
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办



英文求职信格式 篇1


Dear leaders:


I called Zhang xx, will be graduated in July 20xx Tangshan Normal College computer science bachelors degree in computer. Ive been trying to learn from that day admitted to the University, cultivate good study habits in college life lessons learned from many aspects including basic computer knowledge to use and so on. Through the study of this knowledge, the knowledge in this area, I have a certain degree of understanding and mastery. And a lot of practice, and further deepened understanding of the computer. At the same time learn the basics also focus on the comprehensive development of multifaceted, has participated in various school activities, internships process will combine theory and practice, by the school teachers and students welcome.

College career, I learned a wealth of expertise and their ability to exercise through college studying, I mastered the c language, assembly language, compiler theory, powerbuilder, database theory, and c v, c , windows programming have some understanding. I also studied delphi extracurricular programming, asp dynamic pages and flash animations, and in semester sophomore won the "database" test certificate.

With the birth of the knowledge economy Pro, society will be more need for "outstanding professional, quality comprehensive" combined talents. Therefore, I also actively involved in extracurricular various classes, colleges and social activities. From different levels and angles to exercise themselves, their organization, management skills and teamwork spirit has greatly improved.

Recalling the university a few years ago, I learned the most useful knowledge are: confident and self! Experience the deepest sentence: A World Without unachievable!

Finally, once again thank you for your patience in reading my cover letter.

Sincerely hope to get your companys appreciation.

Thank you!

英文求职信格式 篇2


1、(a)软弱、羞怯的:If you think Ican fill the position after you have read my letter,I shall be glad to talk with you.读完此信后倘您认为敝人可补缺,敝人愿和您一谈。 (b)改写后(较佳):If my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you,I should welcome the opportunity to talk with you,so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.

2、(a)怀疑,不妥、不安全的:If you're interested,let me know immediately,as I'm sure and interview will convince you I'm the man for the job.倘贵公司有兴趣,请即告知,敝人深信与您面谈可以使您相信,敝人适合担任此职。 (b)改写后:May Ihave an interview?You can reach me by telephone at Taipei 884525 between the hours of 7-9a.m.and 5:30-9:30p.m.any evening.可否赐予面谈?您可在每天上午七至九时,下午五时半至九时电884525号。

3、陈腐的句子:Hoping you will give me an interview,I am…(我希望您惠予面谈)Anticipating afavorable decision,I wait your…(等候您的佳音)Trusting your reply will be satisfactory,I remain(静候满意的答复)

4、哀求式的句子,不够完整(漏掉面谈时间):Won't you please give me the chance to interview your?I can be reached by calling Kenmore 69781.恳请惠予面谈。请打电话K-69781 (b)改写后:May Ihave the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you?My telephone is Kenmore 69781.You can reach me between nine and five o'clock during the day.可否惠予面谈以便进一步商讨?我的电话是K-69781。我从上午九时到下午五时都可接通。

5、太过自信的句子:I am quite certain that an interview will substantiate my statements Between two and four every afternoon except Tuesday you can reach me by telephoning 731430.我深信面谈可以证实我的话。您可在每天下午二至四时(星期二例外)打731430号电话通知我。

6、较具体有效的句子。May Ihave an interview?My residence telephone is(042)4398.You reach me by calling that number until June 30.After July 2,my address will be Kent House,Bretton Woods,New Hampshire.可否惠予面谈?我住处电话为43981号。六月三十日以前我都在上址,七月二日以后,我的新址为新罕不夏州布列登林肯特屋。

英文求职信格式 篇3

work experience 工作经历 occupational history 工作经历

professionalhistory 职业经历 specific experience 具体经历

responsibilities 职责 second job 第二职业

achievements 工作成就,业绩 administer 管理

assist 辅助 adapted to 适应于

accomplish 完成(任务等) appointed 被认命的.

adept in 善于 analyze 分析

authorized 委任的;核准的 behave 表现

break the record 打破纪录 breakthrough 关键问题的解决

control 控制 conduct 经营,处理

cost 成本;费用 create 创造

demonstrate 证明,示范 decrease 减少

design 设计 develop 开发,发挥

devise 设计,发明 direct 指导

double 加倍,翻一番 earn 获得,赚取

effect 效果,作用 eliminate 消除

enlarge 扩大 enrich 使丰富

exploit 开发(资源,产品) enliven 搞活

establish 设立(公司等);使开业 evaluation 估价,评价

execute 实行,实施 expedite 加快;促进

generate 产生 good at 擅长于

guide 指导;操纵 improve 改进,提高

initiate 创始,开创 innovate 改革,革新

invest 投资 integrate 使结合;使一体化

justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业)

maintain 保持;维修 modernize 使现代化

negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名;被认命的

overcome 克服 perfect 使完善;改善

perform 执行,履行 profit 利润

be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为

realize 实现(目标)获得(利润) reconstruct 重建

recorded 记载的 refine 精练,精制

registered 已注册的 regenerate 更新,使再生

replace 接替,替换 retrieve 挽回

revenue 收益,收入 scientific 科学的,系统的

self-dependence 自力更生 serve 服务,供职

settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能

simplify 简化,精简 spread 传播,扩大

standard 标准,规格 supervises 监督,管理

supply 供给,满足 systematize 使系统化

test 试验,检验 well-trained 训练有素的

valuable 有价值的 target 目标,指标

working model 劳动模范 advanced worker 先进工作者

英文求职信格式 篇4

distinguished leaders and teachers:


whether you choose me, i must say the road is very sincere "thank you for giving me the opportunity to"!

i am a lucky guy, in my experience the road to study a number of very good teachers, they have high status in the eyes, therefore, be a people of teachers has become a dream of my childhood, in practice, i the first set foot on the podium, the first students to feel really naive, pure, and even mischievous, they are happy smiling faces made me feel i was the world''s most well-being of the people, at this moment, i am a teacher of students with love motherly love as holy, to be a people''s teacher is my choice no regrets!

sixteen years of school life, a decade left the care of parents, of course, i would be more independent than others, tenacious. truth-seeking, aggressive, challenging it can be said that i am one of the major characteristics of personality, i have always believed that word, as long as had been done, is also a victory failed! the results are important, but experience will make you a man in the process of becoming more rich, full-bodied.

"no experience of wind and rain, how can见彩虹!" i appreciate this can be very frank with you that just four years ago i entered the university of the school, music, literacy can be said to be poor and white, because i am in the high only when the sense of music, just like before, have never received any professional training, only after six months of intensive, i will be able to统招in his capacity as the country entered the music department of northeast normal university, teachers have exclaimed this is really a miracle.

after four years of efforts by several times more than ordinary people, i am vocal, piano and other door basic theory and basic skills courses has made amazing progress, an ugly duckling has become a white swan, if you do not believe it, i go of waiting for your appraisal!

sincerely, salute distinguished leaders and teachers:


whether you choose me, i must say the road is very sincere "thank you for giving me the opportunity to"!

i am a lucky guy, in my experience the road to study a number of very good teachers, they have high status in the eyes, therefore, be a people of teachers has become a dream of my childhood, in practice, i the first set foot on the podium, the first students to feel really naive, pure, and even mischievous, they are happy smiling faces made me feel i was the world''s most well-being of the people, at this moment, i am a teacher of students with love motherly love as holy, to be a people''s teacher is my choice no regrets!

sixteen years of school life, a decade left the care of parents, of course, i would be more independent than others, tenacious. truth-seeking, aggressive, challenging it can be said that i am one of the major characteristics of personality, i have always believed that word, as long as had been done, is also a victory failed! the results are important, but experience will make you a man in the process of becoming more rich, full-bodied.

"no experience of wind and rain, how can见彩虹!" i appreciate this can be very frank with you that just four years ago i entered the university of the school, music, literacy can be said to be poor and white, because i am in the high only when the sense of music, just like before, have never received any professional training, only after six months of intensive, i will be able to统招in his capacity as the country entered the music department of northeast normal university, teachers have exclaimed this is really a miracle.

after four years of efforts by several times more than ordinary people, i am vocal, piano and other door basic theory and basic skills courses has made amazing progress, an ugly duckling has become a white swan, if you do not believe it, i go of waiting for your appraisal!

sincerely, salute

英文求职信格式 篇5

dear leaders:


thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read down the letter to my job! i am about to complete their studies in the social set foot on the occasion of the extended family, had the honor to receive such a display of your company a valuable opportunity for self, is most grateful!

the new century is approaching, society needs is a comprehensive high-quality talent, i am well aware of the competitive society in the future will be the talent competition, to competition in such a stand out, apart from the learning and mastery of professional knowledge, but also comprehensive training needs of their own qualities, and strive to be moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development. three-year university career, i learned a lot a lot a lot a lot of growing up. just remember that when进校门also do not know much about computers, but the three-year study and efforts to benefit from a wide range of training opportunities. now i'm proficient in debugging computer, the computer network; in addition, the integrated use of skilled but also word, excel, wps scheduling and so on newspapers, magazines, manuscripts, etc., using frontpage, photoshop, flash, autocad and other software to complete an independent web site planning, construction and maintenance. i personally think that the biggest advantage is accumulated over the past few years a wide range of practical experience and strong ability to do the operation.

i studied bio-engineering profession, the professional courses have been master of all, although some failed to meet the standards of proficiency, but i am confident that the work in the future to continue their studies. in this connection, i would not say that i have done very well, but their own self-confidence i can do better. this is where my greatest strengths!

to find a suitable for its own characteristics, can give full play to their potential is my dream job, i hope your company can become self-worth that can be achieved the big stage. if your company can work together and embrace the glory that tomorrow will be my great honor! i will use my results to you to confirm my strength! i hope you give me a chance, i will also you a satisfied!

i wish: smooth!

the performance of your company every success!



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