy.

32、Completely injured and pierced, please dont say love me again.

33、Easy to dig out the heart and lung, more afraid to lose.

34、The most beautiful is not the rainy day,but with you avoid the rain eaves.

35、When you are wronged, just squat in the corner and hug yourself.

36、A friend in need has thick righteousness, and a husband and wife in need have thick affection.

37、You just broke into my open heart。你就这样闯入我不设防的心脏。


39、matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美.

40、Lets sit by the long river of time, look far away, whisper and sing the song of life.

41、No happiness, smile is still there. There is no fairy tale, childhood is still there.

42、不求彼此拥有,只愿一生相守,不求海枯石烂,只愿心灵相伴。Do not ask for each others own, just want to stay together for life, not for the dry sea and the rotten rocks, only wish to accompany the soul. 请你从我梦里出去,或者,再也不要离开。



44、In such a real world, how can I interpret the fairy tale love.

45、Never said forget to forget this matter, only pretend to be indifferent and secretly miss the heart.

46、Leave the miracle to others. I have you.

47、Its not that I dont love you anymore. Its just too deep. Its time to let go.

48、I forget your appearance, but clearly remember your taste.

49、If it wasnt for you, how could I hurt myself.

50、你何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,就是为你自己。 another persons arrival or departure.

51、People who really love you dont just ask you to drink.

52、Use time and heart to see a person, not eyes.

53、Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.一切都会好起来的,也许不是今天,但最终都会。

54、If you dont come back, I cant escape. I love you so much.

55、I dont like children. Do you think its OK to raise you as a child.

56、人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。Life sometimes, always is ironic。 A turn round is probably I。

57、If you give me the same as you give others, Id rather not.

58、Obviously will be aggrieved, but just because can not put down and compromise mood.

59、There is always someone who teaches you to grow and then he leaves alone.

60、in your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years 一生最少该有一次,为了更好地某一人而忘记了,不求有結果,不求同行业,不求曾经的我们,乃至不求你爱我。但求在我最美的年华里,遇见你。

61、Love is not about running into each other in crowdsLove is an impossible meetingFor example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forestWe just fall in love accidentally.缘分不是人海中两个人的擦身,缘分是不可能的相遇。比如我是空中的鸟,你是林中的豹,只是我们碰巧相爱。

62、In the world, only a liar is sincere, because he really deceives you.


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