
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


励志的句子作文(编辑 梦幻独角兽)作文可以让我们更好地理解他人,作文是我们传承文化和贡献社会的一种方式。写作文的时候切记不要去胡编乱造。小编为您整理的“[写作]英语作文开头结尾的摘抄”会成为您的学习良师,我们会继续努力优化和提升希望您能多多浏览我们的网站!


1. But it's a pity that… 但遗憾的是…

2. For all that…对于这一切…… In spite of the fact that…尽管事实……

3. Further, we hold opinion that… 此外,我们坚持认为,…

4. However , the difficulty lies in…然而,困难在于…

5. Similarly, we should pay attention to… 同样,我们要注意…

6. not(that)…but(that)…不是,而是

7. In view of the present station鉴于目前形势

8. As has been mentioned above…正如上面所提到的…

9. In this respect, we may as well (say) 从这个角度上我们可以说

10. However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is… 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …


1. I will conclude by saying… 最后我要说…

2. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that…因此,我们有理由相信…

3. All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that…它可以有把握地说……

4. Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable…因此,在我看来,更可取的是…

5. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论…

6. The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…通过数据我们得到的结论是,…

7. It can be concluded from the discussion that…从中我们可以得出这样的结论

8. From my point of view, it would be better if…在我看来……也许更好

9. Let's take…to illustrate this

10. let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this

11. Here is one more example


1. Take … for example

2. The same is true of…

3. This offers a typical instance of…

4. We may quote a common example of…Just think of…

5. Some people think that … 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

6. For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now多年来,……一直被视为……,但今天的.情况有很大的不同。

7. I believe the title statement is valid because… 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为…

8. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点的… I believe…

9. My argument for this view goes as follows我对这个问题的看法如下。

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