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【#句子大全# #元宵节快乐的简短短句收藏#】乍暖还寒玉生烟,时逢三五便团圆,时间转眼间就到了元宵节。元宵节是一个极其浪漫的节日,有着很多美好的传统民俗,元宵祝福语怎么写才有意义呢,优秀的元宵祝福语是怎么样的呢?励志的句子的编辑特地为大家精心收集和整理了“元宵节快乐的简短短句”,欢迎阅读并参考这些句子!

1、龙灯舞,祝福来,明朝光辉灿烂。Dragon dance, blessing, bright Ming Dynasty.


3、花灯粘满千纸鹤。举怀邀月寄相思,元宵佳节闹花灯。月圆人缘乐团圆!Lanterns with thousand cranes。 Lift my arms invite month send acacia, Lantern Festival lanterns。 Popular band round full moon!

4、The lights are lighted, the moon is a blessing, the flame is lit, the lantern riddles are happy, the family reunion is happy, the family reunion is happy, the festival is happy and the beauty is endless. The Lantern Festival is coming, I wish you a happy and happy reunion!

5、Happiness is sticky with happiness, happiness is wrapped in health, success is wrapped up in luck, striving for wisdom, beauty around youth, you use any method to bless the yuan xiao, will have a popular market. For example, my handsome hair message, along with the beautiful you, although just information. Ah, happy Lantern Festival.

6、Round moon red face, shallow smile curved eyes; Sweet tang yuan happy year, the good fortune of fire and forever! Happy Lantern Festival!


8、衷心祝愿你快乐圆圆,开心圆圆,吉祥圆圆。I sincerely wish you happy circle, happy circle, auspicious circle.

9、Lantern Festival, send a bag of multicolored yuan xiao, transparent green eat a healthy, delicate and charming rose to eat out of love, brilliant golden eat out wealth, thick and red eat thing, dazzle magnificent purple eat out charm, with my blessing, your life will be very colorful: wish you everything goes well with the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival!



12、无宵锣鼓镇喧腾,荠菜香中粉饵蒸。祭得灶神同踏月,爆花正接竹枝红。Without flaring gongs town roared, shepherd's purse fragrance in the powder steamed bait。 Offering to the kitchen god with the following month, popcorn is the bamboo。


14、Get involved and try it yourself. First do stuffing, mother will buy red bean picked clean water wash and soak for an hour, and pour into the pot with a simmer, until the bean curd, beans, and then scoop up bean skin, the beans into the bowl with a rolling pin


16、Yuan xiao come to me to kiss you, I hold the lantern to hug you, I let the happiness around you, I want to be happy to accompany you. Happy Lantern Festival dear, healthy body, happy mood.





21、送你一份元宵佐餐,成分:真心思念快乐。营养:温馨幸福。制造商:你的朋友。有效期:一生。Send you a yuan xiao table, ingredients: really happy thoughts。 Nutrition: sweet and happy。 Manufacturer: your friend。 Validity: life。

22、煮一碗汤圆送你,愿你合家团圆,生活赛蜜。Boil a bowl of dumplings to send you, wish you family reunion, life match honey.

23、I want a family to look at blessing. Look at the roundness of the moon today. Look at the family reunion. Look at the stars in the sky. See if the rice ball in the bowl is full. The Lantern Festival.




27、天上的月儿圆,锅里的元宵圆,吃饭的桌儿圆,你我的情更圆,就像元宵一样黏黏呼呼团团圆圆。The sky the moon is round, yuanxiao round pot, dinner table, round, you my mood more round, just like yuanxiao sticky shout the pandas。

28、元宵个头圆又圆,祝你生活比蜜甜。Yuanxiao is round and round. I wish you a sweet life.
