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励志的句子作文(编辑 智慧星)在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的国庆节英语作文带翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇1


Today is the 70th birthday of our motherland's mother. I beg my mother to take me to Huanggang, the hometown of many generals. The first one is Chibi.


When we get to Chibi, we can see all kinds of entertainment items as soon as we enter the gate: pirate boats, merry-go-round horses... After crossing the bridge, we entered the third gate. In front of it, there was a statue of Dongpo, about six meters high. It was like Zhongsu Shi holding a book behind him, wearing Dongpo scarf on his head and boots on his feet. It was like singing poems, giving people a heroic and elegant feeling.


After a while, we came to Poxian Pavilion, in which "Niannujiao - Chibi nostalgia" was written by Su Shi drunk, with strange writing style and recognized as a treasure.


Up the stairs, we came to Erfu Hall, which was named after Su Dongpo wrote Qian Chibi Fu and Hou Chibi Fu here.


Then we came to the museum and Guanli told me that Su Dongpo had been demoted to Huangzhou for four years and two months, but he wrote more than 220 poems, sixty-six poems and three Fus totaling more than 740, and his famous poems were all written during this period. He is not only good at music, mathematics, medicine, aesthetics and cooking, but also in agricultural water and stone research. He is generally acknowledged to be a versatile scholarly and versatile wizard. After reading it, I am filled with emotion. In such a situation, instead of being discouraged and decadent, Su Dongpo left such a masterpiece for our future generations. How can it not be awesome to learn?


After coming down from the mountain, we came to the corridor of revolutionary martyrs, including Marshal Lin Biao, General Wang Shusheng, General Wang Jian'an, Xu Shiyou and many other generals. According to statistics, there are one marshal, one general and eight general in Hubei Province. I admire them for their contributions to the founding of New China. When the sun set, we reluctantly left the Red Cliff.


This special National Day, I am very happy, because I learned a lot of knowledge that I did not know before. I hope I can often visit such places in the future.

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇2


National Day is coming. Im going to give myself a day off.


Ive always wanted to travel and buy a down jacket I like. Of course, I cant just think about playing, but I have to finish my homework. Ill make up all my homework, and then Ill go shopping with my mother. But when I go shopping, Ill be good at shopping. My mother may not agree, but I really want to be the master in this respect. You always dont let me. Im very aggrieved. Ive been thinking about this problem So, which day will be the Lord?


Mom, please give me this chance!

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇3

National Day is a great day. It is the day when our motherland was founded. Many people have done a lot for National Day.

My family's National Day is very interesting. In the morning, our family put on the clothes specially made for the National Day by our mother on the Internet. The dress is red, as fresh as the national flag, with four pentagons on it. I look very proud in this dress, because I think the national flag is the pride of every Chinese.

Mom and Dad get up in the morning and go out to buy food, but I'm tragically doing my homework here, my God! Shouldn't the National Day be happy? Why do I have to do my homework? A: Because I didn't finish my homework last night. Alas, the whole thing is a cup! I finished my homework when my parents came back. Guess what I bought? Hee-hee bought something to eat hot pot. Oh yeah! All morning's efforts are in vain. After eating hot pot, we played a lot of games at home, such as idioms, guessing riddles and so on. At night, we went to Shuisan to eat the old horse barbecue. It tasted good one by one! _________

What about? Is our National Day fun? Come and play!





国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇4

Home of the annual National Day arrived, square, the theater a new movie, my classmates and I watched a, really very nice, after you have read, dad agreed to go to my classmates home to play for a while, on the way to a classmates house, and a light rain began to fall, raindrops landed like tears from falling. To students, students in guzheng played a lovers, I feel good to listen. Classmate mother let me and classmates ate the fruit salad.

In the evening, dad took me out to dinner, have a mixed-race child yo. His father was a foreigner, and her mother is Chinese, he is super cute! Finished eating dinner, an aunt took me and brother to eat ice-cream. Went to bed after I go home, I made a sweet dream!

One day passed, and in this I also wish you all a happy National Day!




国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇5


Today is national day. It's mother's birthday. So we should celebrate our mother's birthday.


In the evening, I went to the fire palace with my parents. Along the way, I saw many cars and people. We went to snack street to have snacks. We had tofu, shrimp, lamb kebabs, chicken legs After eating the snacks, we went to the fire palace to play. As soon as I went to the fire palace, I saw many people and many things. After reading it, I said, "it's a happy National Day." With that, we went home happily.

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇6


Its a fine day today. My father and mother and I come to Jianmen pass, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province to have a visit.


There are so many people coming here to play. The traffic into the scenic area is always blocked, and we have been blocked for nearly two hours before we get to the entrance of the scenic area. As soon as I entered the scenic spot, I saw only the mountains and water. I asked my mother if this was Jianmen pass. Why did I only see the mountains and waters without seeing pass? My mother said, you can see Jianmen pass when you walk up this Jianmen Shu Road. I followed my father and mother to climb the mountain. The pines and cypresses on both sides of the road were even higher against the blue sky and white clouds. The stream running along the mountain road makes a loud sound, and many unknown birds chirp on the branch, as if to welcome us. After walking for more than an hour, we suddenly saw a loft between the two peaks. Dad said it was Jianmen pass.


There are three levels of Jianmen pass, 18 wide. 3 meters, height 19. Six meters was built by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period. The second floor of Jianmen pass is built in different ways. There are many concave forms in front of it, just like the city wall of Xian, but not in the back. Dad said: this is to defend the enemy from the front and build such an idiom, one man is at the gate, ten thousand men are not open thats where it is.. Jianmen pass stands here for thousands of years. It shows us Zhuge Liangs intelligence and military ability.


At this time, the sword gate is closed in the setting sun, which is even more magnificent.

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇7


Yeah! The annual National Day is coming, the whole country is celebrating, and my father is back. My family is going to Wanda to play together!


We took the No. 5 bus, but when our mother was ready to pay, the driver said, "no money today!" Its a surprise. It used to cost nothing to take the bus on national day.


On the way, rows of five-star red flags are flying in front of the store. There are many big, small, long and short ones! When we get to the destination, well go in and play. Playing in the amusement park is on the rise, and a sisters sweet voice suddenly rings in a nearby painting place, saying that she can paint with food coloring on a sushi like food, and there is a reward after painting! Adults and children swarmed up, which was immediately surrounded by three floors. I cant see it now. I can only play in that paradise. I cant see it at all. Since I cant see it, I can use listening.


After ten minutes, the voice rang again, "look, this kid wrote 70 here, this kid drew Tiananmen Gate..." Listen, I want to see it, but I can only stay where I am, how helpless! Soon the activity was over. Watching the winning children leave happily with their prizes, I was happy and lost for them. Fortunately, I could play other games, such as ocean balls and small rooms Theres everything here.


Later, we played ocean ball. When we were tired, we lay on it. My brother and sister buried me when I didnt pay attention. As soon as I opened my eyes, my brother and sister pretended to play there as if nothing had happened. I was very angry. I took a ball and threw it. My brother and sister also threw it


Tired of playing, we also went home. Along the way, mom and dad also talked with us a lot of other happy things. Today is really a good day, both happy and happy, ha ha!

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇8


This years National Day holiday, my parents and I came to the beautiful Jinsha lake to play. There are beautiful scenery, beautiful lake water and my favorite sand. I rolled up my trousers and felt comfortable walking barefoot on the beach. One foot down, loose and soft, like stepping on a carpet. I tried the temperature of the lake. Its warm! Therefore


I ran into the lake happily. I leaned down, grabbed the sand in the lake and threw it into the distance. The water splashed my fathers clothes. My mother and I laughed loudly. My father laughed when he found out


Under the sun, we are reluctant to leave. Mom and dad and I agreed to come here to play next time