
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


励志的句子范文大全(编辑 智慧星)你现在一定是在想范文的撰写方式吗?对于范文的参考是一种很好的借鉴方式。阅读优秀范文能够提高我们的审美水准和文化素养,为了让您更加了解“英语比赛主持稿”栏目小编为您撰写了一篇详尽的文章,我相信这些理财建议可以帮助您规划未来!

英语比赛主持稿 篇1



让一起来感受一下英语的魅力,不妨先从一句名人名言开始:“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”(我的语言限制了我的世界。)这是奥地利哲学家路德维希·维特根斯坦所说,他在这句话中展示了语言与思维的关系。正因为如此,要努力拓展自己的语言能力,让的眼界更加广阔。






英语比赛主持稿 篇2

x: ladies and gentlemen,

x&c: good evening,

c: wel***e to 2012“e&m cup”english speaking contest ,i’mcmj,

x: i’m xmd

c: your host for today .thanks for being here tonight!

x: hey,do you know the history of this contest?

c: certainly,our contest has been held for several years,it has be***e a brand characteristic activity of our department.

x: brand characteristicof course.aiming at providing a stage for the participants to show their talents in language and public speaking,and also,we’d like to exchange ideas on important issues.

c: also as we know, the 60th anniversary is ***ing,to celebrate this grand occasion,we would like students to show their feelings and best wishes to alma mater.

x: okay now let me introduce the distinguished judges.

let’s give the warmest applause to them!

c: before we start the contest, we would like to introduce the rules in chinese.


第一环节:定题演讲:每组选手首先进行有准备发言,题目为“alma mater in my heart”,














c: wow,this must be exciting and challenging.

x:yes,i really can’t wait,now, let’s ***e to our first part.wel***e the first group to have their speech.



now we’d like to give out the score of the first group.



the first part of our contest is concluded.according to the score in the first part,the top six will go to the final ***petition in 20th april.

now let’s ***e to the second part----the reviving match,the groups which take part in the reviving match are possible to have access to the final ***petition.

let’s wel***e the group number one.


x: i’m honor to announce the winners of the reviving match are group#,you also have access to the final ***petition,congradulations!

c: now let’s wel***e *** to make a summary.

c: thank you! now all the contestants have presented their speech.

that was truely a wonderful show today .

x: we would like to once again to thank all the contestants for their amazing performance! we also thank the judges for all your hard work (and all the audience for your attendance?

) thank you!

c: now, the 2012”e&m cup”english speaking contest for today is concluded. our final ***petition is to be held in 20th april, next friday, see you next time!




3、 比赛正式开始;


5、 复活赛


7、 评委代表总结(3分钟);


英语比赛主持稿 篇3

 W:各位观众朋友,比赛即将开始,请您尽快就座,将您的手机关闭或者调为静音。请不要随意走动,不要大声喧哗,谢谢合作。M: Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode. Please do not walk around or speak loudly during the competition. Thank you.M:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law twenty-first Century English speech contest in large trials.W: 我是,欢迎来到中南财经政法大学21世纪英语演讲比赛中南大选拔赛的现场。M: This English Speaking Contest is an important part of the Foreign Language Festival which has a good reputation among students. It aims to promote the ability of English language learning and to train students with the knowledge of foreign cultures. By the end of today’s contest, the winner will advance to the FLTRP Cup National English Speaking Contest this year.W:本次演讲比赛旨在激发同学对英语口语学习的兴趣,提高口语表达和表现能力,引导大家了解外国文化,提升自身综合素质。选拔优秀人才代表学校参加21世纪英语演讲比赛。M: The theme of the English speech contest is “University as I see it”W:本届英语演讲比赛的主题是:我眼中的大学M: This stage is a show-case for young talents. Apparently, it helps us to create an atmosphere in our university in which students could slide into foreign language world. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let’s enjoy this amazing competition, excellent contestants and their extraordinary performance!W:我们希望通过此次比赛来营造我校外语文化学习的氛围,培养语言运用复合型人才。今晚,这个舞台属于这些年轻的选手们,就让我们一起来期待和欣赏他们精彩的表现吧!M:First of all, let’s welcome our distinguished guests who presents here.W: 莅临本次比赛的领导有……,……欢迎你们!M: Now, let’s welcome our honorable judges..W: 接下来介绍评委,他们是:……欢迎你们的到来!M:This competition will be divided into three parts—a, Prepared speech(30%/3min), b, Impromptu speech(40%/2min) and c, question-and-answer session(30%/1min).W: 本次共有三个环节,第一环节:命题演讲三分钟占30%;第二环节,即兴演讲二分钟占40%,回答评委提问一分钟占30%。M: Take immediate extraction subject format. Before a player after entering the site, the next player impromptu topic extraction.一号选手先抽取题目,二号选手在一号选手上场之后抽取题目,一号选手即兴演讲结束后,二号选手进入赛场等候参赛,同时三号选手抽取题目。Number one to extract the subject, No. two player after a contestant on selected topics, number one impromptu speech ended, two players entered the game waiting for entry, and No. three player selected topics. And so on. The end of the game player in the game, waiting for the outcome of the game.W: 比赛采取即时抽取题目的赛制。前一位选手进场后,下一位选手抽取即兴题目。一号选手先抽取题目,二号选手在一号选手上场之后抽取题目,一号选手即兴演讲结束后,二号选手进入赛场等候参赛,同时三号选手抽取题目。以此类推。比赛结束的选手留在比赛教室等候比赛结果。M: Now let’s begin our competition.W: 我宣布比赛正式开始。M: Let’s welcome contestant No1, welcome.W: Now,let’s go to the first round--- Prepared speechThen, let’s o to the second round--- Impromptu speechFinally, let’s go to the third round--- question-and-answer session……M: Thank you. Let’s welcome contestant No2.W: Then, let’s welcome contestant No3M: let’s welcome contestant No4W:let’s welcome contestant No5M:let’s welcome contestant No6W:Now I declare the 1~5 contestant"s scoreM:let’s welcome contestant No7W:Then, let’s welcome contestant No8M:let’s welcome contestant No9W:let’s welcome contestant No10M:let’s welcome contestant No11W: Now I declare the 6~10contestant"s scoreW:let’s welcome contestant No12M:let’s welcome contestant No13W:let’s welcome contestant No14M:let’s welcome contestant No15W:let’s welcome contestant No16M:Now I declare the 11~15 contestant"s scoreM:let’s welcome contestant No17W:let’s welcome contestant No18M:let’s welcome contestant No19W:let’s welcome contestant No20M:Now I declare the 16~20 contestant"s scoreM: Now, ladies and gentlemen, All the players have been the end of the game.W:现在,女士们先生们。所有的选手已比赛结束。……M: It’s time to announce the final score of 20 contestants.W:20位选手的最终得分是……contestant No1 is contestant No2 iscontestant No3 is……M:Ladies and gentlemen, now here comes the most exciting moment!Contestants who win the honorable mention are ___、___ 、___ 、___ 、___ 、___Congratulations!Contestants who win The third prize are ___、___ 、___ 、___ 、___Congratulations!Contestants who win The second prize are ___、___、___ 、___Congratulations!Contestants who win The first prize are ___、___ 、___ Congratulations!Contestants who win The grand prize are ___、___ Congratulations!M:Let’s give another round of applause to all participants for their excellent performance today! As well as to our judges and guests for their fairness! And you, our audience, thank you for your patience and cooperation.W:感谢嘉宾与选手的参与,感谢到场的来宾,本次英语演讲大赛圆满结束,我们明年再见!

英语比赛主持稿 篇4


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主持人一、 good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i'm very pleased to be the hostess for today's ***petition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “wel***e new year”cup english speech contest. thank you for ***ing to this afternoon’s ***petition. in today's show.

there are 19 contestants.they are ***ing from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we'll make good use of this opportunity.各位老师、亲爱的同学们,很高兴今天能担任此次比赛的主持人,今天是我们职业中学首届“迎新年”杯英语演讲比赛,在今天的比赛中有19名选手参赛,他们是来自不同的年级不同的班级。


二、ok, now ,i think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.

评委:丁校长、金校长、崔主任、赵赟、彭志平、王海燕、李瑞珍、张靖雯、牟秀丽,let’s warmly wel***e大家欢迎!

三、ok,it’s time for show好,现在开始比赛

1、now. let's warmly wel***e contestant no.1 彭永霞 .

from class2 grade1,and contestant no.2 ,get ready ,please.

2、机电班:陈伟 contestant no.1 彭永霞 the last mark is ^



















六、and after all the contestants finished their speeches, let’s warmly wel***e our headmaster mr.ding to make remarks.

now, we are taking a break.

七、good afternoon, everyone. wel***e back to the 1th “wel***e new year”cup english speech contest. and now you are watching the final.

after our judges’ discussion, now the result has ***e out.

1、 first, i would like to announce the third winners:

2、and then, the second winners:

3、ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? how exciting the moment is!

right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners:

*** and ***

八、1、now,let’s wel***e the third winners to ***e onto the stage.

*** *** *** *** ***

and warmly wel***e our leaders to give awards to our winners.

2、and then second winners plea**.


3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.

九、well,how exciting today the contest is!

but ,now i have to say : that’s all , thank you!

答:win 0537-初级魔术师**2008-11-8 21:26相关内容


请看英语演讲比赛的主办方草稿!!!! 1 2008-1-1

各位大哥,大姐急求英语导游大赛的主持稿!快点好吗!! 2008-6-21

赶快!! 主持英语口语比赛! 最好是中文! 2 2008-1-6
















2009 baidu

英语比赛主持稿 篇5


the next one is contestant no.2 席雨.her topic is “the little red hen”.

let's wel***e. no.5 gets ready please.



let's continue the ***petition. the next will be no.3 徐畅远.

her topic is “the fox and grapes”and contestant no.4 gets ready please.


now it’s time for no.4 纪欣茹 to make a speech.her topic is “the bear,the tall man and the short man”.

no.5 gets ready please.



now let’s ***e to another topic“why do we learn english”.wel***e contestant no.5 曲悠扬.

and contestant no.6 gets ready please.


now let’s warmly wel***e contestant no.6 张程.her topic is “success”.

contestant no.7 gets ready please.


now let’s warmly wel***e contestant no.7 李钊合 .his topic is “i love english ”.

contestant no.8 gets ready please.


wel***e contestant no.8 于涵 . her topic is “mr dongguo”.

contestant no.9 gets ready please.


now it’s time for no.9 张心茹.her topic is “the three little pigs”.

contestant no.10 gets ready please.





wel***e contestant no.10 安虹霖.his topic is“hats and monkeys” and contestant no.

11 gets ready please.



now let’s warmly wel***e contestant no.10肖恬.her topic is“he shouted ‘wolf,wolf’”.








七、we are going to announce the winners.let’s wel***e the winners to ***e onto the stage.

1、first,i would like to announce the winners of the third prize:

2、and then,the winners of the second prize:

3、ladies and gentlemen ,here ***es the most exciting the moment!the winners of the first prize are:

8、 虽然我们的竞争已经结束,但我们相信学生们学习英语的热情将继续下去。希望您能通过自己的努力创造美好的未来!让我们一起努力吧!

九、that’s all for today’s contest,thank you!

(all全体): good evening,everyone.


(杨巧玲):my honoured teachers and my fellow students,now you are watching the 1th “showing youself and flying your dream”cup english speech contest of no.6 middle school.



(胡巧蕊):thank you for ***ing to this evening’s ***petition.


(杨巧玲):first of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests and judges tonight.


(胡巧蕊):our honoured headmaster – mr. chen . wel***e.






(杨巧玲):wel***e. now, let me introduce our contestants and the rules of tonight’s ***petition.


(胡巧蕊):there are 30 contestants to ***pete in tonight’s show.they are ***ing from different classes of different grades.


(杨巧玲):they will be divided into two groups -junior group and senior group.


(胡巧蕊):during the contest, for each student , you’ll have 3 minutes or so to give your speech.


(杨巧玲):ok. we hope we can exchange experiences on how to learn english better.they will be very useful for the students in our school.


(胡巧蕊):so i hope we'll make good use of this opportunity.believe youself and just hold it !


(杨巧玲):now,let's warmly wel***e our headmaster ,mr.chen to give us a short speech.


(杨巧玲):thank you ! mr. chen.


(胡巧蕊):ok, time for show ! let's warmly wel***e contestant no.

1杨巧玲.from junior group and contestant no.2 ,get ready ,please.


(杨巧玲):let's warmly wel***e contestant no.2陈琦文.and contestant no.3 ,get ready ,please.


(杨巧玲):let's warmly wel***e contestant no.3余嘉玲.and contestant no.4 ,get ready ,please.

英语比赛主持稿 篇6

多多乐首届英语口语比赛主持稿 开场白: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行多多乐首届英语口语风采大赛。

English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。

By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world.What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?

In today's show, there are 43 contestants.They come from different classes of different schools.But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。



Excellent!These 43 contestants give us a wonderful show.太棒了!感谢这43位选手给我们带来的精彩表演。


英语比赛主持稿 篇7


a: good morning,my dear teachers and fellow students. now you are watching the third english speech contest of puping middle school.

we are honored to host the ***petition

b:女士们,先生们,大家下午好 ,欢迎您来到普坪中学第三届英语演讲比赛的现场!我们很荣幸能够主持这场比赛

a: thank you for ***ing to this ***petition. in today's show, there are 22 contestants.

they are from different classes and different grades. they are ready to show themselves.


a: for this speech contest, the judges will judge you by the substance 、style and delivery of your speech.


a: ok, now, i think it’s better for me to introduce our excellent judges.

b: 现在,让我们为大家介绍一下今天到场的评委,他们是:

a: they arewel***e!


a: ok, time for show. let's warmly wel***e contestant no.

1 yang dandan. her topic is “my dream”

b: 演讲比赛现在开始,首先有请今天的第一位选手,杨丹丹,她的演讲题目是《我的梦想》。有请杨丹丹。

a: we live in china, china is our ***mon home, we are supposed to love her, we are proud of it. now let’s wel***e the next speaker, li zhenyun.

her topic is “i love you, china”

b: 我们都有一个家,名字叫中国,我们生于中国,长在中国,我们都应该爱她,为她骄傲,为她自豪,下面有请下一位选手,李贞云同学,她的演讲题目是《我爱你,中国》

a: everyone knows, water is very important to all the living things, nothing can live without water, so we must save every drop of water. now, wel***e the next speaker, huang dandan.

b: 众所周知,水对所有的生物都很重要,如果没有水,地球上就不会有任何生物,因此我们应该节约每一滴水。现在有请下一位选手,黄丹丹。他的演讲题目是《水》。

a:everyone must have a dream in their mind, and they will try their best to realize it. now, let’s enjoy “my future is not a dream”, given by


a: what is future, do you know? i am sure you will understand it after listening to the next speech “future is now”, given by xiong dayan.

b: 你知道未来是什么吗?如果你想知道的话,请认真聆听熊达燕为我们带来的演讲,《未来》

a: do you have a dream? i am sure your answer will be “yes”.

but is it a driver、 teacher or a farmer? it’s up to yourselves. let’s listen to chen jun’e’s speech and see what her dream is.


a: the next speaker , wang fei, will give us a wonderful speech, it’s also a poem, let’s wel***e her warmly.

b: 接下来,第一位高中的选手王飞将为我们带来一段精彩的演讲,也是一首诗歌,有请王飞。

a: do you want to know what our world be like in 50 years? if so, please listen to the next speech, given by liu yangling.

b: 你想知道50年之后,世界将会是什么样子吗?如果想,就让我们走进刘阳灵的演讲《**我们的未来》

a: i believe everyone wants to have a bright future. if you try your best to study hard, your future will be wonderful.

tomorrow will be wonderful. now let’s wel***e the next group, tang jinghua, liu xixi and liu wuxiu.

b: 我相信每个人都想拥有美好的未来。如果你付出了努力,你的明天一定会灿烂辉煌。下面有请下一个组合,刘茜茜,刘伍秀和汤景华。他们的演讲题目是《明天一定很精彩》

a:have you ever said thanks to your parents, your teachers and your friends? our teachers always tell us to have gratitude, i agree.

we should have a gratitude to our parents and all the people who care for us. now, let’s wel***e the next speakers, mao sha and shen nan. their topic is gratitude.

b: 对于你的父母,你的老师,你的朋友,你道过谢吗?我们学校的校训已经体现出来,思源,感恩。


a: now let’s wel***e the next speaker, yu yuchao, his topic is “my future will be bright”.

b: 下一位参赛选手是来自七年级(8)班的袁愈钞同学,他的演讲题目是《我的未来是光明的》

a: there are all kinds of colors in the world, such as red, yellow, green and so on. then, what is your favorite color?

xia chunxiang will tell us what her favorite color is.

b: 世界上五颜六色,红的,黄的,蓝的,紫的,那么你最喜欢的颜色谁什么呢?我们来听听夏春香最喜欢的颜色是什么。夏春香,有请。

a:in our school, some students hate english, while some like it very much, such as zhang mei, yang min and wang yali. now let’s wel***e the three beautiful girls.

b: 在每一所学校,对于英语这门学科,有喜欢她的,也有对它不感兴趣的,下面这三位女孩对于英语却格外青睐,看看他们是谁? 有请杨敏, 王娅莉,张梅。

a:in our life, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for lunch, what clothes to wear, so i think life is a choice.


a: i know everyone have his own dream, but our dream should relate to the reality, we shouldn’t have dream the we can never achieve, so never lose the vision of reality. now, the next speaker, wang defei, please.

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