
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




1、It's an interesting concept but somehow, this makes as much sense as the Palm Folio.(这是个有趣的概念,但不知何故,这使得作为多大意义的棕榈开本。)

2、If you don't keep on studying you'll flunk out.(如果你不一直念书,你就会留级。)

3、Gift CARDS are convenient and ubiquitous.(礼品卡是最便捷的也是最普遍的。)

4、Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dads such a goof ball.(妈妈本不想说了算,可她必须这么做因为爸爸实在是个呆瓜。)

5、Grime Reaper works fast to loosen and emulsify grease and grime for easy rinse.(格里姆收割机工程快速放松和乳化油脂和污垢,便于清洗。)

6、see. 我明白了。

7、Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater fairness and efficiency.(卫生系统不会自动变得更加公平和有效。)


9、The beer ran into the jug and Catherine stood looking on.(啤酒流入壶中,凯瑟琳站在一旁看着。)

10、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.

11、Finally, consistent with the reason why lenders prefer IOs, these mortgages are more likely to be repaid earlier or foreclose.(最后,同出借方更喜欢IOS的理由相一致,这些按揭更有可能被提前偿还或者取消赎回权。)

12、His fiddle is in its box, he laid it on one end of the bed where it would ride softly.(他的小提琴在它的盒子里,然后将盒子放在一张床的床尾,那里可以避免被碰到。)

13、君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.

14、Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation.(部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。)

15、Worthless junk, huh? That's the last time I'll goof off in here.(没用的垃圾,嗯?那这是我最后一次躲在这里偷懒了。)

16、Refrigerator shell, and the shell of grime, can dip in with soft cloth to make a few toothpaste slowly scrub.(冰箱外壳的整理,并向外壳的尘垢,能够用软布蘸许少数牙膏慢慢擦洗。)

17、Extending use of the information assets is either impossible or untimely.(信息资产的扩展使用要么说是不可能的,要么说还不到时候。)

18、The first blow makes the anger, but the second makes the fray.(第一拳引起愤怒,第二拳招致争吵。)

19、real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks

20、Yeah, that's right. Children or young people often goof off. Do you remember when.(对,没错,小孩和年轻人经常会做一些无聊的事开玩笑。我才不会忘掉我们那。)

21、Neon, a rare gas in the air, takes only fractional percentage point of the volume.(氖是空气中的稀有气体,只占空气体积的千分之几。)

22、Microprocessors are now ubiquitous.(微处理器如今无处不在。)

23、And in some ways technology has made it much easier to fiddle and fix.(科学技术也在某些方式上使这种拆拆弄弄更容易了。)


24、This is just the sort of news that makes oil traders jumpy.(这只是让石油交易商焦虑不安的此类新闻。)

25、It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market.(也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。)

26、Why are you always so jumpy.(你为什么总是战战兢兢的?)

27、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep

28、Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.(令专业水准的科学家十分困惑的是,围绕量子物理学、时空相对论、黑洞和大爆炸等不太可能的话题,准宗教崇拜正在形成。)

29、hung there, scrabbling with my feet to find a foothold.(我吊在那儿,两脚乱蹬着以寻找落脚点。)

30、Thee idea of deep down, the reason can't get, the ambition of Fen launched what not to do.(把意念深潜得下,何理不可得,把志气奋发起,何事不可做。)

31、often have large floppy ears, although they can be small and short too.(我通常有一幅大大的耷拉的耳朵,有时也可能又小又短。)

32、It is the next part that is more difficult and which many parents flunk.(下一个环节就要更困难些了,许多父母都不及格。)

33、You? If so, I admire your eloquence, you are able to admire.(是你吗?如果是,我佩服你的口才,也敬佩你的意力。)

34、fourth idea raised in the book is that individuals naturally gravitate toward what is most meaningful and deeply significant.(第四个想法在书中提出的是,个人自然倾向于什么是最有意义的和具有深远意义。)

35、Those like me who didn't have the gumption to do the same were left to stand or sit on the floor.(其他和我一样,没有“进取心”的人们都拉在了后面,只能站或坐在地上。)

36、Waddle is used humorously to describe someone swaying from side to side like a duck because of fatness or while carrying heavy bags.(是幽默用法,指因肥胖或负重走起路来一摇一摆像鸭子似的。)

37、Hold on. 等一等。

38、LL: I said you are going to flunk the students.(噢!flunk就是给他们不及格分数啊,那你还真说对了。)


40、Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop


42、We are also all here because of many millions of untimely deaths.(我们聚集在这里也是因为上百万人过早地死亡。)

43、From demon and pest to guarantor of happiness and childhood health? Not bad for humble grime.(从恶魔和有害之物(pest不是pet)摇身变为幸福快乐以及孩子健康的担保人?这对于卑微的污垢来说,还不错吧。)

44、If you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later.(如果你偷懒或选择放纵自己,那之后会付出有某种形式的代价。)

45、te that large volcanoes, like Pinatubo and Krakatoa, were followed by a fractional — but significant — drop in temperature.(注意到如皮纳图和喀拉喀托等大型火山爆发后是小幅度但很显著的气温下降。)

46、If you don't, the lender will foreclose on the home.(如果你不,贷方将排除在回家。)


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