
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


励志的句子句子大全(编辑 笑面虎)he is not only fish in the sea!天涯何处无芳草!经过搜索的结果编辑整理了一些与英语短句子相关的信息,你会关注哪种句子呢?沟通可以帮助人们解决情感问题,微博里也能看到好句分享,很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动。


1、Possessions are plentiful; time is scarce.(如今物质足够丰富,但时间特别稀缺。)

2、The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals.(这个地方的狮子捕食鹿和其他野生动物。)

3、This is the lesson I took from my mother: If perfection were possible, it would not be motivating.(这是我从母亲那里学到的一课:如果完美是可能的,它就不会激励人。)

4、The stench of death mingled with the stench of urine.(死亡的臭味与尿臭味混搅在一起。)

5、It's okay to indulge yourself on occasion - just don't let it get out of control.(把自己投入到某个场景里是没错—不过不要让它失控。)

6、One man was in the pickup harness, facing the path of the aircraft.(有一名男子身上系好了安全带,面对着飞机飞来的方向。)

7、To which Bob replied, "I came for a urine test!(鲍勃答道:“我是来尿检的!”)

8、Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

9、The umpire declared that we won the game.(裁判员宣布我们在比赛中得胜。)

10、In the car she reverted to the subject uppermost in her mind. "You know, I really believe what Grandma told you."(在车里她又提起了她头脑里最重要的话题:“你知道,我确实相信奶奶告诉你的那些事。”)

11、These include Pancoast tumor, neurofibromas and cubital tunnel syndrome.(这些包括肺上沟瘤、纤维神经瘤和肘管综合征。)

12、The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.(因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了。)

13、The Committee of Vigilance pounced on the letter.(警戒委员会自然是如获至宝,还围绕着这份信设下了一个圈套。)

14、What did one tonsil say to the other?(一只扁桃体对另一只扁桃体说什么?)

15、Other scientists noticed the same lack of solar perfection and proclaimed the fact.(其他科学家也注意到同样缺乏完美的太阳,并宣布了这个事实。)

16、The boy has infected tonsil, and we should remove them as soon as possible.(这孩子的扁桃体受到感染了。我们要尽快把它切除。)

17、In a 1757 essay, the philosopher David Hume argued that because "the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature", the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent.(哲学家大卫·休谟在1757年的一篇文章中谈到,因为人类的审美具有共同性,所以一些艺术作品的价值可能是永恒的。)

18、A man apt to promise is apt to forget!喜欢随便许诺的人就喜欢健忘。(轻诺者健忘)

19、The mailman would arrive on a motor-scooter, sputtering up the switchbacks of the driveway; the farm plow was horse-drawn.(当年,邮差是踩着机动滑板车,穿行在乡间蜿蜒起伏的车道上,一路发出突突声。那时的犁是用马拉的。)

20、And because the trimmer can be turned off and on with the flip of a switch, it is also more convenient than gas-fueled models: There's no temptation to idle it.(而且由于这款剪草机只需轻按按钮就能开关,因此它比汽油动力的型号用起来也更方便:你有什么理由拒绝它呢?)


21、Tim Harford's book "The Undercover Economist" (Little, Brown) is out now in paperback.(蒂姆·哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(TheUndercoverEconomist)(小布郎出版社(Little,Brown))目前已经出版平装本。)

22、As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.(一天早晨,格里高尔·萨姆沙从不安的睡梦中醒来,发现自己躺在床上变成了一只巨大的甲虫。)

23、Face the difficult things with a heart of letting go.以放下之心,面对难舍的事。

24、The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil.(在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主。)

25、There was a longish pause.(有一个略长的停顿。)

26、Downing Street spokesman said: "We did not participate in the vote."(唐宁街发言人说:“我们没有参加投票。”)

27、Format: Trade Paperback, 192 pages.(版式:大型平装本,192页。)

28、Happiness isn't on the road to anything. Happiness is the road.

29、The dress shows off her figure to perfection.(这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。)

30、Lastly comes the question which is uppermost in most minds, the most treacherous question of all-that of retaliation.(最后一个问题是在所有被关心问题中最重要的,也是最危险的——关于报复的问题。)

31、"Love what you do, do what you love." 这句最美英文研究不仅鼓励我们追求热爱的事物,同时也告诫我们要热爱自己的工作。

32、Otherwise, taxis are cheap and plentiful.(另外,的士既多又便宜。)

33、looking back!


35、After a pause, his brother said to the servants, "You have observed him."(歇了一会儿,他弟弟对仆人们说:“你们已经看到他了。”)


37、But there is no sign yet of a convincing pickup in tax revenues.(但是还没有迹象表明税收收入有力上涨。)

38、Uniqlo also sits at the vanguard of retail Web sites, with a stunning online home designed by the pioneering Yugo Nakamura.(前卫设计师中村勇吾为优衣库设计的美轮美奂的在线销售网站,也使优衣库的销售网站成为网站设计界的时尚大师。)

39、The length of the lever of bone that the Achilles tendon pulls on also differed, being a quarter shorter in sprinters.(他们还发现,跟腱拉伸时所产生的“杠杆长度”也有差别,短跑运动员的“杠杆长度”要短四分之一。)

40、Gossip is unavoidable.(闲话总是不可避免的。)


41、On sunday they pray for you,on monday they prey on you.(资本家)礼拜天他们为你祈祷,礼拜

42、Liang ran into a riot in a factory when she was on duty for the first time.(梁思敏第一次当班就赶上了一起工厂闹事。)

43、We don't have kitchen lockers, so our cookies are in the tub under the hanging towel.(我们没有厨房储物柜,所以我们的饼干放在悬挂毛巾下面的饭盒里。)

44、Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.(你们法利赛人有祸了。因为你们喜爱会堂里的首位,又喜爱人在街市上问你们的安。)

45、One way is to stop a stream of urine, mid-flow.(一种办法是在小便的时候停止,再尿。)

46、One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.(一天清晨,当格雷戈尔·萨姆沙从恼人的梦中惊醒时,发现自己在床上变成了一只可怕的害虫。)

47、Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.(某些传染病只通过害虫和昆虫来传播。)

48、It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.(力求达到她的完美标准,有时是很累人的。)

49、You are the one who I am loath to bully.How can I let others tease you?

50、You were going to tickle her in the wrong way.(你用错误的方式去逗她。)

51、The longer he spoke with the boatmen, the more unintelligible did their language become to him.(他和船夫说话的时间越长,他越难以理解他们的语言。)

52、tickle in your throat.(你的喉咙发痒。)

53、To evaluate the early diagnosis ways of the tonsil mycosis.(目的:探讨扁桃体真菌病的早期诊断方法。)

54、w you've finally got enough money together to put a down payment on your dream home.(现在你终于凑足了钱,可以为你梦寐以求的房子交首付款了。)

55、Tuberculosis kills 1500 each day.(结核每天造成1500人死亡。)

56、Capture a vermin swiftly to field, the tail poisons needle match weapon.(飞到田间捉害虫,尾巴毒针赛刀枪。)

57、She goes on duty in half an hour.(半小时后她开始值班。)

58、Sometimes after the deals are done, buyers hustle outside for a pickup fight.(有时刚一成交,买主们就忙不迭地到外面斗起蟋蟀来了。)

59、The degree of contrast will also be diminished by the presence of some vagrant ordinary light .(反差度还将因某些杂散自然光的存在而降低。)

60、Where on earth did you spring from?(你究竟是从哪儿冒出来的?)


61、Taylor, at times, turned Burton into a philosopher.(泰勒,不时地将伯顿变成哲学家。)

62、There will be a penalty for late payment of bills.(账单拖延付款要收滞纳金。)

63、will cool.

64、"He knows my name, boy," my father said after a long pause.(父亲停了好一会儿才说:“他知道我的名字,孩子。”)

65、He seems to be a bit of a philosopher.(他像个思想家似的。)

66、The authorities had budgeted for some non-payment.(政府部门在预算中已考虑到一些未付款项。)

67、The peasants were astonished, and said, "Peasant, from whence do you come?"(农夫们都感到震惊,问道:“农夫,你从哪儿来?”)

68、She began stacking plates on the trolley.(她开始把盘子摞在手推餐车里。)

69、fire fighting vehicle is always staying near the runway, it is on duty.(总有一辆消防车在跑道旁边待命。这辆消防车正在值班。)

70、The husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board, and receptionist.(夫妻地位就像俄国沙皇和农民、董事长和接待员。)

71、What if the innocent man was on a bridge over the trolley and you had to push him onto the track to stop the train?(如果一个无辜的人站在火车上的桥上,你会将他推倒在铁轨上来阻止火车么?)

72、Your tendon has already been yanked around too much, and stretching, at least at first, will hurt more than help.(你的跟腱已经被拉得很厉害了,拉伸,至少开始的拉伸会加重伤害而不是帮助恢复。)

73、If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.(如果你希望建立一种新的关系,开始时就要小心缓慢行事。)

74、You'll never look at your tub the same way again!(您再也不会以相同的方式看浴缸!)

75、Where is it best to hide a pebble?(哪里是隐藏一颗卵石最佳的地方?)

76、But the lessons of the economic crisis will be uppermost in his thoughts, he says.(但他表示,经济危机的教训将是他考虑的首要问题。)

77、After a short pause, I opened the box.(停了一下之后,我打开了这个盒子。)

78、As he lay on a trolley, waiting to be seen in a heaving emergency room, his cries of pain escalated.(他倚靠在手推车上,等着进急诊室就诊时,喊痛的声音越来越大。)

79、Want to participate in the pillow-flinging action?(想要参加枕头大战活动吗?)

80、Managing extensions by turning them off and on can be a major hassle, especially since it requires a restart of the browser - but there is a solution.(关闭或开启扩展可能是一个大麻烦,特别是它需要重新启动浏览器-但这里有一个解决办法。)


81、When reading books,start from the easy to the difficult,and then from the redundant to the You can’t go anywhere without english.不懂英语寸步难行。

82、The philosopher, Plato, talks about this in the context of education.(哲学家柏拉图在教育(学生)时提到过这一点。)

83、w, as to what kinds of knowledge claims are foundational, well, that's where this gets particularly interesting, in fact it sort of depends on which philosopher you ask.(至于什么样的知识主张是基础性的,这就是这个问题特别有趣的地方,事实上这取决于你问的是哪个哲学家。)

84、All you need to do is get the old paperback from your basement.(所有您需要做的就是从地下室的旧平装书。)

85、They refused to vaccinate their own children.(他们拒绝给他们自己的小孩接种。)

86、There was a considerable pause, while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.(这一阵相当长的沉默里,男孩们在心里议论着这件事。)

87、He was a peasant in his early years.(他早年是个农民。)

88、Kill this vermin!(杀了这害虫!)

89、went with them out to the veranda.(我跟他们一起到外面游廊上去。)

90、And LEDs can already easily triple the 10,000 hours or so of lifetime for compact fluorescent light bulbs, which are in today's lighting vanguard.(如今比较先进的荧光灯技术使用寿命为1万小时。而LED的使用寿命可以轻松地达到它的三倍。)

91、You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have.(你很容易被生活中的问题所困扰,而忘记停下来欣赏你所拥有的东西。)

92、"How on earth did she get it?"—"I dunno."(“她究竟是如何弄到它的?”—“我不知道。”)

93、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days

94、Months later, he ruptured his Achilles tendon playing basketball, hindering his work as a janitor.(几个月后他在打篮球的时候脚跟腱断裂,不能做看门人的工作了。)

95、and be sad.

96、"You can't get a penny if you fail," said the lady.(“如果你失败了,你一分钱都拿不到。”这位女士说。)

97、Dream three years, three years of pain.

98、He won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2002.(萨尔斯顿爵士于2002年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。)

99、Actually space technology helps people on Earth every day.(实际上,太空技术每天都在帮助着地球上的人们。)

100、On occasion, the two women went to lunch and she came home offended by some pettiness.(一次偶然的机会,两个女人一起去吃午餐,其中一个被一些小事弄得很不愉快。)


101、Inventors have given us the antibiotic and the air bag, the plow and the Predator drone.(发明家创造出抗生素和安全气囊,扫雪机还有掠夺者无人机。)

102、Toth has applied these criteria to the similarly made pebble tools from a number of early sites.(托特已将这些标准应用于许多早期的网站上。)

103、The delisting also allows ranchers to shoot wolves that prey on their stock or threaten pets.(被从保护名单中删去以后,灰狼也可在攻击家畜和宠物时由牧场主们猎杀。)

104、Tuberculosis is a disease that has come full circle.(结核是一种兜了一圈又回到原地的疾病。)

105、His grandmother is washing him and his brother in the tub.(他的祖母正在给在浴缸里的他和他的弟弟洗澡。)

106、Work together! Whether in our personal lives or our jobs, we need the spirit of teamwork!(一起工作吧!无论是在个人生活还是工作中,我们都需要团队精神!)

107、can understand why astronauts find it difficult to readjust to life on earth.(我能明白为什么宇航员们发现难以重新适应地球上的生活。)

108、He'd lived in the same house for decades and drove an old pickup truck.(他几十年来一直没有搬过住宅,驾着一辆老式的敞篷货车。)

109、The upper fifth is on fire, multiple floors.(较高的五层着火了,有好几层楼。)

110、It rains off and on.(雨忽而下,忽而停。)

111、His house caught on fire.(他的房子着火了。)

112、Our vigilance never languished.(我们的警惕性从来没有放松过。)

113、Persuasion tip: Be the first to give.(说服窍门:先给予。)

114、The collar exclaimed, and then it was taken out of the washing-tub.(衬衫领子惊呼着,然后,它被从洗衣盆里取出来了。)

115、Few cases of absolute commensalism probably exist, because it is unlikely that one of the partners will be completely unaffected.(绝对共栖的案例可能很少,因为其中一方不太可能完全不受影响。)

116、tired you can not see my broken heart you can not hear.

117、Unproductive, but perhaps unavoidable.(毫无收益,但是可能却无法避免。)

118、Does it hurt to pass urine?/when I press here?(排尿时痛吗?/当我按压这儿时痛吗?)

119、Losses are an unavoidable component of trading.(亏损是交易不可避免的元素。)

120、w stood there an old peasant-woman, who came from Soroe, where grass grows in the market-place.(她是一个锄草的农妇,她来自苏洛——那儿的市场上长着许多草。)


121、From Day 1, Iran's women stood in the vanguard.(从第一天起,伊朗的妇女们就站在前列。)

122、He rolled the trolley across the room.(他推着手推车穿过房间。)

123、The names in Listing 8 are all but unintelligible.(清单8中的名称都是难以理解的。)

124、must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.(我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。)

125、The vegetables were cooked to perfection.(这些蔬菜烧的火候恰到好处。)

126、I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection!(我还在学习,别指望我十全十美!)

127、The amount of oil and natural gas in the Earth was still plentiful.(地球上的石油和天然气储量仍然丰富。)

128、Only real men can participate in the racing.(只有真正的男人才能参加这项比赛。)

129、The penny meters are slowly being replaced by electronic ones that take nickels, dimes, and quarters.(接受1美分硬币的收费表正逐渐被接受5美分、10美分和25美分的电子收费计所取代。)

130、The study was published in Physiology & Behavior.(该研究成果已经在《生理与行为》上发表。)

131、Physiology and evolutionary theory alike offer explanations for this tendency.(生理和演化理论都解释了这种趋势。)

132、The uppermost floors will feature the world's highest non-enclosed observation deck.(最高楼层将以世界最高的非封闭式观察台为特色。)

133、The negotiation will begin on schedule.(谈判按期举行。)

134、"While we teach, we learn," said Roman philosopher Seneca.(“教书时,我们也在学习。”罗马哲学家塞内加说。)

135、Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents.(为了避免意外事故,必须经常保持警惕。)

136、Fixed vagrant camp selection issue.(固定的流浪汉营地的选择问题。)

137、The tumor will soon be resolved.(这个肿瘤很快就会消掉的。)

138、Payment will be remitted to you in full.(报酬将会全额汇寄给你。)

139、But perhaps I missed something important in my mother's lessons about creativity and perfection.(但也许我忘了母亲传授的关于创造力和完美品格的某些重要经验。)

140、Participate in a support group.(参加支援团体。)


141、know a lot of groups were waiting for the paperback release.(因为我知道很多的阅读小组正在等待简装本的发售。)


143、He threw them into a large, empty tub.(他把它们扔进一个空的大浴盆里。)

144、man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有男人或女人值得你为他(她)流眼泪的,值得的那一位,舍不得让你哭。 经典爱情语句.

145、The novel was reissued in paperback.(这本小说重新发行了平装本。)

146、And while most harvesting is still done manually, some have abandoned the ox-pulled plow for tractors.(因为大部分收割还是手工的,有些人已经废弃了使用牛拉犁而改用拖拉机。)

147、I'm the pebble in your shoe, reminding you to tread lightly.(我是你鞋里的鹅卵石,随时提醒你小心行事。)

148、He raised chickens and corn.(他养鸡、种玉米。)

149、In the late 1700s James Watt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon applied to a variety of industrial uses as it became cheaper to use.(18世纪晚期,詹姆斯·瓦特设计了一种高效的、商业上可行的蒸汽机,随着它的使用成本越来越低,它很快被应用于各种工业用途。)

150、Therefore, the planned introduction into that region of ant flies, which prey on Loma ants, would benefit public health.(因此,计划引进以洛马蚁为食的蚁蝇进入该地区将有利于公共健康。)

151、Tuberculosis treatment is more successful.(结核病治疗更为成功。)

152、Once more, Pinocchio's head and hands said, "I haven't a penny."(再一次,皮诺乔用脑袋和手示意:“我一分钱也没有。”)

153、Monks muttered some unintelligible words, but wavered still .(蒙克斯含含糊糊不知说了什么,但还在踌躇。)

154、Even now, I still start my day with making the bed to perfection.(即使是现在,我仍然以将床铺整理得一丝不苟开始我的一天。)

155、The proportion of diarrhoea cases with dehydration and the proportion of ARI cases with pneumonia were significantly lower in districts with interventions.(在实施干预措施的地区,伴有脱水症状的腹泻病例的比例与伴有肺炎症状的急性呼吸道感染病例的比例明显较低。)

156、When is it coming out in paperback ?(这本书的平装本什么时候出版?)

157、Winona is fiercely patriotic.(威诺娜极度爱国。)

158、know for a fact that baby corn is very expensive in Europe.(我确实知道玉米笋在欧洲是非常昂贵的。)

159、These thoughts were uppermost in my mind.(我心里想的最多的就是这些事。)

160、They fumigated the house to kill the vermin.(他们熏蒸房子以杀死毒虫。)


161、local peasant led the guerrillas through the forest.(一位当地的农民领着游击队员穿过森林。)

162、Unlike at that time, when the bridge was raining, you hated them.不似当时,小桥冲雨,幽恨两人知。

163、The EWG added that exposure can also cause epigenetic changes, meaning alterations in the way genes switch off and on and genetic changes that can be passed on to the next generation.(EWG补充说暴露在PBA下还会导致遗传性变异,意味则各种基因的变异能够遗传到一下代身上。)

164、am not a medical specialist but what they took off is what you call the plantaris tendon.(我并不是医学专家,但是他们取出的是拓肌肌腱。)

165、Colour Sgt Todd snapped his Achilles tendon just before leaving the UK, leaving him unable to run.(就在即将离开英国的时候,托德上士的跟腱撕裂让他不能再跑步了。)

166、The measurement of urine kynurenic is acid by high-performance liquid chromatography.(用高效液相色谱法测定尿中尿碱含量。)

167、Named Nephila Komaci, the species of golden orb weavers usually eats insects but it can also prey on small birds, bats and even lizards.(这种金丝圆蛛被命名为NephilaKomaci,通常以昆虫为食,但也可以猎捕小型鸟类、蝙蝠甚至蜥蜴。)

168、There were no significant differences in urine 8-isoprostanes among 3 groups before or after intervention(P>0.05).(三组间干预前后尿8-异前列烷浓度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。)

169、He was used to throwing each pebble into the sea as soon as he picked it up.(他习惯了一捡起鹅卵石就把它扔进海里。)

170、Chettiar was released on account of illness.(切蒂亚尔因病获释。)

171、The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample.(医生取了尿样和血样。)

172、have been learning English off and on for 12 years.(我断断续续学了12年的英语了。)

173、Teamwork taps into one of the basic drivers of human behaviour.(团队合作是人类行为的基本驱动力之一。)


175、Rev. Maclean: you can love completely without completely

176、congenital lip deformity caused him to speak in a nasal, almost unintelligible whisper.(天生的嘴唇畸形致使他说话带有鼻音,耳语般几乎听不大清。)

177、One of his grouches is the system of payment.(他的牢骚之一是薪酬体制。)

178、Toys for the tub?(浴缸里的玩具?)

179、Nothing is more beautiful than home, nothing is more beautiful than parents.没有比故乡美,没有比父母亲。

180、Dickon was quite simple and unaffected about it.(狄肯很单纯,完全不受影响。)


181、When it comes to physiology, the leatherback turtle is, in some ways, more like a reptilian whale than a turtle.(就生理机能而言,棱皮龟从某种程度上来说更像一只爬虫类的鲸,而非海龟。)

182、These vagrant children are from impoverished families in the under-developed remote rural areas.(这些流浪儿童来自经济欠发达的偏远农村地区的贫困家庭。)

183、Brain tumors. A tumor is a swelling caused by overgrown tissue.(肿瘤是由过度生长的组织导致的肿块。)

184、Some people deliberately pick up a basket rather than collect a trolley in supermarkets, to prevent themselves from buying too much.(在超市里,有些人故意拿一个购物篮,而不是推一辆手推车,以免买得太多。)

185、The stop/start-enginenotifications could switch the engine off and on automatically, or they couldtrigger alerts to the driver to turn it off/on manually.(这种引擎开/关通知可以自动地在开启与关闭之间切换,或者该系统也可以给司机发送“戒备信号”让司机自己动手开启或关闭汽车引擎。)

186、He peeled the paper top off a little white tub and poured the cream into his coffee.(他撕去一个白色小杯的纸盖子,把奶油倒进他的咖啡。)

187、Another pause, and more eying and sidling around each other.(两人暂停了一会儿,又互相注视着,侧着身子互相兜着圈子走。)

188、Well perhaps she didn't want you to tickle her tummy.(可能她不想让你去逗她。)

189、he is not only fish in the sea!天涯何处无芳草!

190、This cancer starts out as a tumor on their faces.(癌症初期,袋獾的面部生出肿瘤。)

191、Children can be protected from pneumonia, it can be prevented with simple interventions, and treated with low-cost, low-tech medication and care.(儿童可以被保护从而免受肺炎的影响,因为肺炎可用简单的干预措施进行预防,并可用低成本、低技术含量的药物和医护进行治疗。)

192、Human physiology differs from patient to patient, so does the physiology of poverty.(人体生理学反映在患者身上各各不同,贫困生理学同此理。)

193、Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells had tapering nuclei with long, delicate cytoplasmic processes associated with prominent subplasmalemmal pinocytotic vesicles.(在超微结构上,肿瘤细胞具有逐渐变细的细胞核,且细胞核具有长而细腻的胞浆突起,并与突出的浆膜下的胞吞小泡相关。)

194、But the findings emphasize the need for continued vigilance.(但研究结果强调,需要继续保持警惕。)

195、LARGE sharks, such as the Great White and Tiger, generally prey on big Marine mammals.(体型较大的鲨鱼,比如大白鲨和虎鲨,一般以大个头的海洋哺乳动物为食。)

196、Wild animals; and vermin.(野生动物,和寄生虫。)

197、He saw that the corn was almost all gone.(他看到玉米几乎都被吃光了。)

198、Every day, trains, trolley-buses, and trams take us to and from work.(每天,火车、无轨电车和有轨电车载着我们上下班。)

199、Flack said it was too early to know whether the benefits of plentiful food outweighed the risks of feeding on landfills.(Flack说,现在要判断食物充足的好处是否大于垃圾填埋的风险还为时过早。)



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