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  • 高考英语励志名言59句

    “好事不出门,坏事传千里。-john milton(英国诗人,弥尔顿)。”"激发思考提升认知跟随高考英语励志名言知识合集励志的句子小编一起前行",用积极的心态面对生活中的一切你会发现奇迹。眼看高考就要来了,大家要向前看,相信自己,从容发挥出最好的实力,对正在高考的人,一句简单的祝福语都能给他莫大的帮助。相信自己可以轻松面对,微笑答题,等待最美好的成绩。




    3、learn to walk before you run.

    4、mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.

    5、the way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts.

    6、man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.

    7、the man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.

    8、人一定要有自信心,这也是完成的密秘。 -- 查理卓别林


    10、the ideals which have lighted my way,and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness,beauty and truth.


    12、vel is a mirror walking along a main road.


  • 英语高考励志名言27条

    lies have short legs.随着高考脚步的临近,学生们的学习节奏变得更加紧凑。我们要大声把高考祝福表达出来,为各位高考学子送去最真挚的祝福。让我们祝他们考完之后都能春风得意。你印象比较深刻的高考祝福有哪些?励志的句子特地为大家精心收集和整理了“英语高考励志名言”, 欢迎阅读,希望你能阅读并收藏。

    1、教育最主要的目的,不是教你挣得面包,而是使每一口面包都香甜。-j. angell(美国心理学家安吉尔)

    2、纯粹的、完全的哀愁和纯粹的、完全的欢乐一样都是不可能的。-leo tolstoy(俄国文学家托尔斯泰)

    3、failure is the mother of success. -- thomas paine

    4、knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.

    5、每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。-edward gibbon(英国历史学家吉朋)

    6、the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

    7、what i always want to say tells you: the exam is going well, work hard together!

    8、what is in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

    9、circumstances?i make circumstances!英雄造时势。

    10、consider things from every angle。思考问题要全面。

    11、愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。-marcel proust(法国作家普鲁斯特)

    12、learn to walk before you run.

    13、cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- thomas carlyle

    14、lies have short legs.

    15、kings have long arms.

    16、let sleeping dogs lie.


  • 高考励志英语名言38条

    “learn not and know not.”点击进入励志的句子为您编辑的关于“高考励志英语名言”的最新发现。光阴似箭,岁月如梭,高考的脚步慢慢近了,我们可以给学子们送上自己的祝福,让他们能够在高考中取得理想成绩。今年高考希望大家都能取得很成绩,考上好大学,走上人生巅峰。供您参考的句子已经整理好了请将本页添加到收藏夹!

    1、experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficult than their tongues.

    2、experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.

    3、the very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me.

    4、knowledge makes humble,ignorance makes proud。博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

    5、mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.

    6、when an end is lawful and obligatory,the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory.

    7、teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

    8、对于过去不幸的记忆,构成了新的不幸。-miguel de cervantes(西班牙作家,塞万提斯)

    9、the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

    10、建立在商务基础上的友谊胜过建立在友谊基础上的商务。-john davision rockefeller(美国实业家洛克菲勒)

    11、嫉妒者对别人是烦恼,对他们自己却是折磨。-william penn(英国海军上将佩恩)

    12、kings go mad,

  • 英语高考励志名言精选72句

    life without a friend is death.不经意间高考又要来临,让我们迎着朝霞出发吧。高考期间我们不能忽视互相问候,要把祝福语送给高考学子,祝愿高考的每一位学子考试时沉着冷静,高考马到成功。您还在为写好高考祝福语而烦恼吗?在此,你不妨阅读一下英语高考励志名言, 如果合你所需,不妨马上收藏本页。


    1、never say die.永不气馁!

    2、名字有什么关系?把玫瑰花叫做别的名称,它还是照样芳香。-william shakespeare(英国剧作家莎士比亚)

    3、consider things from every angle。思考问题要全面。

    4、one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us.

    5、what is in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


    7、愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。-marcel proust(法国作家普鲁斯特)

    8、let sleeping dogs lie.

    9、when the waterfall crosses the precipitous and steep wall, it is particularly magnificent.

    10、cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- thomas carlyle

    11、like a rat in a hole.

    12、mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.

    13、ideal is the beacon.without ideal,there is no secure direction;without direction,there is no life.

    14、ten days is not lo

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