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2024中秋节的故事50字 篇1






2024中秋节的故事50字 篇2








2024中秋节的故事50字 篇3





2024中秋节的故事50字 篇4

The mid-autumn or moon festival is one rich in poetic(诗意的) significance. Ancient legends(古代的传说) that became interwoven with this festival‘s celebration further contribute to the warm regard in which it has always been held by the chinese people. According to the lunar calendar(农历), the seventh, eighth, and ninth months constitute the autumn season. Mid-autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, precisely in the middle of this season,when the heat of the summer has given way to cool autumn weather,marked by blue skies and gentle breezes. On this day the moon is at its greatest distancefromthe earth; at no other time is it so luminous. Then, as the chinese say, “the moon is perfectly round.” In the villages the heavy work involved in the summer harvest has already been pleted but the autumn harvest has not yet arrived.

The actual origins of the mid-autumn festival are still very unclear. The earliest records arefromthe time of the great han dynasty emperor wu di (156-87 b.c.), who initiated celebrations lasting three days, including banquets and “viewing the moon” evenings on the toad terrace. we know that people during the jin dynasty (265-420 a.d.) continued the custom of mid-autumn festival celebrations, and similar accounts have e down to usfromthe time of the tang dynasty. During the ming dynasty (1368-1644) houses and gardens were decorated with numerous lanterns and the sound of gongs and drums filled the air.

Moon cakes came on sale shortly before festival time. In the past, one could get some cakes shaped like pagodas, others like a horse and rider, fish or animals. Still others were decorated with the images of rabbits, flowers, or goddesses. There were a myriad of different fillings available: sugar, melon seeds, almonds, orange peel, sweetened cassia blossom, or bits of ham and preserved beef. The cakes are of the northern and southern styles, but the latter (also called guangdong-style) are the most popular and are available throughout the country.

The round shape of cakes just symbolizes not only the moon but also the unity of the family. Therefore the mid-autumn festival is actually a day for family reunion.

中秋节是一个充满诗意的节日(诗意的) 意义古代传说(古代的传说) 这与这个节日的庆祝活动交织在一起,进一步加深了中国人民对它的热情。根据农历(农历), 第七、第八和第九个月是秋季。中秋节适逢农历八月十五,正好在这个季节的中间,此时夏季的炎热已被凉爽的秋季天气所取代,天空蔚蓝,微风习习。在这一天,月亮离地球的距离最大;它从来没有这么明亮过。然后,正如中国人所说,“月亮是完美的圆”。在村庄里,夏收的繁重工作已经完成,但秋收还没有到来。




2024中秋节的故事50字 篇5






2024中秋节的故事50字 篇6

Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, a happy day, and a good day for family reunion. Mid-Autumn Festival has many different customs in different parts of China.

Eating mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival, like eating Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival and rice dumpling on the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, is a traditional folk custom in China. People in many places have the custom of giving mooncakes to each other to express good wishes. As a symbol of auspiciousness and reunion, mooncakes express peoples good wishes. The custom of eating and delivering mooncakes has been continued from the Song Dynasty to this day.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, after our family had a reunion dinner, my mother was busy preparing for the moon worship ceremony. I will help my mother set up a lot of fruits and traditional lunar food: snails, grapefruit, taro, and so on, of course, my favorite mooncakes are also included. Do you know why I like to eat mooncakes? Because the filling inside the mooncake is delicious, sweet, smooth, and very delicate.

There are moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival, so my favorite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival.





2024中秋节的故事50字 篇7




2024中秋节的故事50字 篇8

Every country has its own festival of reunion. In China, every August 15 of the lunar calendar is a good day for family reunion - Mid-Autumn Festival.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, you should eat pomegranates, Chinese chestnuts, boiled edamame beans... The most important thing is moon cakes, I know mooncakes are round, meaning everyone is reunited "I have eaten: ham moon cake, fruit moon cake, egg yolk moon cake, bean paste moon cake, five kernel moon cake... My favorite is egg yolk moon cake. It is not as sweet as fruit moon cake, nor as greasy as ham moon cake. It is a little salty, fragrant and soft. I heard my mother told a story. When my mother was young, she and my aunt turned over the moon cake that my grandmother had prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but my mother couldnt stop eating it During the holiday, my grandmother discovered that some of the mooncakes had been stolen. She asked who stole them, but she didnt admit any of them. As a result, my aunt was also punished by my grandmother. We are not as worried about food and clothing as we used to be. Please dont eat too many mooncakes during the holiday, otherwise its easy to have diarrhea.

Another custom of Mid-Autumn Festival is to watch the moon, but it was cloudy that day in Yuxi, and it was a pity that we didnt see the moon!





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