
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




一. 教材分析:

本次说课我所使用的教材是义务教育课程规范实验教科书,小学三年级上册第四单元We Love Animals。 本套教材非常注重同学语言应用能力的培养,从同学的角度来讲,基础教育最主要的任务是要学会学习,开发自主学习能力,培养创新能力。本教材在整体构思、内容布置、活动设计和教学方法都采用了与同学紧密联系的生活实际,真正体现了语言的交际功能,同时,它把知识和技能目标融会在了完成任务的过程之中,从而体现出了英语新课标提出的把话题---功能---结构---任务结合起来的总思路,为培养同学运用英语进行交流打下良好的基础。


○1. Let’s learn

本局部主要是学习常见动物单词 cat dog monkey duck panda rabbit

○2. Let’s talk

学习句型I have a …以和Super! Cool! Wow! Great!等表示赞美的感叹词语。

○3. Let’s do.

本局部要求同学在“Act like a..”的指令下模仿小动物的动作。

2.本课教学目标: (知识目标、 能力目标、 德育目标)


○1.能听懂,会说Look! I have a … 并能在实际情景中运用。







3. 重 、难点的确定:

重点: 能听说认读常见的动物单词,并能运用句型“Look! I have a ..”

难点: 由于同学年纪小,对于一节课要正确运用所学句型和四种表达感叹的词,有一定的难度,而且特别容易混淆。通过本课的学习,运用自然引入的方法协助同学正确理解与使用重点句型和四个感叹词。

二. 教材处置:








通过新课导入、新课讲解、 反复操练和巩固运用、反馈练习、归纳总结五步教学法,运用同学感兴趣的竞赛和游戏活动,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,以同学为主体的师生双边活动。





○1英文歌曲欣赏 上课之前,让同学欣赏并演唱英文歌曲,通过简单的手势让同学在唱起来的同时动起来,演起来,乐起来 ,在音乐的烘托下,歌曲营造了轻松的学习氛围并且出现了个别动物的词汇,为所学内容做好了铺垫准备。

○2每日对话 为了激发同学的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先布置了师生间的每日英语对话“Do you like …?Yes,I do. What’s this? It’s a …”,通过口语练习,完成了对教学新课的铺垫,以"旧"引"新"。

○3单词教学 通过色彩鲜艳的课件演示,告诉同学这节课我将带他们去一个有趣的地方,并请他们依据我的提示猜想要去哪里?当同学猜出去大森林时, 我们便"上车", 一路欢歌去了森林公园。随着动听的音乐,电脑打出公园全景, 给同学一种身临其境的感觉,导入正课。





○1为了调动同学的积极性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,和竞赛等多种不同方式操练巩固。使同学处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养同学运用英语的能力。

○2TPR活动。TPR是全身运动反应法的缩写词,TPR听听做做的活动深受儿童喜爱、节奏和动作能刺激大脑皮层,激活记忆。我先要求同学仔细听并且看老师的动作, 猜想其含义,然后跟着录音局部做动作, 从对 “Act like a ..” 的反映中自然习得语言。





喜爱扮演是小同学的天性,我充沛利用这一特性让同学用自身所带的毛绒动物扮演对话内容“Look! I have a… 并自选感叹词,给同学充沛的时间与同座练习本课重点句型。同学练习完后,自由组合代表小组进行台前扮演,并由教师和局部同学作为评委对参与扮演的同学给予评价。让同学通过扮演,真正的锻炼了同学运用语言的能力。





本节课是北京版三年级下册I Want to Be a Teacher!本课是第七单元My Future第一节课,第7单元讲的是谈论我的未来,而本节课主要是在学生掌握了一定的日常用语,了解了一些职业名词的基础上,以第四单元My Neighborhood (I love my neighborhood)中的各种职务的人物为背景,展开描述自己的未来。


1、知识目标:会说:future, scientist, might ,engineer; 掌握新句型I hope to be a/an… I want to be a/an…./I would like to be a/an….Because….并能熟练运用新句型进行交流。







be good at 2. do well in

3. in the future

4. have a good future

5. It’s hard/easy to

6. talk about

7. give a talk

8. I hope to be a/an…

9. grow up

10. have a good rest

11. take some medicine

12. give sb. some suggestions/advice


具体语言目标都是以35·35模式安排教学,通过各种各样的Tasks来实现的,本节课需要学生运用具体而特定的行动来完成一定的语言交流.比如说,因为be good at ,所以want to be .所以要求学生用自己身临其境的状态去创造自己的语言!整个教学过程中,各种语言结构,语言功能,不同的学习任务等的要求。因此我选用了以下教学方法;








3、在教学过程中创造积极互动的语言氛围,让学生在乐中学.调动学生学习积极性.例如,Can you draw/sing a picture/a song for us?从此例中,让学生感受到语言是互通的,学生的简单思维,也照样可以用自己已学的英语知识表达出来,所以他们就可能会更加理解英语就是一门工具,有必要学好它,掌握它!


Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage.

Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns

b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

2.Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3.Emotion or moral objects:

a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

b)Teach the Ss what is "science", put the moral education in the language study.

now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use "Communicative" Approach, "Whole language teaching" and "Task-based" language teaching 。 That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a "scene — activity" teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Our students are almost from the countryside. They are lack of geography knowledge and the cultural background of those foreign countries.As senior students ,they have a certain ability to read . And the beautiful places are most attractive and easily arouse students learning emotion.As for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills.Some students are not active in the class ,and some students don’t like English.therefore, I ’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere. Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc. And make preparation for completing the new study task.After feeling and understanding the language points, let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study. In a word,we’ll

1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.

2.Let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice " to study language.

3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.

Part 4 Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Lead-in.

As we all know ,Benjamin Franklin is a famous politician and writer.But today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. His serious attitude to science .Let’s see how Franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite.

1)。 Group competition

In the 18th and 19th century, scientists all over the world made many important discoveries and inventions in different fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and so on. Divide the whole class into four groups to name some of them.

2)。 Group work

A match competition. Match Column B with Column A correctly.give more examples to make Ss get information.

Purpose of my design:To get to know something about the story of famous scientists.

To have a better understanding about the importance of experiments in science.It is really difficult for the scientists to achieve their goal , and only after tens of thousands of attempts, experiments, thinking and failure can they be successful in their research. Today, we are going to learn one example of them: Franklin’s famous kite experiment.



本单元的中心话题是谈论个性特征(talk about personal traits)和比较他人(compare people)。这是一个非常符合八年级学生心理特点的话题。在这节课中,同学们第一次接触形容词的比较级(the comparative degree of adjectives),并运用这些词进行听、说、读、演、写等各项练习,教材对相关对话的设计及听力语言材料的选编无不紧扣比较(comparison)这个中心。


温故而知新。热身环节(Warming-up activity)根据学生对老师的情况很好奇的心理特点,设计了师生之间互问问题从而达到增进了解的目的,并且做到师生平等,形成和谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢说、愿说。作为“热身”的另外一部分,一个同学间互作自我介绍的游戏,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。同时,通过听、看、说的充分练习,复习了身高、体形、长相等方面的单词,为下一步描述图画作铺垫。


口语部分(Oral practice)是为了进一步巩固刚学习的形容词比较级。通过有趣的三对双胞胎对比,让比较级在情景中得到合理有效地运用。并在不经意中将书上对话自然地呈现出来,作为口语练习的例子。学生从模仿到创造的这种口语训练,为下面的听力打下坚实的基础。

听力部分(Listening practice)做到循序渐进,先听顺序,再听名字,最后听意思。此部分不再是听简单的单词发音,更重要的是听有意义的对话。学生通过看图、听音、跟读、分角色朗读形成语感。







Lesson13: 《How’s The Weather Today ?》是小学英语第四册unit2 Days and Months中的一课。本单元围绕月份、序数词、节日、时间、天气等话题展开对话。在本课中,Li Ming已回到中国学校,他和英语老师谈论了有关天气的情况,由此引出了本课的教学重点描述天气状况的形容词及How’s the weather today ? It’s ______.这个描述天气的句式。教学内容形象、直观、贴近生活,易于学生理解和接受。


本节课的授课对象是小学四年级的学生,他们想象力丰富,乐于参加表演,喜欢做游戏,急于得到别人特别是老师的肯定。从心理学角度分析,孩子们需要被发现、被认可、被肯定的感觉。(我在教学中会用"You can do it.""That’ s great."" You have a good idea. "等话语鼓励表扬学生,让学生敢说。)在第三册中,学生已对snowy, windy, sunny,cloudy,rainy天气形容词进行了学习,从而为本课 的学习打好了基础,减小了难度。由于教学内容形象直观,贴近生活,学生乐学,兴趣浓厚。


知识目标:通过教学让学生可以读、写、说出并听懂snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy等词汇运用;

能力目标:指导学生在任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用英语How’s the weather today ? It’s ______与他人谈论天气的字让现象和形容词的比较的话题,以及进一步提高听力能力和英语语言表达能力;



1、学生能够读、写 、说出并且听懂下列描述天气的形容词:


2、学生能够读、写、说出并且听懂下列标准用语:How’s the weather today ? It’s______.










根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我和同学们一起演唱英语歌曲《The Month Song 》,调动起学生的积极性 .(分组演唱,五个组每组唱两个月份,最后两个月合唱。这样可以让学生有竞争意识,我会表扬唱的声音大的小组并奖励。)





T: What‘s this?

S: This is the sun.

T: How’s the weather ?

S: It‘s sunny.



学习句式"How’s the weather today ? It’s ______"

1、引导学生进行朗读,利用表示天气的形容词进行造句练习,以小星星的形式进行奖励 .

2、以歌曲《 How’s the weather 》提高学生的学习兴趣,()巩固练习此句式。(教师唱一遍歌曲,教师的引领起着很大的作用,动画播放完有的同学能学会,老师唱完了大多数孩子都能学会。)



1、What day is it today?

2、What day is tomorrow?

3、How’s the weather today




A:What day is it today?

B: It is____.

A: How’s the weather today?

B: It is _______.

A: What do you like to do?

B: I like to _________.





a,s_nny b.cl__dy c.sn__y d.w__dy e.r__ny (考查单词)


a. the how‘s today weather


b. is it cold and snowy


c.day was what yesterday




Lesson13:How’s The Weather Today?

sunny How’s The Weather Today?

cloudy It’s_____________

windy T1 T2



这节课我以贴近学生的生活的日期月份入手,从开课歌曲开始就为学生创设了一个真实的语言环境,通过游戏,竞赛调动学生参与课堂的积极性,既达到了很好的复习效果,又为新句型How’s the weather today?It’s ____作了铺垫。课堂练习时,我根据不同的学生,进行分层次教学,使各层面的学生有所得。最后,又以学生日常所见的天气预报形式,将整堂课的教学内容串联起来,让学生用所学过的语言知识,进行自由交际,达到综合运用的目的。本节课的亮点是学生小组练习,练习充分,积极表演。




第29课位于本册书第四单元第五课,第四单元以“Food and Restaurants”展开学习,主要帮助学生掌握一日三餐的表达法,英语国家中最常见的饮料与食品的名称及数字11到20的读写法。通过学习让学生了解一些西方饮食习惯并能用简单的英语在就餐时进行交谈,学会表达“喜欢与不喜欢”,“谈论价格”等,在此基础上区分可数名词与不可数名词,了解行为动词的一般现在时态,逐步培养学生乐于接触异国文化的情趣。

本课主要学习饮料的名称及计量单位,数字16到20,并以一首歌曲来复习食物名称。根据其内容与第27课联系较紧密,我将设计在上完27课后跳过28课先上这一课,以此来加深学生对系统知识的巩固。通过学习,本课的教学重点是让学生牢固掌握词汇和短语: sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, melon, coke, juice,coffee, cup, a cup of, bottle, a bottle of, can, a can of, glass, a glass of;唱会歌曲“It’s time for lunch.”。教学的难点在于进一步让学生区分可数名词与不可数名词。








由于是对陌生的学生上课,我应先向学生做自我介绍,然后师生一起跟随课件中的音乐唱“How Are You?”,以此来营造愉悦的课堂氛围,拉近与学生的友好关系。




对于这一部分的学习,我先用句型What’s this?及答语It’s___。来提问图片内容,教学短语和词汇;然后采用齐读、抽读来检测他们对生短语的认读情况;最后把全班分成两组进行问答式练习。


对于第二部分的学习,先出示图的画面,用What are they?来提问,学习他们的单、复数形式,再用How many___?提问数量,学习16到20的读、写法,最后让学生两人一组用问数量的句型对本部分进行练习。










1. 地位和作用。



1) 知识与技能

本单元通过学习情态动词,学会正确运用must, might, could 和can’t 对事物进行推断,并注意体会这些词表示判断时的程度,尽量做到用词准确。拓展了belong to, much too, too much, count等词的使用,并提供了一些实用的英语谚语,要对本单元中的生词做到会读、会写、会用。学会根据一定的背景或前提进行续写。

2) 学习策略

有目的的让学生预习,在完成任务的活动中主动的学习语言,养成继续学习英语和学好英语的良好习惯。归纳总结情态动词 must , might, could 和 can’t 表示推断的用法,比较它们的用法区别,在选择它们进行运用时,要多角度,全方位地思考,根据句子语境,明确句子的含义,选择正确的情态动词。并让学习学会查字典。

3) 情态态度与价值观

在日常生活中我们用善于动脑观察,比较事物的特点与区别,逐渐培养自己的推理、判断能力。 同时要学会对某一事物民表自己的看法并申明理由,进而锻炼自己的演讲口才与交往能力,还要注意环保,野餐后要记得带走垃圾,在餐厅吃饭时,不要乱扔垃圾等,来保持环境的整洁与干净。


学会重点词汇和目标语言,学会用must, might, could 和can’t 进行推论。


训练学生的听、说、读、写的能力,让学生掌握must, might, could 和can’t 的用法。



第一课时:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c

第二课时:Section A 2a, 2b, 2c

第三课时:Section A 3a, 3b, 4

第四课时:Section B 1,2a, 2b, 2c

第五课时:Section B 3a,3b,3c

第六课时:Section B 4,selfcheck





1)情态动词must, might, could 和can’t 表示推测的含义与用法,后面都接动词原形,都可以对现在情况的揣测或推断,但他们含义有所不同,must,一定,肯定(100%),might, could有可能,也许(20%--80%),can’t 不可能,不会(可能性几乎为零)

2)belong to someone和 be someone’s

含义基本相同,都表示“属于某人”、“归某人所有”。但要注意用法上的区别: belong to 中的 to 为介词,后面需接名词可宾格代词,而be someone’s 中有 be 动词,根据意思需要后面要接名词的所有格形式或名词性物主代词。

3) much too与too much的区别

















本课时的教材内容是有关职业的六个单词dctr fire fighter nurse ffice wrer plice fficer secretar taxi driver teacher 以及询问别人职业的句型What des ur father d? He is a …。





1、知识目标:能够听、 说 、读、写六个新授单词dctr fire fighter nurse ffice wrer plice fficer secretar taxi driver teacher能听、说、认读句型What des ur father d? He is a …。

2、能力目标:学会使用句型What des ur father d?He is … 来询问和回答他人职业,并能使用句型What are u ging t be? I’ ging t be…来询问别人和表达自己的理想。






2. 学法指导





1. 导入设计

(1)Let’s sing。。

在热身时让学生一起唱四年级上第六单元的歌曲What des he d?这首歌曲与本课教学内容有着密切的关系。放在课前作为热身活动,能使学生更快地进入学习状态。同时也起到复习巩固的作用。

(2)Rean and guess。通过阅读一段简单的文字来猜教师的一位新朋友来导入新课,旨在培养学生的阅读能力。

(3) Guessing gae: What can Mr。 Cat d?,设计这样一个游戏的第一个目的是为了自然地过渡到本课的词汇教学;第二是为了充分调动学生参与活动的积极性。这是一个难度比较低的游戏,考虑到六年级学生普遍存在着害羞怕出错的.心理,我认为这样一个低难度的游戏能充分调动他们的参与热情。

2. 新课呈现

(1)本课六个新授词汇我都以Mr。 Cat邻居的身份导入。其中我在部分单词的出现方式上稍做变化。以不同形式的猜谜方式引出,其中通过阅读文字引出赵薇actress的教学,以听歌曲的猜人物的方式引出周杰伦singer的教学,以看图片猜人物的方式引出杨红樱writer的教学,这样不仅能调动学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学生的学习兴趣,还大大地提高了课堂教学效率。同时在每个单词新授后我都安排了一个同样的环节让学生说说自己所知道的各个职业的一些名人。培养学生良好的口语表达能力。

(2)单词拼读能力的训练和单词频度规律的总结。主要是训练学生对四会单词的拼读能力,其中有三个单词writer, singer,TV reprter的结尾三个字母都是er,给学生归纳总结有助于学生记忆。

(3)Guessing gae: What des Mr Cat’s father d?这个游戏的主要目的还是为了进一步巩固这六个新单词的学习。考虑到六年级学生对于这种比较刺激的游戏都特别感兴趣,我把这个游戏设计成小组竞猜的形式,在此不仅复习了单词和句型,又满足了学生的好胜心理。

(3)Let’s chan进一步巩固本课重点句型的学习。

(4)Grup wr:我把书本上的形式稍做了改变。通过Mr Cat提问的方式导入,Which b is the st ppular nw?让学生通过调查来帮助Mr Cat解答问题,其中在调查前我让学生做一个预测,如果预测是对的每人可以得到一张书签作为奖励,以此来提高学生参与活动的积极性。





The lesson I am going to talk about is from the teaching material Book One ,Unit 8 .the third part that is used by the kids in Grade One .

一、Analysis of the teaching material (说教材)

This is a dialogue that happens in the fruit shop .several sentences surround selling and buying the fruit will be learned .During the first and the second part in this unit ,the kids have understood simple instructions and act accordingly ,and they can say simple words ,phrases or sentences by looking at objects and the pictures .eg: lychee, banana, apple,"What’s this ?It’s an apple."In Unit seven ,we grasped the numbers from one to ten .The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fruit and numbers freely and communicate with others in English in the fruit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plural forms of the nouns .According to the kids’ English level and the corresponding content in the daily life ,I give them some extra extending .To train their ability of communicate with the others in English ,I prepare the following design .

Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. knowledge and skill aims :(知识技能目标)

Review the names of the ten different kinds of fruit and recognize the numbers from one to ten .

Understand simple instructions about the numbers and act accordingly.

Practice English and communicate with others in the situation.

2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、态度、价值目标)

Cultivate the spirit of co-operations in the group work

Bring up the good quality of protect and make friends with the animals .

Teaching importance :(教学重点)

1. Make sentences using the fruit and the numbers . "Six oranges ,please .’

2. Distinguish the difference between the single form and the plural forms of the nouns ."one apple / two apples …"

3. The sentences used when selling and buying the fruit in a fruit shop.

Teaching difficulties :(教学难点)

1. Distinguish the difference between the single and the plural forms of the nouns .

2. Train their ability of communicating with others in English .

Teaching aids ;(教具准备)

Multimedia , flash cards ,fresh fruit and arrangements and decorations of the fruit shop .

Teaching methods :(教学方法)

Task objective teaching method .TPR method , performance and games methods .

二、Analysis of the learners :(说学习者)

We are facing the 5 to 6-year-old little kids who just graduated from the kindergarten ,and they can not tell the difference between kindergarten and the primary school. sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class. So ,I think the most important thing for me to do is to attract their interests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject .so ,I will play some interesting games with them ,show them the funny cartoon movie and role the plays in the text or have a competation. we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the real circumstance where I can encourage them to express themselves better .What I try my best to do is to arouse the kids’ interests and protect their enthusiasm.

三、Analysis of the teaching methods (说教法)

says that during the Foundation Education period ,the total goal for English lesson is to improve the pupils’ ability of comprehensive using language .It promotes task teaching structure .According to the little kids’ physical and psychological characteristics of keeping curios ,active and imitating and showing themselves .I adopt the "task –research—construct " teaching methods and organize the class to focus on the importance and solve the difficulties .I give the pupils an open and relaxed circumstance in which they can learn to observe ,think and discuss .during this procedure ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed very well .

四、Analysis of the teaching procedures .(说教学过程)

1. Warm up .(歌曲热身)

All the class sing English song "Ten little Indian boys " to arouse their interests and help them to step into English learning circumstance happily.

2. Review the fruit and the numbers those we learned in the first and the second part in this unit .(复习数字和水果)

A. Watch a funny video . and answer the questions .(learn more fruit and practice more sentence patterns eg: strawberry / watermelon/ pineapple /cherry) ask some questions .

What’s this ?

What colour is it ?

How many bananas are there ?

Do you like eating bananas ?

What is your favourite fruit ?

Encourage them to open their mouth and speak English as much as they can .

B. Play guessing game .to review the spelling of the words using the basic pronunciation knowledge .

C. Play a game named "up and down ".emphasis on distinguishing the single and plural forms of the nouns .

3. Guide the pupils to the main teaching points .(引入新课)To comprehensive use the numbers and the fruit that is a needed in a fruit shop .Ask two volunteers to come to the front and choose the right number cards and stick it beside the right fruit according to the other pupils’ instructions .The quicker one will be the winner .

Eg: Six oranges ,please .

4. Time to practice for all the class (全体同学操练)。The pupils choose the right cards they have prepared and put them up above their heads when they hear the teacher’s instructions and give them to the teaching answering loudly: "Here you are .’

5. Watch a video (观看多媒体,了解本课故事情节),understand what’s happening in the story ,(This part is important, reasonable and effective)and guide them to protect and make friends with the animals .

Present the situation of a fruit shop .the teacher will act a shopkeeper and invite a better pupil to be the customer and finish all the buying steps .

Shopkeeper : Good morning .

Customer : Good morning .

Shopkeeper : Can I help you ?

Customer : Yes ,six oranges ,please .

Shopkeeper : Here you are .

Customer : Thank you very much .

Shopkeeper : You are welcome .

6. Consolidation and Practice(巩固和练习)

Group work : Divide the class into eight groups and every group will be decorated into a fruit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeeper and the other members in this group will be the customers .Encourage them to buy and sell the fruit with what they learned in this part ,I design a real situation that is common in our daily life and the kids will not feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar with it, The teacher will go around the class and supply the help to the unable ones .In such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they learned to express themselves .They can feel the success and become confident in speaking English .

7. Conclusion (总结)

The teacher would lead the class to read the sentences on the board and ask some more difficult questions .Maybe the pupils can not understand them clearly ,but it doesn’t matter .we just give the pupils more information about the language and give them the better language circumstances that can help them in the future learning .

8. Homework : (家庭作业)

Encourage the pupils to design a little fruit shop at home and teach their family the dialogue in the fruit shop .When they practice this , they should take photos and show the other pupils the next day .

In this lesson , what I design (not only the presentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities) attract the pupils interests .They learn and practice while playing . I think it’s really a good lesson of high quality.

Black design ( 板书设计)


Good morning, teachers. Today I’m very glad to show my teaching plan here. The lesson I’m going to talk about is from lesson 1, unit 1, PEP book 1. Generally, I’ll teach this lesson from the following aspects: teaching material, teaching aims, teaching and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard designing.

Firstly, let’s look at the teaching material. This unit discusses about the stationery. And this lesson is the first one of this unit. It consists of two parts: Let’s learn and Let’s do. In Let’s learn, it requires Ss to master the new words "pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser". Ss have learned some words about stationery. They’re still very interested in that. So they’ll be interested in this new lesson.

Secondly, let’s talk about the teaching aims. The New Curriculum Standard points out that the objective of English in the basic educational stage is to develop Ss’ ability of language using. According to that and the teaching material, I’d like to make the following aims:

First, knowledge aims: Enable Ss to master the new words "pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser" and the structure "I like…".

Second, ability aims: Develop Ss’ basic ability of listening and speaking. Enable them to use the structure freely in the real situation.

Third, emotion aims: Develop Ss’ consciousness of cooperation and competition.

Fourth, learning strategy aims: Enable Ss to pay attention to the observation and communication.

Fifth, culture aims: Make Ss understand the differences between Chinese and English culture.

According to the analysis of material and the characteristics of pupils, I think the teaching importance of this lesson is the 5 new words and the new structure. The teaching difficulty is to use the words and the structure freely in the real situation.

Thirdly, I’d like to analyze Ss and show you my teaching and learning methods.

Grade 3 is the first year to learn English. Ss are very curious about English. They’re active and competitive. Also, they are good at imitating. But, their attention can’t be kept long. So it requires us to use attractive teaching manners to hold Ss’ attention. Based on the psychoanalysis and Ss’ interests, I mainly use the task-based approach, which embodies the idea of the New Curriculum Standard and can help Ss keep their passion for English. In order to help Ss finish the task efficiently, I’ve prepared activities such as TPR, chanting, singing, game, etc. I also arrange individual work, pair work and group work for Ss to practice. Besides, praise is very important. When they have a chance to speak, and have done a good job, they can get a star or something like that on their books. It’s very important to keep Ss’ interests.

Fourthly, we come to the most important part—the teaching procedures. It can be divided into 5 steps: warm-up, presentation, practice, extension and homework.

First, let’s look at step 1 "Warm-up".

In this part, I’ll get the Ss to sing a song and do some revision.

The purpose of singing a song is to attract Ss’ attention and make a relaxing atmosphere for Ss to concentrate on the English class. The revision aims to help Ss review the words and sentences they have learned before and get them prepared for the new lesson.

Step 2 "Presentation".

As we know, children are characterized by image thinking. They can understand the content easily with the help of the gestures. After the new words are taught, a small conclusion can help them master better. And chant is a good way to strengthen their memory and make the poor feel confident, as well as their pronunciation and intonation. The chant in this part is like this: A pen, a pencil, I can see. A pen, a pencil, for you and me. And it’s necessary to present the new words in different ways to avoid boredom and tediousness.

Step 3 "Practice".

Traditionally, there aren’t many chances offered for Ss to talk in the class. That’s not a proper way to learn English. So I’ll try some activities in my lesson, such as games and role play. Games aim to stimulate Ss’ interests in English and strengthen their memories of what’s been learned before. And also train their consciousness of cooperation and competition. Role play is a good way to improve their ability of language using.

Step 4 is Extension.

This step is very important and necessary. I mainly put key points and difficulties in this part. Also, I’ll praise Ss’ behavior in this class.

It can make Ss know more clearly about what they have learned in this class, and proper complements can help them hold their interests.

Step 5 "Homework".

(1) Listen and read the new words after class.

(2) Finish the exercise book.

Ss will forget the new lessen soon if they don’t practice. It’s necessary to give some proper assignment. And it’s also an important feedback.

Fifthly, I’ll show you my blackboard designing. I divide the whole class into 4 groups. Each group can get a star when any one of them does a good job. And that’s a competition that can keep their attention. (Write the new words and the structure on the board.)


《My home》是小学英语四年级上册的第四单元。本单元的教学内容都是围绕"家"这一学生喜闻乐见的主题展开的。本节课是第四单元的第一课时,教学内容是要学习有关房间的'五个单词及进行简单的对家的介绍,本课时是本单元的重点,所以首先应让学生掌握各个房间的名称,再通过Let’s do等TPR活动进行巩固操练,本节课掌握的好坏程度,直接会影响到本单元后阶段有关"描述和询问东西在哪里"的对话和故事的掌握,因此在本单元教学中具有举足轻重的地位。

Theaching goal:

1.能够听、说、认读五个有关房间的单词 study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room.

2.能够用This is my home. You can see a living room…句型简单介绍房子。

3.能够听懂"Let’s do"的指令,并做出相应的动作。

4. 培养学生对家的热爱,提高学生的口语表达能力和交际能力。

Theaching key:


Theaching difficulty:单词bathroom, living room,的正确发音。

Theaching aid: Cards Tape recorder CAI

Theaching method: TPR Pairwork Groupwork

Theaching steps

Step 1 Warm-up

1. Good morning. Boys and girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.

2.Let’s sing《In the Classroom》,OK?

Step 2 Preview

the CAI(door ,window) What’s this? This is my home, there are many room are there? Do you visit my home? Now, let’s study Unit4 《My Home》。

Step 3 Presentation

1.(Show the CAI)。 This is my home, you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study ,a kitchen and a bathroom

2.Look ,what’s this?(客厅) There are five words on the blackboard, listen to me and guess, which word is "living room"?Teach"living room". There is a TV in the living room. What can you do in the living room? Teach"watch TV".Chant "living room,living room , watch TV."

3.(Show the CAI)。 .Look ,what’s this?(书房) Listen to me and guess, which word is "study"?Teach"study". There are many books in the study. What can you do in the study? Teach"read a book".Chant "study,study, read a book".

4.(Show the CAI)。 .Look ,what’s this?(厨房) Listen to me and guess, Which word is "kitchen"?Teach"kitchen". What can you do in the study? Teach"have a snack".Chant "kitchen ,kitchen,have a snack".

5.(Show the CAI)。 .Look ,what’s this?(bathroom) Listen to me and guess, which word is "bathroom"?Teach"bathroom". What can you do in the bathroom? Teach"take a shower".Chant "bathroom ,bathroom ,take a shower".

6.(Show the CAI)。 .Look ,what’s this?(bed ) What’s this? (room) What’s this? (bedroom)Teach"bedroom". There is a bed in the bedroom. What can you do in the bedroom? Teach"have a sleep".Chant "bedroom bedroom, have a sleep"

7.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

8.Let’s do.

Show the "Go to the ", put the "living room, study , kitchen, bathroom, bedroom" on, then T act "Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the study, read a book. Go to the kitchen,have a snack. Go to the bathroom ,take a shower. Go to the bedroom, have a sleep".

Now let’s do, ok? Follow me.

Step 4 Practice

Now, this group is team one, this group is team two. Let’s go,ok?

1.炸地雷: Let’s play a game, Ok? Who can read? Read together.

2.Close your eyes, what’s missing? Guess, then tell us.

3.Now,look at the screen, Guess, what’s this? (Show the CAI ) The student guess.

4.look, this is my home,you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study ,a kitchen and a bathroom.

Who can do like me ? Tell us what’s your room like?

The students look and say.


1.Tell your home to your friend.2. Prepare the"Lets talk."

五、Blackblard design:

Unit4 My Home

living room watch TV

study read a book

kitchen have a snack

bathroom take a shower

bedroom have a sleep






同学已学完了全部字母,一些简单的单词和日常用语,为同学提供“字母-单词”的复习游戏素材,巩固已学到的知识从而引出新课. It’s raining是新规范[size=+0]英语第一模块第二单元的内容,本单元是围绕天气状况为题材展开的。在日常生活中,“天气”与我们密切相关,如何问答天气便是本单元所要学习的交际用语,是[size=+0]教学大纲要求掌握的重要语言功能项目之一。






(一)知识目标: 1. 以游戏的方式检验同学对26个字母的掌握情况,要求能听懂和正确识别。

2. 词汇: hot, cold, raining, snowing, windy,


3. 争做小小天气预报员。

4. 学唱英文歌曲






词汇: hot, cold, raining, snowing, windy, sunny以和如何问答天气的交际用语


对What’s the weather like?的答语,It’s raining. It’s snowing也可说成It’s rainy. It’s snowy.



1. 铺垫,知识回忆


2. 激趣,字母游戏:创设情境,发现问题




Now, tell me please. What do you find?

生:单词flag, go, zoo, bag, pen.

师:OK! You are very clever.



( 游戏能为[size=+0]小同学的[size=+0]英语学习带来快乐,使枯燥、机械的句型操练变得生动,活泼,因此,在[size=+0]教学过程中,应恰当的把游戏引入课堂,寓教于乐。)


1. 练习生词的读音


( 利用电教多媒体能使课堂更加生动,直观,图文并茂,使同学能够在轻松愉快的气氛中学习。)

2. 交际[size=+0]英语

运用What’ the weather like? 就图片上的天气进行提问。

( [size=+0]英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。)

3. 图片与句子相连接,同学走到微机前进行连接。



( 兴趣是最好的老师,而兴趣来自好奇,来自体验,提供实践机会,让他们参与扮演,这既符合儿童好动、表示欲强的年龄特点,同时也会进一步加强对所学知识的掌握。)


1. 运用肢体语言[size=+0]教同学词snoring, bumps his head,确信同学理解歌曲的意思。

( 肢体语言,可使同学在语言和动作、表情间建立直接的联系,从而获得形象的感知,能收到良好的效果。)

2. 建立超连接,运用新规范动画光盘教唱歌曲,在演唱中配以相应的动作,然后小组间展开竞赛,看哪个小组唱得最好,为唱得最好的同学发小红花,并鼓励他们把新学的歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听。)

( [size=+0]小同学性格天真活泼,特别喜欢唱歌,在演唱中配以相应的动作会更引起他们的参与和投入,在[size=+0]英语歌曲中学新词,既减轻了同学的心理负担,又能在轻松愉快的气氛中学到新知识。)






1. 观察本周天气情况,进行预报。

2. 假如你想了解天气的更多知识,请同学们登陆六十铺中小学教育 ,老师相信你一定会成为一名出色的天气预报员。


本节课在[size=+0]教学模式中采用任务型[size=+0]教学法,在授课过程中应用了游戏法,分组合作法、启发诱导法,演唱[size=+0]教学法。[size=+0]说课稿依照 老师:创设情景――激发兴趣――组织活动――指定目标 同学:交流探究――合作活动――锻炼能力――升华习惯,使全体同学在充沛的活动中学到了新的知识,取得了较好的[size=+0]教学效果。

九. 板书设计

It is raining.

Word list:



What is the weather like?

It is raining. (snowing、rainy、snowy)


初一外语教学工作总结 -教学工作总结



active l vocabulary 积极外语词汇

bilingual 双语的

classification 分类

communicative ability 交际能力

communicative function 交际功能

a communication-oriented activity 以交际为中心的活动

comparison and contrast 比较和对照

cross lingual technique 跨语言(教学)法

equivalent expression 相对应的表达

flt(foreign language teaching) 外语教学

free interpretation 自由口译

functional equivalent 功能对应的表达

grammar formula 语法公式

initial 首字母缩写词

l proficiency 外语水平

language proficiency 语言水平

plural noun 复数名词

privacy 隐私

reference system 参照系统

similarities and differences 异同点

style 风格

taboo 禁忌

target culture 目标语文化

teaching/learning technique 教/学方法

third person singular 单数第三人称

word list 单词表

conversion drill 转换练习

decode 解码


encode 编码

information gap 信息沟

inhibition 约束,抑制

interaction 交互作用,互动

mechanical drills 机械操练

motivation 动力

nonverbal 非言语的

pantomime 哑剧,用手势表达

participation 参与

receptive 接受性的

scenario 剧本

stimulate 激发

stimulus 刺激,促进因素

substitution drills 替换练习

target language 目标语,指要学习的语言

unpredictability 不可预见性

cluster sampling 整群抽样

cohort design 类似群体设计

control variable 控制变量

criterion group design 标准组设计

dependent variable 依变量

expectancy effect 期望效应

experimental mortality 实验死亡率

external change 外部变化

external validity 外部效度

history 历史

independent variable 自变量

instability 不稳定性

instrumentation 手段

interaction of several factors 因素的交互组合

internal change 内部变化

internal validity 内部效度

interrupted time series design 间断时间次序设计

maturation 成熟

moderator variable 调节变量

non-designs 前实验设计

nonequivalent dependent variables design 非等值依变量设计

observational techniques 观察技巧

one-group posttest-only design 一组实验后测试设计

one-group pretest-posttest design 一组实验前后测试设计

operational definition 操作定义

outcome variable 结果变量

posttest-only control group design 只有实验后测试的控制组设计

prestest-posttest control group design 实验前后测试的控制组设计

pretesting 前测试

quasi-experimental designs 准实验设计

questionnaire 问卷调查

quota sampling 定额抽样

random sampling 随机抽样

repeated treatment design 反复处理设计

research hypothesis 研究假设

selection 选择

statistical regression 统计回归

systematic sampling 系统抽样

true experiment 真正的实验

untreated control group design with pretest and posttest

language learning objective 语言学习目标

curriculum 课程目标

action and interaction 作用和相互作用

examination prescription 考试指南

philisophy of teaching 教学观念

practicality 实用性

pragmaticality 实效性

motivational drive 动力驱动

reality 现实性

learning strategy 学习策略

terminal objective 结果目标

enabling objective 过程目标

evaluation 评价

formative assessment 形成性测试

assignment 作业布置

language acquisition 语言习得

individual difference 个体差异

auditory 听觉

scientificity 科学性


flexibility 灵活性

creativity 创造性

learner-centered 学生中心

awareness of syllabus 大纲意识

contextualized setting 语境

affirmative answer 肯定回答

allocation of roles 角色分配

assessment 评估

assessor 评估者

bilabial 双唇音

brainstorm 集思广益/大脑风暴

chinese pinyin 汉语拼音

closed pairs 练习式结对活动

designing 设计

communicative ability 交际能力

communicative function 交际功能

content feedback 内容反馈

consonant clusters 辅音连缀

compulsory course 必修课

classroom teaching 课堂教学

demonstration 示范,演示

demonstrator 示范者,演示者

diphthong 双元音

elicitation 诱导,引出

evaluation 评价

exponents 范例

feedback 反馈

form feedback 形式反馈

falling tone 降调

fluency practice 流利度训练

group work 小组活动

information gap 信息沟

instructor 指导者

intensive reading 精读

interactional language 交际性语言

intonation 语调

indoor activities 室内活动

jazz chants 爵士乐

jigsaw games 拼图游戏

language units 语言单位

language input 语言输入

language proficiency 语言熟练度

manners of articulation 发音方法

mime 模拟, 模仿

monitor 监督者,监督者

nasals 鼻音

noughts and crosses 拼字游戏

open pairs 演示性接对活动

organizer 组织者

outdoor activities 室外活动

pair work 结对活动

participation 参与

places of articulation 发音部位

practice stage 实践阶段

procedure 步骤

prompts 提示性语言

pronunciation practice 语音练习

quiz 知识小测验

remedial measures 补救性措施

rhyme 韵律

rhythm 节奏

rising tone 声调

received pronunciation 标准语音

role plays 角色扮演

safety coefficient 安全系数

scan 略读

skim 快读

supplementary form 补充形式

supervisor 督促者

stress 重音

structure practice 结构练习

teaching syllabus for full-time secondary schools 全日制中学教学大纲

tongue twisters 绕口念

vocal organs 发音器官

vocabulary practice 词汇练习

alphabet chart 字母表

authentic printed material 原文材料

flip chart 浏览图表

grammar chart 语法图表

jefc 初中英语

model 模型

object visual 实物教具

phonetic chart 语音图表

picture flash card 图画卡片

questionnaire 问卷

sentence building card 组句卡

sentence building grid 组句表格

speech organ 发音器官

syllable wheel 音节风车

teaching aids 教具

visuals 可视教具

wall picture 墙画

wall poster 墙贴

word building card 组词卡

word flash card 单词卡片

word map 联想图表

word slide 单词滑梯

work card 练习卡

work sheet 分发材料

blackboard arrangement 黑板布局

board writing 板书

dynamic person 动态人物画

full cursive 草体

inanimate object 静物

main board writing 主板书

minor board writing 副板书

printing style 印刷体

simple blackboard drawing 黑板简笔画

simple cursive 简单草体;行体

simple picture 简笔画

static image 静物画

stick figure 简笔人物画

writing style 书体,字体

web 网状图形

active listening积极聆听


attention span注意力

automatic reaction机械反应

classroom interaction课堂互动

classroom routine课堂常规

communicating style传播风格

communication model交际模式


cyclical (sequence)循环次序



group work activities小组活动

half dialogue补全对话

information gap信息沟


linear sequence线性次序

loss of control(课堂)失控



remedial teaching纠错教学

rhetorical devices修辞手法

pair work activities结对活动



repetition dialogue重复对话

substitution dialogue替换



the need to communicate交际需求

transmission model传授模式

whole class work activities全班活动

allophonic : 音位变体的,语音变体的。

articulation: 发音动作,发音。

consonant clusters 辅音

content words 实词

contraction: 缩略形式。

discrimination: 辨别。

form words 虚词

homophones: 同音异形词

inflection: 变音;转调;语音的抑扬变化。

jingle: 叠韵的诗句。

lateral consonant 边辅音

linking of souds 音的连读

mimicry 模仿

minimal pair: 最小对立体。

nasals 鼻音

ongoing 持续的

oral cavity 口腔


prosodic feature: 韵律特征。

remedial teaching (此处为)纠音教学法

rhythm: 节奏。

segment: 单位;切分成分。

segmental phoneme:切分音位。

sight words: 同形异音词

soft palate 软腭

super segmental phoneme: 超切分音位

utterance: 发声,表达,话语(指两个停顿或可能的停顿之间的一串言语,通常在话语的末尾用上升或下降的终端连音表示)。

vibration 振动 共鸣


anticipate 预测

brainstorm 集思广益

chunk 片语

coherent unity 前后一致的整体

command 命令句

competence 能力

compile 收集

comprehensive recognition 理解性认知

conjunction 连接词

context 语境,上下文

coordinator 协调连词

creative writing 创造写作

cursive 手写体

diagram 图表,图集,文图

diction 语言风格

exclamation 感叹句

feedback 反馈

framework 框架

gap filling 填空

genre 风格,体裁

highlight 标明

incorporate 包括,纳入

information explosion 信息爆炸

interaction 交流,合作

interior relation 内在的联系

jigsaw writing 割画写作

linker 连接词

matching words 词组填空

morphology 形态

muddled 乱序的

ohp overhead projector 投影仪

pattern drills 句型练习

picture writing 看图写话

pie chart 饼型图表

proofread 审读

punctuation 标点

readership 读者

rearranging scrambled sentences 乱句重组


resulting text 完成稿

revise 校订

rhetorical purposes 修辞目的

semantic 语义的

sentence chains 句子连接

sentence combining 句子组合

sentence completion 完成句子

sentence judging and making 判断句子和造句

sentence linking 连句成段

sequencer 顺序词

statement 陈述句

structurally complete 结构完整

substantial guidance 大量的指导

syntax 句法

transcend 超越

transformation 转换

transition 过渡连接

treasure hunt 寻宝

comprehensible input 有意义输入

cue 提示词

chain drill 链式操练

deductive method 演绎法

function 功能

inductive method 归纳法

morpheme 词素

multi- slot substitution 多成分替换

morphology 词法

syntax 句法

the grammar translation method 语法翻译法

transformation drill 转换练习

single-slot substitution 单一成分替换

backgroud knowledge 背景知识

bottom-up processing 自下而上认识法

communicative competence交际能力



information input/output信息输入/输出

interactional purpose 互动目的


linguistic competence语言能力


top-down processing自上而下认识法

transactional purpose 信息传递目的

code 语码

a system of words, letters, numbers, etc.

decode 解码

to discover the meaning of a code

encoding 编码

putting … into a code

decoding 解码

discovering the meaning of a code

skimming 掠读

skimming means reading quickly to get the gist, i.ethe main idea of the text

it is the method in which the reader reads only the first sentence of each paragraph of a whole passage and then recalls everything and identifies the most important pointsafter that he/she sets a goal for the assignment and plans how to do intensive reading of the entire document at a slower pace

scanning 略读

scanning means to read and locate specific information such as figures, schedules, tables, news heading, etcthe key point in scanning is that students have something in their mind and they should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading

top-down approach 自上而下模式

it is a model of teaching reading in which the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that students equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page.

bottom-up approach 自下而上模式

it is a reading model that follows a linear process from the recognition of letters, to words, to phrases, to sentences, to paragraphs, and then to the meaning of the whole text

distinguishing 辩识

finding the main idea from supporting details

predicting 预测

guessing what is coming next

sqr strategy sqr阅读策略

sqr is a five-step procedure made up of surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing, which can be used for reading a variety of reading materials, including textbooks and journal articles, as long as the structure or organization of the material is not too complex.

the first step is to survey the material for content and organization to create a mental map of the text and selective reading;

the second step is to predict questions that may be answered by the material on the basis of the survey to serve as an individualized knowledge framework or template of the passage to which details may be added later;

the third step is to read the assignment one section at a time for content, search for relationships among the main ideas and their supporting details, look for information that answers the predicted questions, and take note of unexpected ideas;

the fourth step is to recite to actively make mental connections among main ideas and details;

finally, review the entire chapter or article to see how the information fits together.

pqr strategy pqr阅读策略

pqr strategy is a six-step process that involves previewing, questioning, reading, reflecting, reciting, and reviewing

the first stage is to preview the material for content and organization to create a mental map of the text and selective reading;

the second step is to predict questions that may be answered by the material;

the third stage is to carefully read the complete text, unlike sqr to read section by section, recording notes in the margin or underlining important information that answers the predicted questionsin this stage, reflection phase, information from the entire chapter or article is linked togetherthe reader should attempt to develop insight into the topic and make associations among the important material noted while reading

the fourth stage, recitation, involves summarizing the main points and supporting details of the complete text

in the final stage, review, make sure the predicted questions have been answered and that the author's purpose is fully understood

rap strategy rap阅读策略

the rap strategy is a three-step approach involves reading, asking questions, and paraphrasing, which targets the reader's ability to understand main ideas and supporting details by emphasizing paraphrasing skills

read one paragraph of the text at a time;

ask oneself what the main idea of the paragraph is, then;

paraphrase the identified details supporting the main idea finally and record them.

reap strategy reap阅读策略

the reap strategy is a four-step strategy that involves reading, encoding, annotating, and pondering, armed with ten varieties of annotations, each focusing on different aspects of a text, that help to improve student writing skills, meta-cognitive awareness, and comprehension of main ideas

the first step of the strategy is to read the text.

after reading the text, the information is paraphrased (encoded) by the student into his/her own words in the second step

annotation of a text that explains and/or critique the text is made in the third stepdifferent aspects of the text are handled differently when writing annotationsall together there're ten annotations, namely, summary annotation; thesis annotation; question annotation; critical annotation; heuristic annotation; intention annotation; motivation annotation; probe annotation; personal view annotation; inventive annotation.

in the fourth step the student evaluates (ponder) the annotation for accuracy and completenessthe teacher should consider how the text relates to other readings, to course objectives, and to classroom activities.

snips strategy snips阅读策略

the snips strategy is a five-step reading approach for facilitating on-line processing through interpretation of visual aidsthe steps are: to start with questions, to note what can be learned from hints, to identify what is important, to plug the important matters into the chapter, and see if you can explain the visual to someone

the first step is to start with questions like “why am i looking at this visual aid?” the reader then asks questions to determine what kinds of information on which to focus, depending on the type of visual aid presented

in the second step, note what can be learned from hints, look for hints or clues about the meaning of the visual aid in the title, caption, lines, numbers, or colorsand activate prior knowledge as it relates to the subject

identify the main idea of the graphic in the third step.

plug the important matter into the chapter in the fourth stepconsider how the visual aid relates to the main ideas of the chapter or article

in the last step, see if you can explain the visual to another person or just explain it aloud to yourself if no one is available.

prsr strategy prsr阅读策略

prsr stands for preview, read, self-test, and reviewtext organization, paraphrasing, and self-evaluation are stressed in prsr strategy.

in previewing stage, read the title, introduction, the headings and subheadings to determine the main ideas covered in the textexamine the illustrations for additional informationlook at the words in italics or bold printread the summary and then skim any review questions or discussion questions at the end of the chapter

in reading stage, form the headings into questions and then read with the goal of answering those questionsidentify important points by underlining or taking notesclarify meanings further with visual imagery

in self-testing step, monitor understanding by answering self-made questions as well as review and discussion questions at the end of the chapter without referring to the textuse summaries to organize important informationtry explaining key ideas and concepts to another person

for reviewing check answers to review questions against the textreconsider information that was forgotten or misunderstoodrepeat the self-test and review stages until the material is masteredthen review periodically to keep the information in long-term memory

pror strategy pror阅读策略

the pror strategy involves pre-reading, reading, organizing and reviewing

in pre-reading stage, use the title, headings, introduction, and summary to form questions to guide readingrecall prior knowledge related to the subject to form more questions

in the second stage, read with the goal of answering the questionsannotate key concepts, supporting details, and examplesconsider how illustrations relate to the text

in organizing stage, develop rehearsal strategies to organize the important information and commit it to memoryanswer the questions aloudcompare the text to lecture material

last, reduce the information to the bare essentialstarget the information that was uncleartalk through the material to yourself or another student

parts strategy parts阅读策略

the parts strategy is a five-step procedure that guides students in carefully reading an assignment in order to enhance learningthe five steps are: to perform goal setting, to analyze little parts, to review big parts, to think of questions you hope will be answered, and last, to state relationships

for the perform goal setting stage, consider the reason you are analyzing the text parts.

in analyzing little parts stage, divide the text into parts, such as title, headings, visuals, and wordsanalyze one part at a timeexplain the information included in each partthen, based on one part, predict what the next part will discussafter reading all parts, tie them together.

during the review big parts stage, review the introduction and summary of the textsearch for signal words, such as “the most important” or “the purpose is,” that indicates the main ideasdecide what the author's main goal or purpose isrelate the new information to knowledge you have already read about the subjectparaphrase the main ideas into your own words

in the think of questions you hope will be answered stage, identify your own questions based on titles and headings, previous knowledge, and predictionscheck the questions at the end of the text

for the last stage, state relationships, consider how the text relates to other texts in the unitconsider how the text relates to the course objectives indicated on the syllabusconsider how the text relates to what you already know about the subject

dissect strategy dissect阅读策略

dissect stands for discover the word's context, isolate the prefix, separate the suffix, say the stem or root word, examine the stem or root word, check with someone, and try the dictionaryit is a word identification strategy

it emphasizes the systematic analysis of a word using context and word element clues

cssd strategy cssd阅读策略

the cssd strategy is a four-step procedure combining a number of approaches for learning vocabulary words and meaningssccd stands for context, structure, sound and dictionary

the first step is to consider the context of the word

the second step is to break the word into smaller parts and look for familiar prefixes, root words, and suffixes

the third step is to analyze the word phonetically by breaking it into units of sound.

if these methods do not work, consult the dictionary in the last step

vocab game 词汇游戏

the vocab game is for students to determine the meanings of out-of-context words through an understanding of morphemes, word parts, and etymology (word origins).

the steps of the vocab game are: to divide the class into groups, to discuss and select vocabulary words, to select a scorekeeper and recorder, to present the words, to define the words, to analyze the words, to check the definitions, to record points, to do group discussion, to record the word lists, and to evaluate the students.

the patterned language approach 模式语言策略

the patterned language approach is to practice word identification skills with an emphasis on word meaning

it follows these steps: to select the reading material, to read the selected material, to make and match text strips, and to write word cards.

the creative mapping strategy 图式阅读策略

the creative mapping strategy is to use pictorial images to help students recognize the organization of information in content readings and reorganize the main ideas and details of the text

guided reading 指导性阅读

guided reading refers to timed reading conducted in class under the control and guidance of the teacher

pre-reading activities 阅读前活动

we mean tasks/activities that students do before they read the text in detail.

a transition device 转换方式

a transition device is the way to transfer information from one form to another

referential words 指示词

referential words are words such as pronouns to refer to people or things already mentioned previously in the context

making inferences 推理

making inferences means “reading between the lines” it requires the reader to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the author.

role-play 角色表演

role-play is a very common language learning activity where students play different roles and interact from the point of view of the roles they play.

subvocalization 默念

subvocalization means a more subtle type of saying the words, also called thinking each word without actually moving the lips or tongue.

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